Mr. Wen stood up and took the initiative to shake hands with Chen Jun again, and shook him vigorously, "Captain Chen, please leave

it to you this time!"

He knew very well Chen Jun's ability, and although the personnel sent by the police this time were all veterans, when it came to the ability to fight, they still had to look at the special forces and Chen Jun!

The Jinshan area was not very peaceful, and all kinds of forces were complicated, and it was very difficult to ensure their own safety while handling cases.

Chen Jun is the best candidate.

Whether or not this task can be completed perfectly, give justice to the deceased, and give a satisfactory answer to the Chinese people depends on Chen Jun's performance.

Chen Jun said: "Where is the responsibility!" Mr

. Wen didn't say much, and after the explanation, he walked out quickly, and there were many matters waiting for him to arrange.

After he left, Gao Shiwei said to Chen Jun: "You have applied to me many times before, let me assign you tasks, and now you are the first, this time it is related to the dignity of the country and the nation, you must do a good job

!" "None of our compatriots can be killed casually, no matter where they are, we are their strongest backing, as soldiers, we must seek justice for them and return their innocence!"

"You were good just now, we are not afraid of anyone, blood disaster and blood return, this is the principle of our special forces. "

Chen Jun. Gao Shiwei looked at Chen Jun solemnly.

"Here!" Gao

Shiwei stared at Chen Jun, he knew Chen Jun's ability very well, so he entrusted him with this difficult task.

This is his hope for Chen Jun, and it is also the hope of the military region for him.

"Go ahead, pay attention to safety, you are going to face the most cunning drug dealer in the Jinshan area, no matter how many people you take out to execute, you must bring him back safely, no one is missing." "

Yes!" Chen Jun straightened up.

Gao Shiwei patted Chen Jun on the shoulder, "As long as the task is completed well, your professional soldier's suggestion will be fine, and the legendary soldier king you are optimistic about will also take the initiative to come to you and become your comrade-in-arms."

Chen Jun was stunned for a moment, and said, "Really?"

Gao Shiwei laughed, "Nonsense, this matter should have been done by him, and now that you have finished it, he will definitely come to you."

Chen Jun couldn't help but look forward to it, until now he had never seen the legendary king of soldiers, let alone what it looked like, the specific name was not clear, it was the real shadow.

Last time, the black-faced god instructor said that he would write a letter to the other party, but he had not heard any news until now, and Chen Jun felt that there was no hope.

This mission is an opportunity!

Chen Jun saluted: "Guarantee to complete the mission!"

After separating from Gao Shiwei, Chen Jun immediately returned to the hacker.

As soon as he returned, he gathered all the old members, and after asking them in detail about their respective training, Chen Jun immediately identified the personnel who would carry out the mission.

He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, Lei Zhan, Li Erniu, Xiao Zhuang, Deng Zhenhua, Shi Dafan and other 7 people, plus Chen Jun himself, a total of 8 people.

Subsequently, Chen Jun explained the general training direction to Baizhou and others, and asked them to proceed according to the plan.

After all, Chen Jun was not sure how long they would be on this mission, so he arranged the follow-up work first.

When the arrangements are made, let them leave first.

In the conference room, there were only a few people left on a mission.

He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others who were selected were very excited, this was the first time they had performed a special mission after joining the hackers.

Wang Yanbing's mouth couldn't help but ask: "Captain, what is the task, can you tell me in advance, I am so prepared." "

Except for Lei Zhan, everyone else is quite excited, after all, this is after they joined the hackers, they have been in a state of training, and they have not performed special tasks.

To put it bluntly, it's suffocated.

Now that they finally have a mission, can they not be excited?

Chen Jun glanced at Wang Yanbing and said, "Don't talk so much nonsense, stay if you don't want to go."

Wang Yanbing immediately straightened his waist and said: "Go, definitely go, I've waited for so long, and now I finally have a chance, can I not go?"

"Hurry up and arm and set off in ten minutes!" "


Everyone went straight to the arsenal, quickly armed themselves, and then went straight to the tarmac.

A helicopter gunship was already parked there waiting for them.

"Good guy, it seems to be a big move this time. Wang Yanbing was so excited that he wanted to roar.

He Chenguang narrowed his eyes and said, "Sample!"

Although everyone didn't speak, their thoughts were the same as Wang Yanbing's.

Soon, everyone quickly boarded the helicopter, and then the helicopter quickly took off, flew directly in the direction of the border, and disappeared into the night sky.

When the helicopter approached the border, it did not stop and continued to fly forward, paying directly to the border.

Wang Yanbing and the others were all curious in their eyes, and they were also a little shocked in their hearts, this is an overseas mission?

This time it must be a big one, otherwise they would have set out in the middle of the night.

Their eyes couldn't help but look at Chen Jun, but seeing him close his eyes and recuperate, no one dared to ask.

One by one, they also closed their eyes to recuperate and conserve their strength.

They are all veterans, and just a moment of excitement suppresses the excitement and keeps their minds stable.

It's not that hard for them.

About five hours later, when the helicopter landed on a flat grass, it was already dark.

Chen Jun, who had closed his eyes tightly, suddenly opened his eyes and ordered: "Prepare to get off the plane

!" "Yes!"

Everyone quickly sorted out their equipment, and the moment the cabin door opened, Chen Jun rushed out first, and the others followed suit.

When they all came down, they looked around, and the air was very hot and humid and dense with dense woods.

This is a typical subtropical climate, somewhat similar to the rainforests of Xishuangbanna.

When they saw the words "Golden Mountain Corner" set up next to the woods.

Everyone immediately understood what this place was, and they vaguely guessed what kind of combat mission it was.

The Jinshan area, who is not familiar with it? This is a paradise for drugs, a cancer all over the world.

And this place is full of violence all the year round, all kinds of armed conflicts, except for the local residents, ordinary people do not dare to come here at all.

What can they do when they're here in full gear? It's

a big deal!

Then they noticed a group of people coming out of the nearby woods and walking straight for them.

The leader is a black-faced man with a very burly figure, giving people a feeling of Yali Mountain.

When the other party walked in front of Chen Jun and saluted each other, he took the initiative to stretch out his right hand, and said: "Hello, I am Gao Yan, the captain of the anti-drug team, this is our comrade-in-arms, I hope the cooperation will go smoothly!"

Chen Jun stretched out his hand to hold it, and the next moment, a huge force rushed towards the opponent's wrist.

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