Chen Jun knows very well that an undercover agent like Fang Xinwu is in danger 24 hours a day, and he has to be vigilant at all times, and he is really walking on thin ice.

People of extraordinary temperament can't do such things.

Fang Xinwu is willing to take such a risk, let the light shine into more families, and make their lives easier and sunnier.

It is because of the selfless dedication of countless people like him in the darkness that the country has peace and the opportunity to become stronger.

Fang Xinwu jumped into the car and saluted the two again, revealing a bright smile, "Everyone, there will be a meeting later." With that

, he drove away.

He didn't dare to linger too long, this was Jinshan, the most chaotic area, and he didn't dare to guarantee that anyone around him would remember him, so he could only leave quickly.

In order to accomplish more, he didn't have time to hug these comrades.

There are many unknown dangers waiting for him, and he must maintain his best mental state.

Fang Xinwu had a smile on his face, the Nuoka armed forces were cleared, Zapu's armed forces were also cleared, these two tumors were cleared, during this time, he should be more relaxed.

Even if a new drug lord rises, it will take a long time.

"The air here is good, the river water is very sweet, it's time to find a time to fish..."

, and Chen Jun, who watched the car leave, saluted, turned the head of the car, and quickly left.

Everyone walked in the direction they thought they would, and so did Chen Jun.

"He's the real hero, and we're not counted." Chen Jun said in a deep voice.

It is dangerous for Chen Jun to lead the team to carry out the mission, but they are standing in the light, with the best team and the strongest support, and undercover agents like Fang Xinwu are all on their own.

It's like a lone wolf in the forest, so injured that he licks his wounds...

This time, Gao Yan did not refute, nodded, and said solemnly: "We are indeed inferior to him." An

hour after Chen Jun and the others left, in the jungle of the Jinshan Mountains, a drug trafficking army quietly advanced in the mountains and forests, and the direction was exactly the location of the Nuoka station.

They were well-armed and marched very fast, and at a glance they knew they were veterans of jungle warfare.

They all looked solemn, constantly urging each other, especially the leaders kept asking them to hurry up.

In the mountains and forests more than ten kilometers away from them, a six-member mercenary team groped their way through the jungle, and the direction was also towards the Nuoka station.

This mercenary team is more well-armed and equipped, and from the point of view of their body shape, they are stronger, their movements are more agile, and the murderous aura they carry is heavier.

They're tough!

These are armed men from two different groups.

The mercenary was sent by the boss behind Nuoka, Brother Song didn't have any news for a night, and the boss was worried that something was wrong with him, so he sent someone to check what was going on, whether he succeeded in it, or did he die together.

In addition, the drug trafficking forces have always come to join Nuoka, and last night they received an order from Nuoka to ask them to come over to support quickly, saying that the situation is very urgent, and if they can help this time, they will be the best brothers.

But on the way they came, they couldn't get in touch, and they were worried that something would happen to Nuoka, so they first sent a dozen people to check the situation, and then thought about what to do.

After all, it is definitely not simple for the armed personnel who dare to attack the base camp of Nuoka, and it is even more difficult to let people like Nuoka ask for help.

Therefore, the other party is very cautious, and he took refuge in Nuoka in order to get more resources, not because after taking refuge in him, he put himself in a desperate situation.

No one will do a loss-making trade.

At the same time, they are also speculating about who did it, because Nuoka made the crew to be killed, and was targeted by Yan Guo, and it is said that Yan Guo will take action to severely punish the murderer.

This matter has caused a stir in the world, and how Nuo Ka deals with this matter is very important to his follow-up development.

If it is handled well, the strength of Nuoka will be further expanded, and the local government will have to bow to him at that time, if it is not handled well, Yanguo will really send special combat personnel to destroy them, this is definitely not alarmist.

Therefore, those who are ready to come to Nuoka are waiting for a while to see the follow-up development.

And when something like this happened tonight, they naturally thought of Yanguo.

However, they are not afraid, after all, the Jinshan region here is not the territory of the Yan Kingdom, and if they want to take action, it is impossible for them to blatantly send large troops.

This gives Nuoka and others room to maneuver.

The two detachments approached the base camp of Nuoka from different directions.

The armed drug traffickers in the southwest were the first to approach, after all, they came early, but before they could get close to the camp, they smelled a smell of burnt corpses.

It's very thick!

Everyone's faces changed greatly, and when they looked in the direction of the station, they only saw that there was smoke inside, and some of the original bamboo buildings had collapsed, as if they had been devastated by terror.

"Attention everyone!"

The drug traffickers approached cautiously, for fear of an ambush inside.

They didn't hear any gunshots, and the silence was eerily quiet.

"Head, what the hell is going on, how do I feel cold in my back?"

"That's right, isn't there a few hundred troops here in Nuoka? How can it be so quiet. "


"The smell of these burnt corpses, how many people have died to have such a smell?"


are here to find out the situation, that is, the vanguard, and they don't want to become cannon fodder.

"Shut up, pay attention to the realm, no matter what it is, we have to see it clearly." The leader reprimanded, and led the team to quickly approach the village of Nuokka.

Everyone was nervous, they were afraid of an ambush.

But when they approached the cottage, they were completely stunned by the scene in front of them.

It's a burned ruin, charred corpses everywhere!

The corpses were either smashed by bullets or blown up, and all of them turned into pulp... The blood stained the ground red, and the whole thing was like hell on earth.



When several drug dealers saw this scene, they couldn't help it and spit it out.

It's horrible!

They've all seen bloody scenes, they've all killed people, but this is the first time they've seen a scene like this.

Who the hell did this, so ruthlessly.

Looking at the entire cottage, there is not a single living person, only a corpse!

They cautiously walked towards the cottage, where there was not a single living mouth except corpses and corpses.

According to preliminary estimates, there are no less than 200 corpses, and they all died miserably!

The cottage of Nuoka was washed in blood overnight.

The more people looked at it, the more surprised they became, and their backs were cold sweating, if they came to support last night, what would be the consequences?

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