Regarding Chen Jun being arrested and interrogated because of his subordinates' report, Lin Kui was still very unhappy.

Even if he had already called the Tang team at the picket headquarters and asked the other party not to embarrass Chen Jun, he was still not at ease, so he came directly to the military headquarters.

In a word, the military department is stronger than any other unit that has worked hard.

Chen Jun can be said to have risked his life for the task, and also saved Gao Gang and others, and it is not an exaggeration to help him again.

Lin Kui looked serious, walked with the wind, led people directly into the military headquarters, and then ran to Chen Hansheng's office.

In the office, Chen Hansheng was on duty just today, and when he saw Lin Kui coming from the door from a distance, he immediately greeted him and greeted him, "Lao Lin, why did you come to the capital, it's rare." For

Lin Kui, a veteran border cadre, Chen Hansheng is naturally no stranger.

Lin Kui smiled, but his smile was a little stiff, "I'm here to thank you for sending a pennant." "

Send a pennant?

Chen Hansheng looked stunned, and his eyes were undisguised in surprise, "Why did you thank us and didn't do anything?"

Lin Kui deliberately said loudly: "Didn't your military department cooperate, sent a master to cooperate with our operation, the drug lord caught by the Mekong operation, and eliminated so many militants, all of which are the credit of the hacker commando Chen Jun." "

Comrade Chen Jun, he led people to help Gao Gang and them, otherwise, Gao Gang and the others don't know how many people can come back."

Lin Kui spoke loudly, and the comrades of the military headquarters around him gathered around him when they heard it.

"Lin Bu, you're talking about the Mekong River operation, that action is really relieving, not only to avenge the fishermen, but also to improve international prestige, it was actually done by a soldier named Chen Jun, which unit is he from?"

"It turns out that the battle hero is called Chen Jun, a good soldier, even the international drug king Nuoka can be won, it's not easy."

"Chen Bu, is this the master you sent out? When did you hide such a master, and I won't introduce you. "

The Mekong operation has been made public in the military headquarters, and everyone knows what this big operation means, but few people know that Chen Jun did it.

Chen Hansheng was already stunned, "Well, I am in charge of logistics in the military region, and the front-line command is not very clear." "

Lao Lin, come here, I'll take you to talk to the minister in charge of the front line."

Lin Kui nodded and walked over, he came this time, mainly because his subordinates reported Chen Jun's affairs and felt guilty, so he felt that he had to come up to the military headquarters in person, just to thank Chen Jun and return the favor.

When Gao Gang came back to report, he said that the law enforcement process was all due to Chen Jun, otherwise, they would not have been able to catch people so quickly, and they didn't even know how many people would be sacrificed.

For Gao Gang's words, Lin Kui naturally believed it, and because of this, he also admired Chen Jun more and more, and thought about how to thank Chen Jun, but he never thought that some of his subordinates would go to the picket headquarters to report Chen Jun, so Chen Jun was still on trial.

Lin Kui felt deeply guilty and felt that he had to thank Chen Jun personally through the military headquarters.

"Lao Lin, you just wait here, I'll report it."

After Chen Hansheng heard about Chen Jun's matter, his attitude was okay, and after arranging Lin Kui, he asked the other party to wait outside.

Actually, before coming, Lin Kui thought it was Chen Hansheng's logistics, but when he saw the other party's attitude, he realized that it was a misunderstanding, so he didn't think much about it, he waited quietly.

In the front minister's office, there is an old man with gray hair, eyes like torches, and a majestic face, this is the front minister, Ye Lao.

Chen Hansheng entered the office, saluted and directly reported what Lin Kui had just said about Chen Jun.

After listening to Chen Hansheng's report, Ye Lao thought for a moment, and then nodded slightly, "There is indeed such a thing, Gao Shiwei's team in the Southeast Theater, Chen Jun, the captain of the hacker commando, he obeyed the dispatch of the military department this time to help the law enforcement forces."

"The task was completed very well, therefore, Mr. Gao also applied for seven first-class merits through the military department, which is unprecedented, and we have just sent it down."

Ye Lao was also very satisfied with the performance of Chen Jun and others, and when he said it, his eyes flashed with appreciation.

To be honest, when he first learned the result of Chen Jun's completion of the mission, he was also shocked, after all, this mission was not an ordinary difficulty, and the enemy was the Poison King Nuoka Group that even Niu Ziguo couldn't help.

Who knows, Chen Jun, a young guy, actually only took 6 people, and then united with Gaogang's teams to uproot the Poison King Nuoka Group in one day.

This kind of achievement is unique in the world!

The original intention of this task was just to satisfy the fishermen and give them an explanation, who would have thought that in the end, even the Poison King Nuoka Group would be destroyed.

Unprecedentedly carry forward the prestige of the country!

Ye Lao has been thinking that such achievements are still incredible.

I see!

Chen Hansheng was also relieved after hearing this, and nodded slightly, "No wonder, Lin Kui will come to the military region with a pennant, that Comrade Chen Jun really helped them, no, it should have saved them." "

Send the pennant, to whom?" Ye Lao asked in surprise.

Chen Hansheng said: "Naturally, it was sent to the front line, saying that you found a master for them and saved the lives of the soldiers, and I think it is indeed worth it." Hearing

this, Ye Lao thought for a moment and nodded slightly, "However, it's a bit troublesome, because the hacker commando team is too prominent, but it is targeted by the capital troops." "


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