Hearing the cry coming from inside, Chen Jun's heart suddenly sank, and he quickened his pace and walked over.

As soon as I walked over, I could see some people around the emergency door, most of them were law enforcement traffic police, these people were full of sadness, and a few girls were still squatting on the ground holding their heads and crying.

The sacrifice of the traffic policeman made everyone grief.

Seeing such a scene, Chen Jun immediately felt a wave of sadness in his heart.

He has experienced life and death, and has seen the sacrifice of his comrades-in-arms, so he can naturally understand how painful these law enforcement policemen feel in their hearts.

At that time, he had an idea that he would rather die in battle than see his comrades fall in front of him.

The deceased are gone, but the living people are not easy at all, and I hope they can turn their grief into motivation, become stronger in the future, and protect more people around them.

Chen Jun silently pressed the sadness in his heart, walked quietly inside, and after a while, he saw An Ran standing in the corridor in despair, shaking his head and sobbing constantly.

"Enron!" Chen

Jun shouted softly in his heart, as if he had been pricked by a needle immediately, and felt a faint pain.

Chen Jun took a deep breath, rushed over without hesitation, and hugged An Ran, "Don't think about it, you did your best, his injury is indeed very serious, and it has nothing to do with you."

"Nope. An Ran burst into tears, "It's that I'm useless, I didn't save his life, I can't save him."

Chen Jun shook his head, "You did your best, the doctor did your best, this is his life, don't blame yourself too much." In

desperation, Chen Jun could only try his best to comfort the emotional An Ran.

An Ran shook his head, "It's a pity, he's only 20, less than a year after joining the company, he's too young..."

Chen Jun didn't understand, how could he not be heartbroken, he silently suppressed the sadness in his heart, raised his hand and gently patted An Ran's shoulder, "I understand, anyone who sees such a thing will feel distressed."

"However, now that the murderer has been caught, this can be regarded as an explanation for us, hoping that he can rest in peace and be a happy person in the future."

When he heard the words of catching the murderer, An Ran paused, nodded and said, "Those murderers deserve to die, our heroic policeman did not die in vain."

"However, it reminds me of my sacrificial informant undercover agent..."

Hearing An Ran's

words, Chen Jun's mind immediately flashed an impressive and unfamiliar name.

Zuka is the informant of Enron's development.

During that mission, both Zuka and Enron fell into the hands of the militants, and at that time, Lei Zhan brought the Thunderbolt Commandos to the rescue.

However, that stupid Lei Zhan actually directly ordered the shooting at the critical moment of the confrontation between the two sides, which led to the anger of the militants, and then the other side directly shot and killed Zuka.

Zuka was also very young when he died, about the same as this traffic policeman.

It's all one tragedy after another!

Chen Jun was also silent when he thought of this, and finally understood why An Ran was crying so sadly.

That undercover agent did die unjustly, so An Ran was sad for a long time about that incident.

An Ran also said at the time that she pulled the other party out of the darkness with her own hands, and was ready to take others on the right path, but who knew that she would sacrifice halfway out.

Zuka, I really shouldn't have died at this age...

In particular, this is all due to Lei Zhan's individualism.

Although he has changed a lot, it is still not enough.

Thinking of this, Chen Jun made a decision directly in his heart, and said coldly: "After I go back, I will ask Lei Zhan to write a 10,000-word thought report every day, just write it as a novel, and only stop writing until he integrates those thoughts into his mind."

"Don't be too sad, don't get angry.

An Ran subconsciously touched his stomach, nodded, and immediately put away his emotions.

She naturally understood what her husband meant, in fact, it seems that soldiers of their status have seen too many sacrifices, and they also know how big the price of each sacrifice is, but the living people still have to continue to live, especially them, they must learn to wipe away their tears in time and start over.

At any time, they need to learn to hold back their tears, stand up, and be quick, because they still have responsibilities and missions on their shoulders, not ordinary people, and there is still time to suffer.

Even, one moment they watched their comrades sacrifice, and the next moment, they were about to charge, and they didn't even have time to look at their comrades more.

And even more cruel, even if their own relatives die, they sometimes don't have time to go back to visit, there are too many such things, all too common.

There's really no time to grieve.

Although it was difficult for An Ran to accept the sacrifice of the traffic police, he also knew that he could not be intoxicated with pain all the time, so he quickly adjusted.

"Let's go, don't bother them.

Chen Jun nodded and pulled An Ran, did not wake anyone up, and quietly left the hospital, and finally, he accompanied An Ran for two days before returning to the base.

At the hacker base, as soon as Chen Jun arrived at the office, the first thing he did was to find Lei Zhan.

Lei Zhan came to Chen Jun and saluted, "Boss, are you looking for me?"

Seeing Chen Jun come back suddenly, he found himself directly, Lei Zhan also had some bad premonitions, and asked in a low voice after saluting.

Chen Jun's face was serious, "From today onwards, you will write a 10,000-word ideological report every day, about Marxism-Leninism, as well as foreign military thoughts. "


? 10,000 words a day

? I have to read the creation after I finish it? Do you write a novel? Is

there no ending?

Lei Zhan looked confused, his mind was full of rows of black question marks, and he had no idea what was going on.

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