
Seeing that the black man suddenly spoke Yan Chinese, the two traffic policemen suddenly became angry.

"You... You know Chinese, but you pretend to be deaf and dumb, you have a kind of don't make a sound.

"Damn, he fooled me, I don't want to die, entertain, your companion, where did that bird go?"

In the face of the two traffic policemen, the black man looked disdainful and directly kept silent.

He was not afraid of these two law-enforcers who had little power, but he was only a little afraid of that soldier.

That guy doesn't seem to be very reasonable, and he's terrifyingly fierce.

Just saw him do it directly to his female partner, and the was also frightened, and it was because of this that he was frightened by the other party's words.

Seeing that the black man was not cooperative, Chen Jun walked over directly and landed him on the railing on the side of the road.

Underneath the railing, there is a bottomless black river, I don't know how deep, anyway, the water is very dark.

Chen Jun pressed the head of the into the railing, and said coldly: "Say, where is your companion?" If you don't want to go down and drink black water, it's better to be honest.

Half of his body was suspended on the railing, and the was so frightened that his soul was about to fly, his face was pale, and he said in a trembling voice: "Soldier, if you have something to say, don't mess around." "


Chen Jun pushed the hard again, and the latter's body obviously went into the railing a little bit, and his whole body was shaking.

"I said, I said, I'll say everything, let me go first."

The almost peed his pants in fright, and said intermittently, "He... His name is Black Dragon, not a, I am a, we are from the country of plasters, we ran away separately just now, I don't know where he went?

"I really don't know?" Chen Jun glared at the coldly.

The screamed, "Or, he's gone to the consulate."

Chen Jun glared at the, and from the other party's words, he could tell that it was the truth.

After a moment, he asked again, "Since you are a student, why are you still robbing money?" The

looked helpless, but didn't say anything.

From the niggaker's eyes, Chen Jun could guess that this was probably that guy's old business.

This is the object of worship of some famous schools to find outstanding foreign students, or those women!

What's more, it's a shame that these guys are still high-achieving students, and they are not as good as a law-abiding small farmer in Yanguo, and they still enjoy privileges.


Others may be accustomed to these people coming from abroad, but he certainly won't.

Chen Jun put the down and threw it to the two traffic policemen, "Take care of him, you can go and arrest someone." The

two traffic policemen took over the, but looked at Chen Jun helplessly and did not act immediately.

Chen Jun frowned slightly and asked, "Don't you dare to ask for someone?"

A traffic cop shook his head, "This is our country, it's normal to arrest people, and besides, I still have their criminal records, but we need some support to get started."

Chen Jun nodded and said directly: "I'll go with you." He

can imagine that these two policemen are not daring, but they will definitely get into trouble, after all, they don't have much power, and if the embassy arrests a foreigner, there will definitely be resistance.

After Chen Jun agreed, the two policemen were really overjoyed, pulled the and Chen Jun into the car, and then walked towards the consulate.

In the car, Chen Jun still made a phone call to An Ran, and heard An Ran say that the wounded had been sent to the hospital, and she was fine, so she was really relieved, otherwise, he planned to go back and take a look, and then arrest people.

There is no way, An Ran has a special identity now, and he can no longer leave as he wanted like before, regardless of time or occasion.

It's important to arrest people, but it's also important to protect the people around you, besides, the other party still entered the embassy, and he couldn't escape for a while, so he wasn't in a hurry.

In less than 20 minutes, the car arrived at the gate of the embassy, and Chen Jun had just walked over with two policemen, and was immediately stopped by the guards.

The guard looked at Chen Jun and saluted, and said solemnly: "This is the consulate, you can't go in casually." "

The person standing guard today is still an armed policeman and a non-commissioned officer.

Chen Jun returned the salute solemnly and asked directly: "Just now, was there a devil named Black Dragon who came in?" "


Hearing this, the guard looked a little embarrassed, this soldier has a lot of personality, and he actually calls the gringo like this.

Presumably, he doesn't have a good attitude towards gringos.

The guard was stunned for a moment and said, "Chief, we are standing guard, we are civilized, we can't just call them devils."

Chen Jun nodded, turned his eyes to a law enforcement policeman beside him and said, "Turn on the video and show it to the guard comrades." "

Yes." On the side, a law enforcement officer took out a small tablet and found a video of the two black men stealing things.

"It's this black man, comrade guard, look at it, do you have any impression?"

The guard looked at it carefully and nodded, "It's true that guy went forward in ten minutes, but he has a passport, and it is true that the people inside came out and led him in."

"Did he really steal?"

Sure enough, it's hiding here, being a thief, and still wanting to hide, is it so easy?

Chen Jun's face suddenly turned indifferent, "This guy is a thief, in order to arrest him, our people are still injured, do you think we can go in and arrest people?" "

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