
Staring at the black figure, a cold light flashed in Chen Jun's eyes, the killing intent was true, and he kept moving his legs and sprinting.

At this time, physical strength and speed are very needed, but fortunately, Chen Jun's physical fitness has reached more than 7 times that of ordinary people, and his speed has naturally reached more than 7 times that of ordinary people.

This is also the reason why the two traffic policemen can't catch up with him, and in addition, the speed has been exploding, and the speed will be even more terrifying, and it will be faster than just now.

Because his speed was too fast, and the scene of his figure passing by was too terrifying, he immediately woke up many people around him, and a few little girls on the side, when they woke up from their shock, they took pictures again and again.

"Superman, flyer, it's fast."

"That leaping figure is very handsome, is this making a movie? I'm going to take a picture of it first, post it on Moments, and the likes will definitely be overwhelming.

"Damn, what kind of person, the speed of the cheetah?"

"Awesome, someone actually ran up, making people dazzled..."The people

present, in addition to those girls, there were also several men, who were also shocked by Chen Jun's speed.

As everyone knows, the shock in the hearts of these people is not weaker than the two traffic police, but the two traffic police, in addition to the shock, have to hurry.

But it has to be said that they were all almost stunned, and unfortunately, there was no time to marvel.

Chen Jun didn't pay attention to the eyes of those people, and quickly walked through the crowd, without the slightest stop, and without any impact on the people around him, as if he had already predicted the space, running very smoothly, more silky than Dove chocolate.

This is exactly the power of hacking skills, Chen Junjun has not run out yet, and he already has a safe route in his mind, where to turn and when to turn, all of which are clear.

Behind him, two traffic policemen chased desperately, and they also had a headache, after all, they all knew that this thief was very thief, fast, had good physical strength, and was cunning.

Several times before, they let each other run away because they couldn't outrun each other, and that guy dared to be so arrogant, just because he was fast and felt that no one could catch up with him, so he made trouble.

This time, they finally stared at each other and narrowed the distance, but they didn't expect a sudden car accident and delay, which made it even more difficult to track.

Fortunately, the soldier he suddenly met was so terrifying, and he had been sprinting all the way, the key was that he could actually increase his speed while sprinting.



Before the two traffic policemen could catch up, they saw that Chen Jun had chased behind the black man.

Seeing Chen Jun chasing after him like a cheetah, the black man was so frightened that his soul was about to go out of his body, and he glanced at Chen Jun incredulously.

Damn, how did you get a guy with such a terrifying speed?

Is this a normal person's speed?

The black man was completely anxious at this moment, originally, he had already used the speed advantage to get rid of those traffic police, but he didn't expect that a guy with a terrifying speed would catch up with him in a few breaths.

If it falls into the hands of the other party, there will be no fun!

The black man panicked and gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

"Stop, obey!"

Chen Jun watched the black shadow track over, and let out a low roar, ready to suppress the other party.

Seeing that he was about to catch up, the black man directly burst into Chinese, "Sleep, fuck your uncle."

As soon as the words fell, the black man pushed the girl next to him over and wanted to block Chen Jun's face, but he didn't expect that at that moment, Chen Jun's figure just flashed, and then the person came behind him.


Chen Jun rushed over and kicked directly on the black man, and the next moment, the black man fell to the ground defenselessly, and then slid out for several meters before stopping.

When he stopped, the black man's eyes were already full of Venus, his head was buzzing, and his body was almost falling apart, and he couldn't get up even if he wanted to.

Pedal ...

Chen Jun strode over and stepped on the black man, "Coming to Yanguo doesn't respect the laws and regulations, and you are still a thief, are you tired of being crooked?" The

black man shook his dazed head and denied there, "Why do you arrest me, you dare to touch me, you have broken the law?" "


Hearing these lyrics, Chen Jun's heart was about to explode, and the thief shouted to catch the thief?

"Specially, I will send you to the police station first, and then I will convince you."

Chen Jun was about to arrest the black man, when the panicked girl behind him ran over, pulled Chen Jun, and shouted: "Let go of him, he is still a student in our school." "


Hearing this, Chen Jun slowly turned his head, and when he looked at the girl, his eyes did not hide his anger at all.

"Students, are there privileges to be a student?"

"As a student, can you mess around?"

The girl couldn't bear Chen Jun's anger at all, and took two steps back tremblingly, her eyes full of panic.

At that moment, she saw the kind of truthful and powerful coercion in the eyes of the other party, as if she wanted to say more, or quibble, she might be attacked by the other party.

According to the strength of the other party's soldiers, she is a little woman, and she will definitely not be able to parry.

"You... Don't mess around, you'll break the law. The

girl was very panicked, but she didn't want to bow her head to Chen Jun, and threatened the other party with a trembling voice.

Hearing this, Chen Jun was furious, "Breaking the law, is the law protecting you and allowing you to commit crimes?" "


At this moment, the powder keg in Chen Jun's heart completely exploded, he couldn't tolerate it, the injured traffic policeman bought peace with blood, and the people raised under peace were so cold-blooded, and there was no distinction between right and wrong.

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