It didn't take long for the headset to hear the responses of the hacker team members one by one.

"Report, the West Personnel are in place, over.

Hadron's voice was the first to sound.

"Report, the east side is in place, done. The

second is Geng Jihui's voice.


, I'm in place, done. The

last person to speak was the old cannon with the smell of on his body, and although his voice was not small, it was still full of grievances.

The boss's words, what a pooping person, really hurt him in the heart.

Chen Jun didn't pay much attention to it, and let out a low roar, "Enter."

"Yes. At the

sound of an order, all the team members took action, and then entered the villa according to their own position, infiltrating in different directions.

Although the old cannon was covered in, his movements were not affected, and after entering the corridor through a window, he quickly reached the third floor.

When he came to the door of the room where Kunsha was, he suddenly raised his foot full of feces and kicked the door open.

Boom! The

huge knock on the door directly woke up the four people who were intoxicated with adult games.


Kun Sha's face changed drastically, and in a panic, he grabbed a place covered by a horn, looked at the old cannon and shouted, "Who are you, why did you trespass into the private house?"

The old cannon sneered, "Yo, Kun Sha boss, it's very exciting, one fights three."

At this time, behind him, Hadron also rushed in, "Surprise? I'm here to send you to death." Hearing

this, Kun Sha immediately realized that something was wrong, and his face turned slightly pale.

These armed guys can get in, and I guess the people outside are all killed.

"Who are you, why are you here?" Thinking

that his situation was not good, Kun Sha was not so hard, and asked Lao Cannon in a tentative tone, while looking at it.

These people who suddenly broke in, all of them were fully armed, full of strong momentum, with the faces of locals, and they looked like they should be locals.

The strange thing is that if it were a local, no one would dare to touch

him?" "Who are you and what is the purpose?"

Kun Sha was very puzzled, and then saw a young man behind him with a full face walking in.

The person who came was Chen Jun, in fact, he had already come, but he didn't come in immediately, but used his hacking skills to scan the villa and walk in after confirming that it was safe.

Chen Jun glanced at the naked Kun Sha indifferently, and sneered: "Kun Kun, it's too much to disturb the sexual interest." Hearing

this, Kun Sha seemed to have been touched and became furious, "Who are you Tema, what are you doing here?"

Although the words sounded tough, in essence, Kun Sha's heart was like a plate of sand, which could be scattered when touched.

There is no way, now, he has no one in his hands, he is still naked, and it is difficult to save himself.

The point is that this group of people obviously came prepared, and it was not so easy to get out.

Thinking of this, Kun Sha couldn't help but feel a sense of grievance in his heart.

In particular, he finally came over to relax once, and he wanted to do a big job after he went back, but as soon as he came over, he was targeted.

You must know that he has cleared his identity and is now a general, but a politician, once he is targeted by a dog, he can't be nonsense at all.

It's even more impossible to do big things!

This is the place where he relaxes, so he can't let too many people know about it, so he pretends to be an elephant farm.

Who knew that the situation was like this, and there were still people chasing here.

This situation is complicated!

Kunsha racked his brain, his brain was running very fast, to see if there was a way to save himself.

Chen Jun was indifferent and said, "I'm not here to report to you, put on your clothes, otherwise, I'll drag you out like this."

"Yes, yes.

Kun Sha calculated in his mind, but still didn't find a way to save himself, and when he heard Chen Jun's words, he immediately trembled slightly and ran to find his clothes.

At this time, the three naked female soldiers on the side also trembled and began to look for clothes.

I have to say that these three ordinary female soldiers have never experienced the picture of a battle, and their souls are about to be scared away, all of them are pale, and in a panic, they almost can't even find their clothes.

On the side, the old cannon shook his head when he looked at it, such a woman has no character, and she is also a walking dead when she is alive.

To sell oneself for the sake of profit is to die.

Chen Jun saw Lao Pao's eyes fluttering, and said coldly: "You guys, what do you look at, I haven't seen a woman, I'm stunned." "


Hearing this, the strong sons were embarrassed, they did glance at it a few more times just now, but it didn't mean that.

Besides, in such a situation, who is interested in such a woman.

The old cannon and the hadron are all embarrassed and aggrieved.

In desperation, after the three women were dressed, Lao Pao and the others walked up directly and started to stun them.

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