The wolf's head turned out to be here to ask for advice!

Sure enough, he didn't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything.

Chen Jun reacted quickly, and immediately thought of what He Zhijun said, which was nothing more than the next reform of the wolf's teeth.

A military region is destined not to have two elite special operations brigades, hacker commandos, at the same time, which will definitely overwhelm the wolf's teeth, this is the trend of development.

If the wolf head does not accept it, he must accept it, and this is forced to carry out reforms.

In this regard, He Zhijun also figured it out, and in addition, he had just heard that the hacker commando team implemented a lifelong system, and he immediately admired Chen Jun.

No, as soon as the plan couldn't go ahead, I immediately thought of coming here to ask for help.

Chen Jun naturally wouldn't refuse the wolf's head, and immediately nodded, "Okay, let's go to the office first."

"Okay. With that, He Zhijun immediately followed.

Behind him, Lao Gao also hurriedly followed, and when he saw An Ran, he asked curiously: "Have you also come to

the hacker base to work?" An Ran nodded, "I'm the captain of the hacker intelligence, taking over the fire phoenix." "


When Chen Jun took An Ran to Wolf Tooth to get the files, very few people were present, and the situation was sudden, so Lao Gao didn't know that An Ran had joined the hacker commando.

The moment he heard this, Lao Gao's heart trembled slightly, and he was taken aback, and his two round eyes almost fell off.

An Ran, an excellent agent, has been working under the Wen Bureau, and they all came to the hacker commandos, what does it mean

? Is this really so fragrant? Is

it because of the lifelong profession here, which attracts An Ran, or is it because Chen Jun deliberately arranged it this way in order to take care of An Ran?

Thinking of this, I don't know why, Lao Gao suddenly felt a little lost, and his spirit was a little trance.

At this time, An Ran said: "The hacker doesn't have his own intelligence organization, I can help him, and at the same time, build the Fire Phoenix into a real intelligence expert, not the traditional special forces." Hearing

this, Lao Gao sighed again and again, "If that's the case, then it's really amazing, to be honest, I also think that Fire Phoenix is suitable for intelligence, not special forces."

"It's nice for them to have a change like that.

An Ran smiled faintly and didn't say anything.

After Lao Gao finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Chen Jun, "Your hacker has become a lifelong profession, and you have a special intelligence agency, which will be more perfect than the special forces in the future."

"Damn, look, I want to come. Lao

Gao was really enthusiastic, and he didn't have any scruples when he spoke, but he didn't expect that as soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jun didn't react, but he was glared at coldly by He Zhijun.

And in the next second, He Zhijun also looked at An Ran and asked: "Is it useful for Fire Phoenix to be an intelligence officer?"

An Ran nodded and said seriously: "I will create a different intelligence force according to the strengths of female soldiers, and then I will magnify the brilliance of female soldiers even more, anyway, you wait, there will be different results."

Hearing An Ran's explanation, He Zhijun fell into deep thought, and his expression was a little complicated.

It is impossible to say that he does not agree with Enron's statement, and even, he can imagine what kind of changes the fire phoenix will have in Enron's hands.

A different intelligence agency!

Enron can definitely do it.

Yes, why didn't you think that An Ran would come to train the Fire Phoenix? An

Ran is also a female soldier, she can do such a good job in the agent position, she must be experienced, she is the most suitable for leading female soldiers.

Before, if she had been asked to bring the fire phoenix, it might not have been such a result.

It's a pity!

The fire phoenix has already been given to the hacker commando, and Enron's gold medal has also followed Chen Jun.

It's too late.

Thinking of this, He Zhijun regretted it even more, looked at Lao Gao, and directly shook his head and sighed, "An Ran must be a good comrade, it turns out that she is also a wolf's tooth, but it is understandable that people want to follow her husband."

"The key is that Chen Jun's status in the military region is getting higher and higher, and the wolf tooth does not want to be disbanded, and he must rely on his help, however, you have to remember that this time you came here to study hard, don't think too much, and go back to pull up the wolf tooth after studying, instead of being attracted here." He

Zhijun was indeed worried that Lao Gao would take a fancy to this place, and then he refused to leave.

If Lao Gao goes again, there will be no one to use the wolf fangs.

Hearing this, Lao Gao immediately nodded, "Understood." "

Although the hacker commando team is attractive, this place does not belong to the wolf's tooth after all, and Lao Gao naturally does not dare, so he left without the consent of the wolf head.

Soon, Chen Jun brought He Zhijun and Lao Gao, who were muttering, to the conference room.

"Chief, you sit down and rest first, and I'll make you tea. On

the side, An Ran walked directly to Chen Jun's side and said, "I'll make tea for them, and you can talk to them."

Chen Jun nodded, "Okay." With that, he walked over to his desk and opened the drawer and pulled out a stack of materials.

Returning to the coffee table, Chen Jun directly handed the information in his hand to He Zhijun, "Wolf head, this is a training plan I wrote."

"It's about the reorganization of the wolf's fangs, and the training plan, you see.

"Good, good.

He Zhijun took the information and immediately looked at it with Lao Gao.

The more they watched, the more excited they became, and their eyes kept changing.

One moment shocked, another frowned, another stunned...

There are all kinds of expressions, and at the same time, I am not deeply intrigued.

After almost twenty minutes, Chen Jun suddenly spoke, interrupting them, "How is it?"

He Zhijun didn't raise his head, his eyes kept staring at the plan, and he nodded again and again, "It's really good, the wolf tooth has found the direction." "

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