When He Chenguang was about to scold his mother, Chen Jun dragged him to his back and said sharply: "How do I usually teach you?" Soldiers take obedience to orders as their duty, and now it is the order of their superiors, do you want to disobey orders collectively!

Everyone bowed their heads in silence.

They can not care about other people's words, but they must listen to Chen Jun's words.

The colonel's face was full of anger, but when he saw Chen Jun scolding them, a flash of approval flashed in the corner of his eyes.

The colonel was still clear about some things about Chen Jun, and he didn't think that he was more fierce than the legendary people.

The soldiers under his command were all screaming, and the colonel had no doubt that if Chen Jun didn't scold them, these soldiers would really do it.

They were the first to dare to argue with the pickets like that.

Chen Jun looked at the colonel and said, "What's your name, it's not the first time I've been targeted by the picket department." "

Think about Chen Jun's journey along the way, is there less entanglement with the pickets? Almost, Chen Jun was sent to a military court by them, and almost pulled out his military uniform.

Therefore, Chen Jun is quite familiar with them.

However, since Chen Jun became the target of the general affairs side, the pickets have not come to trouble him for a long time.

This will come out of nowhere, what does it mean?

Seeing that Chen Jun was so calm, the colonel admired it again.

It is worthy of being a representative of the new generation of soldiers!

Stampede... At this time, Fan Tianlei trotted over, saw the colonel, and immediately punched him, "Lao Wang, it's okay, it's out, what kind of big-tailed wolf are you pretending to be, you still want to take away our captain, what do you mean?"

Fan Tianlei laughed, with the smile of a great aunt.

When the colonel saw Fan Tianlei, his face became kind, and he lost his previous seriousness, and said, "Old Fan, why are you here?"

Fan Tianlei glared, and scolded directly: "Nonsense, I've been here for a long time, let's say, if you want to take away our captain, there must be a reason, right?" "

The colonel and Fan Tianlei are old acquaintances, he can not give Chen Jun and others face, but he can't give Lao Fan's face.

"That's right, this time Team Chen led the team to carry out the mission, and they did a very good job, but Captain Chen also broke the opponent's limbs when the other party had surrendered, which is an act of abusing the prisoner, and the captive accused him before abusing lynching."

"As you know, our army has rules that give preferential treatment to prisoners, so the headquarters personally issued an order for our army law enforcement corps to investigate this matter, and if it is true, it will be punished."

Lei Zhan scolded angrily, "Those are drug dealers, what kind of prisoners are they?" If it weren't for the arrest of them and their return for trial, they would have been sent to Hades a long time ago, and would they have been able to bounce here in one breath?

Wang Yanbing scolded: ", no distinction between green and red, that's a nuoka, who is it?" A demon who kills without blinking, what qualifications does such a person have to be a prisoner? Because they accuse, they will arrest our captain and punish them, is this special brain water?

"Sick, what's going on, we are on the battlefield, desperately fighting, nothing happens, and as a result, we have arrested people back, and we don't get a reward, and we have to carry a punishment on our backs, foolish!" The hygienist scolded.

"The door of the brain must be caught by the crack in the door, otherwise it will not be such a thing, the relatives are painful, and the enemies are happy." Paratrooper Road.

The corners of Fan Tianlei's mouth twitched, "This matter, there is no need to discuss?"

Colonel Wang shook his head and said: "There is no need to discuss, the headquarters has issued an order, it must be carried out, they are drug lords, yes, but they surrendered, that is, prisoners, and the prisoners have to follow our regulations, this is a major policy, it cannot be changed, the regulations are so, and they can only do things according to the regulations."

"Captain Chen is a smart person, what will be the consequences if he resists? This matter, if it makes a big fuss, it will only have a greater impact on you, Lao Fan, I can only say so much.

He turned his head to look at Chen Jundao, "Captain Chen, come with us, we will investigate any situation." "

This matter, if it were in normal times, Colonel Wang really wouldn't care, a few drug lords who are going to be sentenced, they deserve to die, but Chen Jun is different, his identity is indeed a bit special.

Therefore, Colonel Wang was very polite to Chen Jun, otherwise he wouldn't have told them so much at all, and he would have been arrested and left.

This time, because Fan Tianlei came forward, Colonel Wang did not arrest Chen Jun, but let him go by himself.

In fact, even if he didn't give Lao Fan face, Colonel Wang was afraid that Chen Jun's soldiers would really make a move.

You must know that these soldiers are all fierce and vicious, with a strong murderous aura on their bodies, which makes Colonel Wang feel very uncomfortable.

If they really do it, they won't be able to get out of here.


Wang Yanbing, He Chenguang and others looked at Chen Jun, their eyes were full of unwillingness.

Chen Jun is a hero, and he doesn't deserve to be treated like this.

He should have stood in the sun, receiving flowers and applause, and not being carried away by the cold pickets.

It shouldn't be!

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