Li Erniu opened the car door and put Yan Duo in.


He Chenguang caught up from behind and shouted: "Hurry up, the local police are here, and another group of drug dealers is also catching up, we don't have enough bullets!" "


Fang Xinwu quickly started the car and stepped on the accelerator, "Get in the car!"

Li Erniu and the others quickly jumped into the car, and Chen Jun and Gao Yan also rushed into the car as soon as possible.


Dense gunfire rang out suddenly.


The sound of raindrops crashing into the car board and countless sparks splashed out.

Thankfully, the buggy was modified, with a thick steel plate on the outside that bullets could not penetrate.

Otherwise, in this wave of shooting, the car will probably be beaten into a hornet's nest.

Gao Yan roared: "Drive!"

Fang Xinwu let go of the clutch, and with a bang, the car instantly jumped out and roared towards the road ahead.

The sound of Dangdang's impact continued, bullets hit the back of the car, and countless sparks flew away.

Because it was so dense, I felt like the whole car was trembling, and it looked like it might fall apart at any time.

Suddenly there was a bang.

A bullet burst into bulletproof glass, shattering granularities like scattered flowers.

Chen Jun immediately blocked Yan Duo with his body.

He doesn't like this guy, but this guy can't die now, otherwise, he won't be able to find Nuoka.

When Yan Duo was carried out by Chen Jun and others, he had gradually regained consciousness, and at this time, he was completely awake.

Seeing Chen Jun protecting himself with his body, there was a complicated look in his eyes, "For... Why save me? "

He was very weak, he only had his last breath left, if it wasn't for Chen Jun and others to rescue him, he would definitely not be able to hold up the rising sun tomorrow.

I thought I was dead, but I didn't think that someone would come to save them.

Chen Jun said sharply: "Shut up, otherwise Lao Tzu will be thrown out!"

At this moment, Gao Yan suddenly shouted: "Hell, the person chasing us is not the local police, nor is it Zapu's people!"

Chen Jun looked back from the broken car window and couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the person sitting in the front car.

Isn't this guy the general under Nuoka, Weng Sha?

The other side officially killed the main murderers of those crew members.

If anyone who has watched the original drama knows, this guy will kill Iwado the next day.

I didn't expect it to come.

Chen Jun shouted indifferently: "It's one of the murderers who killed the crew, Weng Sha!"

"Who?" Gao Yan was surprised.

Chen Jun shouted repeatedly: "Weng Sha, the photo you gave me is this person, the number one general of Nuoka!" "

Weng Sha?" Gao Yan turned his head in surprise, but the car was driving too fast, and he didn't have the ability of Chen Jun, so he could see who was chasing after him.

He knew very well that Weng Sha was a very ruthless person, and the ferocity was not inferior to Nuoka.

He was the person who had been chasing Nuoka for the longest time, thinking that with his assistance, Nuoka's power could expand so quickly.

I didn't expect the other party to kill at this time, they must have paid attention to Zapu's situation, and it is estimated that they are also here to rob Yanduo.

They're going to kill people!

Gao Yan immediately thought of this.

He roared loudly: "They are fully armed, and the time is just right, drive faster, we will be very passive when we are caught up!"

Fang Xinwu shouted: "Understood! "

He slammed on the gas pedal and the speed was already up to the maximum.

At this time, he also fought hard.

However, the car is on a curved road, and even if it is fast, it is not much faster.

The faces of the others became solemn.

If it was in normal times, they would definitely not have to worry, but now they are passive, there are not many bullets in their hands, and they have to protect a lot of rocks, which will increase their difficulty dozens of times.

This is the other party's territory again, and the other party will have support at any time, and they only have these people.

This is the passivity of overseas operations.

At this moment, Weng Sha suddenly opened the roof of the car, carried a bazooka, and got out of the roof.

He set up the bazooka and aimed it at the off-road vehicle in front of him, and locked it for a moment.

"Let's all go to God!"

Weng Xu pulled the trigger suddenly.


The bazooka shoots out the warhead and emits a spinning exhaust and whizzes towards the off-road vehicle.

Gao Yan saw a warhead whizzing from the rearview mirror, grabbed the reverse disk, and turned suddenly.

The off-road vehicle suddenly drove to the left.


A shrill voice rang out.

The whistling rocket, with its flaming flaming tail, flew past the car.


A huge explosion exploded on the road ahead.

Gunpowder smoke billowed and the red light soared into the sky.

And the earth trembled.

Fortunately, Gao Yan pulled a reverse disc just now and turned the front of the car, otherwise this rocket would have hit the off-road vehicle, and all of them would have to go to see Hades.

The SUV roared through the rising smoke and continued to rush forward.

The smoke around them allowed them to temporarily avoid the other party's fire.

Everyone was shocked.

Fortunately, the dodge was timely, otherwise the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Gao Yan scolded directly, "Fuck, your uncle, and bazooka!" This bastard is a bastard! He

really didn't expect the other party to even use such a heavy weapon, which was no different from the battlefield.

But it's normal to think about it, these drug dealers are outlaws, and after getting a lot of money through drugs, Nuoka will definitely buy all kinds of weapons and ammunition to expand his strength.

It is really not difficult for them to buy such firepower as bazookas.

In this area of Kanayama, as long as you have money, you can buy anything.

It's just that what Gao Yan didn't expect was that the other party was so unscrupulous and dared to use such a weapon in broad daylight.

These bastards!

Fang Xinwu's face changed drastically, his off-road vehicle could withstand the attack of bullets, but it couldn't resist the bazooka.

This time they were lucky enough to dodge one, but again, they weren't so lucky!

"Captain Gao, what should I do? The other side has a bazooka, if we do it again, we can't afford it! "

Fang Xinwu knows the madness of those drug traffickers, once they have this kind of weapon, they will definitely bring more than one.

It would be even more troublesome if it was really Nuoka's people, they were notoriously crazy people in this area, and their armed forces were very strong.

Now it's just a small number of people chasing, and the other party must have a backhand.

Gao Yan said: "Drive quickly, you can drive as fast as you can, as long as you throw them away for a distance, we will be able to do it." "

He's also unsure now, and that's the only way he can come up with.

Fang Xinwu smiled bitterly: "Captain Gao, the problem now is that we can't get rid of each other at all!" "

The people of Nuoka are the most difficult, and they must have come to Yan Duoduo!"

Gao Yan roared: "If you can't get rid of it, you have to get rid of it, this is the only chance!" Suddenly

, a voice said, "Don't be afraid! "

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