Million-word thought report!

10,000 words is enough to choke, how can you write so much?

Wang Liang was so aggrieved that he almost vomited blood, but he couldn't say anything about it.

What could he say?

He caused this matter by himself, and when he first found out, if he had reported it first, it might not have been the result if he hadn't arrested someone immediately.

As a result, he was directly arrested, and Mr. Gao saw the national hero being handcuffed with his own eyes.

Especially, who knows, that guy is a national hero, or the person who Mr. Gao wants to protect, if you had known that this was the case, Lao Tzu would have offered him as a god, it's okay!

Wang Liang regretted that his intestines were blue, and he looked at Chen Jun, and he couldn't say what he felt in his heart.

He never dreamed that this young man would make Mr. Gao attach so much importance to it, and he kicked directly on Mr. Gao's iron plate this time.

If you offend the yellow team, you can still speak well, this time you directly offended President Gao, the head of the military region, isn't he looking for death?

Why, why am I so hot-headed and arresting people right away?

Gao Shiwei ignored Wang Liang's grievances and directly asked him to call the person above.

As soon as the phone was connected, Gao Shiwei directly seized the opportunity to speak, did not let Wang Liang speak, and said into the phone: "I am Gao Shiwei, commander of the Southeast Military Region, looking for you picket captain." "

It's... Yes, wait a minute. A slightly trembling voice came from the phone, and then the call was transferred to the captain's office.

After all, the caller was the commander-in-chief of the military region, and he was still above them, and the other party was a little frightened, so he naturally didn't dare to slack off.

As soon as the team heard that it was Commander Gao's call, they immediately took it and said with a smile: "Mr. Gao, I haven't seen you for a long time, why did you think of me."

Gao Shiwei said indifferently: "Team Tang, don't talk nonsense, let me ask you, why did you let the pickets arrest my combat hero and use the death penalty for interrogation?" "


Battle Hero Interrogation?

When did it happen?

The Tang team had a row of black question marks in their minds, and they didn't keep up with the rhythm of Mr. Gao, but they also realized that the other party was very angry.

This is definitely not a small matter!

Team Tang's face immediately sank, and he immediately explained: "It's impossible, I'm not so confused that I went to judge the battle heroes, who said that?" "

The Tang team was completely unaware of Chen Jun's interrogation, and was completely stunned at this moment.

This incident actually alarmed Mr. Gao, the head of the military region, and it was definitely not that simple.

And in Mr. Gao's words, there was obviously anger, needless to say, the other party must be angry.

Mr. Gao was angry with a combat hero, and asked directly about it, who is this person?

This question just flashed through Team Tang's mind, and before he could ask, he heard Mr. Gao snort coldly: "I have an order from your headquarters here, or a red-headed document, and now my people are being arrested by you and interrogated, what do you think?" "


And red-headed files?

Real hammer?!

Hearing this, the Tang team was a little panicked on the spot, so much, Mr. Gao's people were really arrested?

I don't know, which idiot dared to do it, and actually dared to touch the person who was the president?

For Mr. Gao's words, the Tang team naturally will not question it, after all, the head of a military region can't make fun of him.

You must know that Mr. Gao's status is very high, and he even manages him, where can he dare to offend.

To be honest, even if he was given 10 guts, he wouldn't dare to do it.

It seems that there is some misunderstanding!

Team Tang also reacted quickly, and immediately said: "Mr. Gao, don't get excited, listen to me explain first, I don't know about this matter at all, if it's a combat hero, why should I arrest it, am I stupid?" "

Combat heroes, they belong to the country, who dares to catch them!"

"Even if he has a problem, let's talk alone, how can he be interrogated, there must be a misunderstanding, give me time and I will find out."

"I'll definitely give you an explanation, but I still want to ask more, can you tell me who the battle hero is?"

At this time, the phone was on hands-free, and when Wang Liang heard this, his heart seemed to have been hit by a big stone, and his whole heart suddenly sank.


This time it's really over, the Tang team trembled slightly in front of Mr. Gao, scared to such a point, it's good for me to offend directly.

Looking for something!

It's really special...

Wang Liang's heart was cold for a while, and his face suddenly turned pale and bloodless.

It was a result of fear, and he had never been so scared in history.

Because from the attitude of the Tang team, he has realized that the situation is very serious, and I am afraid that a million words may not be able to save himself.

Regret the beginning!

Wang Liang's heart collapsed for a while, he almost didn't stand firm, and he was about to fall.

Seeing that the Tang team was quite polite, Gao Shiwei snorted coldly, the anger did not burn, and said directly: "I have already punished the people here, no matter what happens to your team, you must give me an explanation, and also give an explanation to the combat heroes."

"To tell you the truth, just now, he led the team, was born and died, avenged the fishermen, and improved his international prestige, he is an out-and-out combat hero."

"He was able to catch the international drug king Nuoka in one day, and did what all the soldiers in the world wanted to do but couldn't."

"Without such heroes, where can the country be at peace? It's good for you guys, blowing the air conditioner every day, enjoying the peace, and then, without asking about the indiscriminate situation, directly arresting people, we ask you, without such heroes, where does peace come from?

"A hero who has just shed blood for the country and was born and died has just come back and suffered such grievances, who can bear it?"

"Treating heroes like this doesn't chill the hearts of our soldiers..."

Gao Shiwei was really angry, and in the end he couldn't hold back, and directly said to the Tang team.

Chen Jun really did a good job this time, and really made a big show of national prestige.

He really did what all soldiers wanted to do but couldn't, and after such a hero came back, he was still wronged, and everyone who saw it was angry.

Actually, when Gao Shiwei said this, it was also regarded as giving face to the Tang team, and he didn't come directly to force it, after all, as a leader, he had the right, but he didn't do it.


That battle hero?

Team Tang chuckled in his heart, he had just seen the news, and probably knew that the special forces had arrested the drug king.

What kind of thing shocked the whole country, even abroad?

That hero was caught, it's too big!

Suddenly, the Tang team was shocked and frightened.

It's really a big deal, who is doing it?

The Tang team was also angry, but they didn't dare to get angry on the spot.

"Understand, understand, it really shouldn't, we should protect the hero, it was our negligence, I will definitely find out, give you an explanation, and give the hero an explanation."

Team Tang repeatedly politely assured, after speaking, he paused, and said: "Certainly, otherwise..."Gao

Shiwei directly interrupted him, "Otherwise, you will write me a million-word ideological report." "

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