
hearing this unfamiliar term, everyone in the Fire Phoenix was stunned, and it was difficult to react for a while.

That doesn't sound like a good analogy...

Seeing the puzzled eyes of the female soldiers, An Ran immediately knew what they were thinking, and began to explain unhurriedly: "The wasp tail back needle is a poisonous needle, and it is also a fatal shot to the enemy.

"In the future, your job is to be an agent, that is, to surprise and use this needle on the enemy, the agent's job is not to attack head-on, but this needle in the back can directly kill the enemy, and even, so to speak, this needle will directly pierce the enemy's heart.

"So, the work of the agents is very important, and you should all be proud of it..."

Hearing these explanations, the Fire Phoenix female soldiers were relieved.

An Ran continued to lecture, "As an agent, we pursue skills and makeup, which is where we surpass male soldiers. "

It's undeniable that women are born with cosmetics.

When it comes to camouflage and makeup, female soldiers must definitely dump male soldiers.

In this regard, everyone in the Fire Phoenix accepted it happily and did not have too many ideas.

An Ran said: "Language learning, we are no worse than male soldiers, and even stronger, and we girls are described with sharp teeth and sharp mouths, and I believe that you are also confident in this."

"However, we still have to strengthen these advantages before they can be used on the real battlefield.

"On the real battlefield, we are playing cultural fighting, using wisdom, as for fighting hard, it should indeed be handed over to male soldiers, what we have to do is intelligence infiltration." "

Hundred Changing Star King, who said that this is not very useful, who said that female soldiers are vases?"

"Let me tell you, the summary of historical experience, a woman can change three generations, and a female soldier can decide a victory." "

A female soldier decides a victory!"

The female soldiers were a little enthusiastic when An Ran said it, and their expressions changed slightly.

Although they are female soldiers, from the moment they stepped into the barracks, each of them had a dream in their hearts, that is, to become stronger, and then use themselves to contribute more.

However, the world says that female soldiers are inferior to male soldiers, and this also deeply hits their hearts.

Now someone finally told them that a female soldier can also decide a victory on the battlefield, isn't this exactly what they want?

An Ran's words seem to be born with a fermentation effect, just a few simple words, completely ferment the dream in the hearts of female soldiers, and everyone's blood boils.

An Ran continued: "Historically, does Xi Shi know?" "

Actually, aside from the matter of men and women, she is a good spy agent, understand?"

All the female soldiers roared in unison, their eyes shining.

An Ran's way of speaking is completely different from the way Chen Jun trained them, the former is empathy, the latter is training to the death, how to be strong, how to come, and directly treat them as men.

Compared with the two different ways, the female soldiers naturally chose Enron's way and immediately entered the state, at this moment, looking at Enron, their eyes changed.

The eyes are blazing, but also with passion.

And Chen Jun saw the changes in the eyes of these female soldiers beside him, and he couldn't help but admire his own daughter-in-law.

The daughter-in-law is amazing, a few simple words, it actually awakened the fighting spirit in the hearts of the female soldiers at once.


seems that it is right to let the daughter-in-law come over this time.

Chen Jun looked at An Ran, his eyes flashed with appreciation, he could see that An Ran knew how to train these female soldiers better than himself.

Compared with Enron, his own way is more blunt, and when he sees disobedience, it is directly a letter-style special training, which has always made them fall foul.

This is oppressed growth, but Enron is different, she first stimulates the fighting spirit in the hearts of those female soldiers, so that they can become the shape they like, and then passive and active.

Passive and active are completely different ways of growth, the latter will more easily stimulate a person's fighting spirit, and it comes from the heart.

This principle is like educating a child, if a child is willing to take the initiative to grow up and has a driving force in his heart, then he will find a way to change, instead of being passively filled by his parents and then becoming a chicken baby.

Of course, the Fire Phoenix has experienced the previous suppression and has changed a lot, but that is not flexible, if there is An Ran to lead the team, it may be more flexible.

After all, An Ran's experience is really different from his, she has received strict agent training, and has rich experience, and she has her way, those female soldiers do not need to be forcibly turned into various letters, but directly ride their horses and gallop, soar into the sky, and become all kinds of variety girls.

For female soldiers, Enron is the best carving knife that can sculpt them into what they want.

Especially Enron is also a female soldier, and she knows better what female soldiers want.

At this moment, Deng Zhenhua, who had been watching beside him, was also excited, and his eyes were shining.

"Sister-in-law is too awesome, I have chased these female soldiers, but as a result, no one pays attention to me.

"Now, my sister-in-law melted their hearts with just a few words, Nima, the power of language is really terrifying, just like what my sister-in-law said, language is also an advantage.

"Looking at their eyes, they have all fallen, and they must have fallen in love with their sister-in-law. "

Why are you in love with your sister-in-law, you ostrich, you really have a small brain, you can't even speak, if the boss hears this, you will die."

"Phew, I said the wrong thing, but I still really envy my sister-in-law for being able to win such a loving look..."

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