At this moment, Nuoka, who was escorted down, felt like a monkey, surrounded by people.

Ay...... I could have had a wonderful life, but now... It's all over.

Nuoka now only wants to leave this world as soon as possible, so that he can suffer a little less pain and suffering.

If there is a chance to give him a new choice, he will definitely not trouble the people of Yanguo, and he will definitely not have any conflicts with them.

But there is no regret medicine in this world, and everyone is responsible for their mistakes.

After the glutinous card came down, he was immediately set up by the SWAT who rushed over, and was dragged away under countless cameras, like a dead dog, very embarrassed.

No one would have thought that the once dominating Nuoka would have such a day.

After Nuoka was taken away, Natu these backbone drug lords were escorted down one by one, and then transferred by the special police.

They will also be judged the most severely!

The audience in front of the TV saw these drug lords who were arrested one by one, and their hearts were indescribably happy.

This is the sense of security that a strong country brings to everyone!

The country is the strong backing of every Chinese person, no matter where you go, the country will always stand behind you and support you!

These people are all murderers who are still Chinese people, and the blood disaster is justified.

When they raise their guns and shoot at the unarmed countrymen, they should have thought that such a day would come.

There is an old saying in the country of Yan, if you do too much injustice, you will kill yourself!

This is true whether it is placed in the past or in the present day.

The drug lords were all taken away, and when Gao Yan walked out with his commando team, there was loud applause all around.

"Good work, comrade policeman!"

"Well done!"

"You are the pride of our countrymen!"

All sorts of praises rang out in the crowd.

These are their heartfelt words.

Of course, they know that they must have put in a lot of effort to catch a drug lord like Nuoka, and some even paid with their lives for it.

It is their fearlessness that protects the people.

No matter where the Chinese people go, they will feel an indescribable sense of security.

Gao Yan led his men and waved to everyone.

When facing the camera, Gao Yan and the others had no superfluous expressions, they were all serious.

For the anti-narcotics police, it is lucky to survive this mission.

As for the applause and flowers, they don't matter.

After all, they have seen too many comrades die in battle, and they are the ones who deserve to enjoy flowers and applause the most, as well as those undercover workers who are silently lurking in dangerous areas for the needs of the country, such as people like Fang Xinwu.

They are the ones who deserve the most honor.

There are also special forces like Chen Jun, who fight with their lives, but no one knows what they look like, not even their names.

It is these people who protect and fight against evil that leads to the prosperity and stability of the country.

They are the ones who deserve the most flowers and applause.

But they didn't, they chose to be silent, in the dark.

They are heroes who stand up straight in the dark!

So Gao Yan and the others didn't feel how excited and glorious they were, and if it weren't for the special situation, they didn't want to appear in front of everyone in such a way.

They prefer to stay behind the scenes.

This is what Gao Yan and others felt during this mission.

After Gao Yan and the others walked away, the cargo hold of the plane opened.

Mountains of accounts and boxes of gold were presented in front of the reporters.

By the time they all were moved out and put together, the belongings had piled up into a hill.

In the bright sunlight, the gold bars emit a golden sheen, turning the faces of the surrounding reporters into gold.

Everyone was stunned!

None of them could believe it was true if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

Just the mountains of American knives, even if the money counter comes, it will take dozens, and then count the days non-stop, not to mention the more abundant gold.

"Oh my God, there are so many seizures, how many billions must be here."

"I don't know, the cargo compartment of the plane is full!"

"This big drug lord is really..."

Reporters took pictures and broadcast them on television.

When the crowd saw so much possessions, they were also shocked.

"Oh my God, how many people have these big drug lords harmed to make so much money."


"These scumbags, for the sake of money, don't care about it."

"This kind of has already been arrested, and they are all shot one by one!"

"These bastards!"

The people were all kinds of invective.

After all the drug money was put away, Nuoka and others were also escorted to the drug money.

The person in charge, Li Bu, stood in front of all the reporters and said: "You have all seen that standing behind me is the murderer of our 13 crew members, they tried to warn us in this way Yanguo, declare their rights, they not only brutally killed our compatriots, but also threw corpses and planted stolen goods!"

Li Bu's voice became louder, "But everyone has seen that no matter how powerful they are, as long as they provoke our Yan Country, they must be arrested and brought to justice!" None will be spared. "

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