I have to say that at this moment, Chen Jun looked at An Ran, his eyes were confused.

Historically, Enron had never said anything as serious to him as "dealing."

It won't be a big deal, right?

Under Chen Jun's gaze, An Ran smiled slightly, and said unhurriedly: "I heard that you are going to set up an intelligence special operations team, I don't want to take care of the children at home all the time, I specialize in this, let me go." "

That's it...

Hearing this, Chen Jun suddenly felt that his brain was not enough, and he didn't react for a while.

In fact, when he first heard the word "transaction", some extreme thoughts even flashed in his mind, but he didn't expect that Enron was talking about work.

It seems that he is too nervous.

Chen Jun sighed secretly, shook off those messy thoughts, looked at An Ran and asked, "Are you unemployed, come to me?"

An Ran glanced at Chen Jun angrily, "I don't want to think about your own identity, the people of the Intelligence Bureau, where do you dare to let me take risks, plus I am now a pregnant woman, there is no task to take at all."

"Recently, I have been teaching others to write ideological reports, and I don't know why, recently, several leaders of the picket department have called me and said that they can give me money and ask me to be a private tutor."

"I don't know what's going on with those big guys, why are they suddenly popular to write books, it's too weird."

Saying that, An Ran's expression was speechless, "It is said that they want to write a million-word thought report, who stipulates this, such a pervert." "

Million-word thought report!

Chen Jun was stunned, and immediately remembered the unpleasant things he had with the picket department not long ago.

That's what happened to those guys who were forced to write books.

This is what they brought on themselves, and Chen Jun has no sympathy for this, after all, he himself was also arrested, and that time, if it wasn't for Mr. Gao's appearance, he might not know where to be at this moment.

Chen Jun thought for a moment and said, "You said that this pervert is Mr. Gao, and the incident was caused by me." "


"Because of you?" An Ran's face was shocked, and his eyes were about to fall off.

Is the world so small?

The picket department was punished, but it was because of her husband, and then the other party wanted to ask her for help.

Co-authored, isn't my husband looking for trouble for me?

What is this called?

An Ran was completely shocked, and was about to ask carefully, when suddenly a loud crashing sound came from outside.


The sound was loud, as if it was caused by a collision of a high-speed vehicle.

The loud bang was followed by screams and exclamations.

"Ah, there's been a car accident."

"Someone is injured, come quickly..."

Hearing the sound, An Ran and Chen Jun stood up at the same time, Chen Jun immediately said out of habit: "I'll go out and have a look first." "

Okay." An Ran nodded and immediately went to pay, and then rushed out as well.

When An Ran arrived at the intersection, he found that there were already some people around, it turned out that there was a traffic accident, a police car fell to the ground, and two police officers and Chen Jun squatted next to an injured person.

Sure enough, there was a car accident, and some people were injured.

An Ran was shocked, and hurriedly walked over, only to see a traffic policeman lying on the ground.

The traffic policeman's face was covered in blood, and blood kept flowing out of his helmet, so he should have suffered a serious head injury, and it seemed that the collision was not light.

"What's going on?" An Ran walked over to the two enforcers and asked.

When the two enforcers saw An Ran wearing a military uniform, their eyes were visibly serious, and one of them explained: "We were chasing the thief, and in order to avoid pedestrians, we were accidentally knocked and fell. "

It's important to save people, call an ambulance quickly."

Chen Jun shouted as he slowly flattened the injured traffic policeman, and then gently took off the other party's hair helmet.

After all, he has hacker medical skills, and Chen Jun is also proficient in the treatment of external injuries, and is ready to treat the wound urgently first.

At this time, Enron began to call an ambulance.

Unfortunately, as soon as the helmet on the wounded's head was removed, a bloody wound on the top of his head was exposed, and blood was pouring out.

The wounded's entire head had turned blood-red, and Chen Jun's hand was holding the opponent's head, and it was immediately stained with blood.

Seeing this scene, several little girls on the side of the road directly changed color.

"Mom, is the traffic policeman's head going to break? So much blood.

"It's too bloody, in the future, we have to be careful when riding, the impact is too hard, fortunately there are hard hats, otherwise it will really break the head."

"Don't have an accident, hold on, the ambulance can't come so fast."

"How could it be so heavy, don't kill anyone..."

Seeing the blood on the wounded man's wound continue to flow out, Chen Jun was also a little troubled, because of this head position, he couldn't stop the bleeding with his bare hands at all.

Otherwise, with his hacking skills, he can also cut off the veins to achieve the effect of stopping bleeding, but unfortunately the wound is surrounded by skulls and cannot be operated at all.

In desperation, Chen Jun could only hold down the bloody wound with his bare hands.

"Brother, hold on, the ambulance will come immediately, and when the ambulance comes, it will take you to the hospital for treatment."

Seeing that the injured traffic policeman's face was getting paler and his breathing was becoming more and more rapid, and he couldn't heal himself, Chen Jun was also a little messy in his heart, so he could only use words to give the other party the east, anesthetize the other party's pain, and hope to stimulate the other party's will to live.

The traffic policeman, who was pale and had a distorted expression, suddenly raised his head and grabbed Chen Jun's hand, and said in a trembling voice: "Leave me alone, go catch the thief." "

To catch the thief?

Chen Jun was slightly stunned for a moment, and shook his head directly, "You are seriously injured, and treatment is important."

"Nope." The traffic policeman, whose expression was a little blurred, said firmly: "No, I... I'm fine, don't let him run away, this guy has committed crimes many times, don't let him get away with it..."

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