Men love cars as much as they love guns.

Seeing that the intelligence officer suddenly drove a tall, tough, and powerful off-road vehicle over, Song Kaifei and the others immediately forgot about the rickety helicopter that gave people a particularly insecure feeling, and immediately walked towards the car.

Seeing everyone coming around, the intelligence officer laughed, "This car is okay."

Song Kaifei was the first to nod, "Yes, very much." The

old cannon immediately raised his hand, "Wait, I'll drive, I'm most familiar with off-road vehicles."

"Are you sure you can drive? We don't want to be wheeled all the way through like a helicopter."

"Isn't it just an off-road vehicle?"

Chen Jun walked up from behind, saw these guys looking at the car, their eyes lit up, and they shook their heads speechlessly.

Guy who has never seen the world, just an off-road vehicle, as for it?

Chen Jun complained in his heart, shook his head and shook off these scattered thoughts, and looked down at his watch.

Local time, exactly 8 p.m.

Chen Jun put away his eyes, looked up at Song Kaifei and said, "Get in the car."

"Yes. As

soon as the old cannon got into the car, he sat directly in the cab position, and just sat down, he directly stepped on the accelerator.


off-road vehicle made a loud roar, the body shook suddenly, and the next second, like a wild horse, rushed out, and at the same time, laughter and scolding sounded in the car.

"Old cannon, what the hell are you doing, just your driving skills, you also want to play off-road vehicles, and you are shaking people to death, even more than riding in that helicopter. "

Damn, this is a roller coaster, people are going to be shaken apart

..."The old cannon put his hands on the steering wheel, with an excited face, not caring about everyone's scolding at all, but laughing: "The acceleration stage of the car is like this, give some time..."

In everyone's laughter, the old cannon drove the car with everyone to soar, and the off-road vehicle soared, and the speed was still very terrifying, but it was indeed a little trembling on the mountain road.

After a moment, Chen Jun suddenly spoke, "Everyone, check your weapons and keep quiet."

As soon as these words came out, only the roar was left in the car, and at this moment, whether it was the old cannon driving the car or Song Kaifei and the others in the car, they all quieted down.

With the exception of the old artillery, everyone else began to check the weapons, and this time, their weapons were all foreign ones, sniper rifles M24, rifles M4, pistols were Colt.

These weapons were combined with camouflage, and everyone immediately became a foreign army, and their appearance completely changed, that is to say, what they did had nothing to do with Yanguo.

Of course, these guns were also bought from the black market.

This is the protection of the country and the protection of personnel, but there are two sides to everything, on the contrary, sacrifice in such a situation, the achievements will be buried and become an unsung hero.

Before coming, Chen Jun explained to everyone, but still no one flinched.

"Boss, the last five kilometers from the target. The old cannon who drove the car looked at the navigation and reminded.

Chen Jun nodded, "Pull over, everyone sneak over."

"Yes. "

The old cannon directly found the nearest parking space and parked directly.

In about twenty minutes, the group lurked in a villa standing in the jungle.

This is a high-end villa with bright lights around it and the darkness of the jungle to make it stand out as if it were standing out from the crowd.

Even if it is night, everyone can guess that the conditions of such a villa are luxurious inside, and the scenery is even more elegant outside, with a big mountain behind and a small pond in front, and the surrounding scenery is natural, just like a paradise.

"Specially, I'll really enjoy it!" Chen

Jun snorted coldly, then opened the hacker space, glanced over, and in the next second, after he was sure that there was no problem, he directly gestured to the people behind him and let everyone disperse.

Everyone separated in an instant, and soon surrounded the villa like dumplings.

Chen Jun continued to give orders on the headset, "Find the position of the guards as soon as possible, and within three minutes, don't miss an enemy."

"Yes. Everyone

responded in a low voice, then turned on the night vision devices, and began to search.

This villa is huge, the front two yards are connected, the scenery is not a problem, what a rockery, swimming pool, gym... There are, and in the back, there is even a large zoo with all kinds of animals, which is very lively.

Seeing this scene, Lao Pao's eyes were blazing, and he couldn't help but sigh, "Rich people really do whatever they want, have everything, watch, play, enjoy... All of them are not a lot.

"People who live here, how much tickets are saved, how much time they have spent queuing. "

What's more, poverty limits imagination, even zoos can be opened, slots, rare tigers, I suspect this is a small country..."

Geng Jihui couldn't help but scold the old cannon.

"Indeed, such a person deserves to die.

Chen Jun immediately reminded: "Don't talk nonsense, continue to observe." Hearing

this, everyone immediately shut up, put away their thoughts and continued to investigate, and not long after, someone reported on the headset.

"Boss, I found Kunsha, it's in the third window on the third floor. Hearing

this, Chen Jun's expression sank, and he immediately glanced over, and immediately saw that in that position, several figures flashed rapidly.

"Damn, you're actually doing an action game for adults!".

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