Gao Yan was thrown out quickly, and very suddenly, the bullets flew under his body, but in doing so, he almost attracted the attention of most of the armed drug traffickers.

It is not an exaggeration to say that these armed drug traffickers are a rabble.

They are all composed of some local rotten boys, who have not received much training in their daily lives, and their strength is basically stuck in the ordinary regular soldiers, no, they are a few points weaker than the regular ones.

They are brave to ordinary people, but for well-trained special forces, they are far from it.

Chen Jun's hand diverted his attention, and let their guns shoot at Gao Yan, and at this moment, Chen Jun's feet were bulleted, his back was sliding against the ground, and at the same time, the muzzle of the gun was upward, shooting at the drug traffickers.

Bang bang bang....

Rapid fire!

Every bullet that comes out of the muzzle of a gun will blow the head of an armed drug trafficker.

The muzzle of the gun in Chen Jun's hand locked on a direct trigger, and he didn't see if he hit the opponent, but directly turned the muzzle of the gun and continued to shoot...

And he shot at such a fast speed that none of the militants involved in drug trafficking reacted, and their heads were already blooming.

In just a few breaths, more than a dozen militants had already collapsed in pools of blood and turned into corpses, including the most vicious little leader.

When the other militants reacted, they turned around in fright and ran inside.

None of them are stupid, there are so many people by themselves, so many people fall down at once, where do they dare to fight?

On weekdays, they bully others, they are more ruthless than anyone else, but now let them fight hard... It's impossible.


!" "It's a hard stubble!"

they usually do this, but the first thing that comes to mind is to run, and then talk about it when they

have a chance.

In the face of a killing god like Chen Jun, they originally had a little courage, but now they don't have it at all.

If they knew that Chen Jun was so terrifying, they wouldn't rush out if they were killed, but they would hide in a corner more, and if they could, they would release the black gun, and if they couldn't, they would find an opportunity to escape, so that they wouldn't fight with the other party.

Chen Jun, who was shooting continuously, waited for his body to calm down, then bounced up and fired several shots at the drug traffickers who ran inside, and in the gunshot, several people fell directly to the ground.

So far, more than 20 people who originally rushed out have all been killed.


Chen Jun quickly changed the magazine and shouted to Gao Yan, who was lying under the wall, "Captain Gao, are you okay, how is the kite flying?"

When Gao Yan fell, he only scratched a little skin, and not a single bullet fell on his body.

Gao Yan looked around and saw that all the militants had fallen, so he jumped up and shouted: "Your uncle, if Lao Tzu had a heart attack, he would have died in mid-air!"

Chen Jun shouted solemnly: "It seems that people like you have big hearts, right?"

it... Gao Yan had a crazy impulse, "Why did you throw Lao Tzu into the rain of bullets, your uncle, and you still say that Lao Tzu has a big heart? A normal person can't do such a thing as you, when you come down to do this, can you say it in advance!"

As I said before, you cooperate with any action of mine, if my soldier is here, he will find a way to rush out as soon as possible to attract the attention of the other party.

He quickly changed the bullets, walked out, and said, "Don't talk so much nonsense, like the girls, this is the battlefield, you have to adapt, let Xiaotian out, and find more rocks."

Gao Yan had a bitter face, was thrown out at a bullet, flew a kite, complained a few words, and became a girl.


, Lao Tzu is so dark, have you ever seen such a black girl?

Gao Yan was depressed, but the movements under his hands were not slow at all, and he quickly let Xiao Tian out and asked him to find Yan Duo.

Before coming, Xiaotian had already smelled the breath of Iwata, and immediately rushed out wildly, rushing in the direction of the interior.

Gao Yan looked at the corpses around him and couldn't help but gasp.

It was the first time he had seen so many corpses, and the killing was too fast.

In just a few breaths, I felt that these people were all wooden people, like being shot in the head by Chen Jun one by one.

Is it really

that easy to kill?

No wonder this guy has such a terrifying aura on him, he killed so many people in one go, and he still acted like he was fine.

How many people did he kill to accumulate such a huge murderous aura.

Compared with him, it is really a small thing.

Gao Yan didn't expect them to enter the casino so easily.

Chen Jun glanced at the door, and there were still gunshots outside, but none of the drug traffickers broke in.

Outside the casino, He Chenguang and Lei Zhan, who were in a high position, kept sniping, and whoever was close to the entrance of the casino would kill whomever they wanted.

A wave of attacks came down, and there were already more than 20 corpses lying outside.

Whoever comes near the door will die!

There are many of these armed drug traffickers, but all of them are very afraid of death, and they dare not rush to the door when they see their comrades being killed continuously.

They want to live, too.

And they are very afraid of snipers, because they are lurking somewhere and they are not noticed.

In this way, the situation outside is basically under control.

Chen Jun looked at his watch, 5 minutes have passed since the attack was launched, and there are still 15 minutes to retreat, and he must speed up, otherwise the local police will come out, and when the time comes, he will be killed as easily as a drug dealer.

"Quick!" Chen

Jun beckoned Gao Yan to rush forward.

Everyone knows that time is pressing, and now is a race against death.

Suddenly, Xiaotian rushed out of the corridor inside, wagging his tail wildly at Gao Yan and letting out a whining sound.

Gao Yan said excitedly, "I've found someone, let's go!" The

two of them quickly followed Xiao Tian and rushed in.

Chen Jun advanced with a pistol in his hand, the muzzle of which was pointed forward.

When armed drug traffickers rushed out of it, Chen Junzhong was the first to shoot and shot the other party mercilessly, without a word of nonsense from beginning to end.

It's all killing!

And the killing action is crisp, like a robot.

Gao Yan was frightened from the side, he also wanted to shoot, but he didn't even have a chance to shoot.

It is often the drug trafficking militants who run out and are killed by Chen Jun.

It's the first time Gao Yan has seen such a murderous guy without blinking, I'm afraid that the most ruthless drug dealer can't be compared with a soldier like Chen Jun.

He felt a little sorry for these drug dealers.

If you provoke such a killing god, go to hell as soon as possible!

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