Although the picket corps is located in the headquarters of the military region, it is located in a different area, with independent office space, which is separate from the office building of the military region.

After all, the picket corps is a relatively special organization, a sharp blade hanging over the head of every soldier.

Only with iron discipline can we have strong combat effectiveness!

At this moment, after Chen Jun entered the headquarters by car, he was immediately taken into the interrogation room of the headquarters.

A separate room, which is more eerie, makes people feel an indescribable sense of depression as soon as they come in.

This place is really... When he's a prisoner?

Chen Jun's brows furrowed.

A stool, in front of which was a desk, sat Colonel Wang and a lieutenant.

The two of them looked serious and looked a little cold.

As soon as Chen Jun sat down, a picket behind him came over with handcuffs and was about to put him on.

Chen Jun's face sank, and he said angrily: "Is this when I am a prisoner?

Lao Wang said sharply: "Captain Chen, the process is like this, whether you are a prisoner or not, you have to treat it as a prisoner, you better be honest with me, this is the general team, not a place where you can come nonsense."

"You have a grudge with the pickets in the past, I know this, so you don't need to remind me that there was once a detachment leader, because of you, threw away the black yarn hat, this is the first time in our picket troops, so you do have the ability."

"But this doesn't mean that you can mess around, you have to follow our rules, in the general team, it's a dragon for me, otherwise, the crime will be added to the first, no matter who can save you, understand!"

He knew that Chen Jun was very tricky, and who in the entire picket team didn't know about Chen Jun?

The hacker commando team is now in the limelight, and where is everyone's focus, so you can imagine what kind of character Chen Jun is as the captain.

If it wasn't particularly necessary, Colonel Wang didn't want to trouble Chen Jun.

"I don't care how awesome you are, how many merits you have made, when you enter here, everyone is the same." Colonel Wang warned again.

When I met Lao Fan today, I gave Lao Fan face, and I didn't directly arrest people and get into the car, which was enough to give Lao Fan face, and when I came here, if this kid didn't follow the rules, he would be welcome.

Chen Jun's fierce murderous aura emanated, and the staff member who wanted to handcuff him suddenly trembled in his heart, and he subconsciously took two steps back, his eyes full of horror.

The murderous aura that erupted from the other party's body was too terrifying, this was the first of the most murderous in so many armies he had come into contact with, and it gave him the feeling that it was not a person standing in front of him, but a fierce beast!

It looks like you could be devoured by the other party at any time.

Not only the staff, but even Colonel Wang, who was several meters away, felt the murderous aura.

This guy is really fierce!

is worthy of being able to arrest a big drug lord like Nuoka overnight.

The murderous aura you have is heavy!

In fact, the murderous aura on Chen Jun's body was so heavy, and not long after he had just finished the battle, he killed so many people, which bred a kind of anger in his body.

In the past, at this time, the best way to adjust was to be together, and Chen Jun would calm down and slowly eliminate that anger.

But this time, he couldn't see An Ran, not to mention, the other party still treated Chen Jun like a prisoner, which made him a little more angry.

Chen Jun said angrily: "You want to review, I can cooperate, this is your work decision, but what crime am I, has the military court defined it?" I should be tortured and interrogated, when I am a criminal who has committed the most heinous crimes?

Colonel Wang snorted coldly: "Chen He, in the process of performing your mission, you beat the prisoners of war, but the other party suffered irreversible injuries, which is to stain the image of our Yanguo soldiers, this alone is enough for you to sit in prison!"

Chen Jun clenched his fists, and the other party actually determined that he was guilty because of this article... These bastards, I don't know who the real captives are!

Colonel Wang continued: "I know that you are good, but I will tell you, if you resist, you will be guilty!

Chen Jun took a deep breath and quickly calmed himself down.

He is not the soldier who used to get angry when he disagreed, and he can control his emotions very well.

Another point is that An Ran is pregnant, he is the one who is going to be a father, and there is no need to conflict with the pickets at this time.

Chen Jun stretched out his hand and remained silent.

When the handcuffs were worn on Chen Jun's hands, Chen Jun had an indescribable taste.

How many times have you been targeted?

Colonel Wang said: "It's right to be honest, the soldiers who came here have a stronger identity than you, and there are people with a worse attitude than you, but in the end, they are all honest, cooperate well, you can go back if you have nothing to do, otherwise, you will have to take responsibility!"

Seeing that Chen Jun was quite cooperative, he couldn't help but smile a little at the corner of his mouth.

Chen Jun shook his head and said, "I didn't do anything wrong, I didn't beat those prisoners, they killed our fishermen, what kind of prisoners are they, this is a murderer!" "

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