There are advantages in female soldiers, but in order to use these female soldiers, they still need to be tested and all kinds of intensive training are required.

Chen Jun said: "Do you want to become a qualified special soldier?"

Suddenly, the female soldiers stood up excitedly.

"Yes, we would like to do so much

!" "This is our goal

!" "Captain Chen, please take us!"


eyes of the female soldiers were full of eagerness.

They put in so much effort that they could even take their lives, isn't that just the way they are going?

Now the opportunity is right in front of them.

Chen Jun is a legendary figure, and now that they believe it, this devil will definitely give them hope.

Chen Jun nodded, "Do you want to stay in the hacker brigade?" All

the female soldiers shouted in unison: "Yes!"

Chen Jun said indifferently: "Impossible, it is impossible for you to stay here as front-line combatants, the difference in strength is too great, if you want to stay, there is only another way."

Tan Xiaolin was surprised: "What way?"

Chen Jun said: "The hacker team lacks an intelligence department, and you have an innate advantage in this regard, you want to stay, the only suitable position is... The relevant tests that you have to pass. All the

female soldiers were stunned for a moment, but they all nodded immediately.

Information...... Any branch of the military is very aware of its importance, and important intelligence directly affects the entire campaign, and even the development of the entire country.

However, engaging in intelligence work is very dangerous, and it

is not inferior to the frontal battlefield.

And as Chen Jun said, there is a big difference between them and male soldiers on the frontal battlefield, which is a certain thing, whether they are willing to accept this point of view or not, this is indeed the case.

Intelligence work is indeed an advantage for them.

Chen Jun said: "Are you sure?"

Tan Xiaolin said: "We are sure, no matter what the price is, we want to stay

!" "Please Captain Chen, leave us!"


female soldiers shouted in unison.

Chen Jun nodded, and suddenly said, "Okay, you take off your clothes."

In an instant, they were all stunned as if their bodies had been hit by a million critical hits!

Wang Yanbing and the others were also stunned.

What do you want to do Captain, everyone is a comrade-in-arms, there is a difference between men and women, how embarrassing it is...

Tan Xiaolin stammered a little and said, "Take off your clothes?"

Chen Jun said: "That's right, immediately, I won't say the second time."

Wang Yanbing couldn't help coughing and said, "Captain, let's avoid it first."

Chen Jun said indifferently: "No, all of them are standing here."


Yanbing, He Chenguang and a few other straight men of steel all blushed.

They're tough guys, but they're good at women... It's too embarrassing for them.

He Chenguang couldn't bear it anymore, and said: "Captain, they are female soldiers, take off your clothes, what are we doing here?" It's not appropriate, captain, you better let us leave."

Wang Yanbing also said: "Captain, there is a difference between men and women, we... Square peg.

Chen Jun said indifferently: "On the battlefield, there is no gender, there are no men and women, only the living and the dead, if you want to be a special soldier, you must lose your shame, in our eyes, we are just a soldier!"

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing didn't know this, but it was one thing to know, and it was another thing to do.

If it's in the face of the enemy, they can still be indifferent, but in the face of their comrades... They

really didn't expect that the captain would let them undress in public in order to dispel their idea of becoming special forces, and this kind of psychological blow was far greater than the physical damage.

The captain became indifferent, it really didn't look like a person, it was a machine!

Chen Jun ignored Wang Yanbing and the others, and roared in a low voice: "Take off, otherwise, the test is over, you will go back wherever you come from, you are not needed here!"

Suddenly, the faces of the female soldiers were extremely difficult to see, and they never thought that Chen Jun's first assessment would be this.

They are women, how can they undress in broad daylight, or face a group of men, no woman can accept it.

Qu Bi Azhuo is usually quite rough, like a female man, that is a bottom line, Ye Cunxin is strong, but she is a woman, her self-confidence is strong, Tian Guo doesn't seem to care about anything on weekdays, but let her take off her clothes in public, she will definitely not do it...

The female soldiers' faces were white and red, red and white, and they stood still.

This test was too difficult for them.

Chen Jun roared again: "I don't have time to spend time with you, this is not an order, but a choice for you, you only have 5 seconds

!" Suddenly, Tang Xinyi shouted loudly: "I'm coming!"

Then, she took off her coat without hesitation and threw it directly to the ground.

The other female soldiers all looked at Tang Xinyi with complicated eyes, this is really off, facing a group of wild men... What a loss.

Tan Xiaolin pursed her lips, and after a complicated psychological battle, she silently began to undress.

Seeing this, Ye Cunxin and the others did not hesitate, and began to undress.

Isn't it just to take off their clothes? When they are all air, isn't there nothing to do? If they can't pass this hurdle, how can they still be special forces

? On the battlefield, there is no distinction between men and women, only the living and the dead!

Will the enemy let them go because they are women?


If they want to survive, they can only survive on the battlefield if they let go of their shame and think of themselves as warriors.

Tian Guo and Qu Bi Azhuo were more conservative, watching the others start to undress, they didn't do anything, and the expressions on their faces were hesitant.

It's too hard for them...

Ye Cunxin shouted at them: "Quick, what are you still doing in a daze? Don't you want to be a special soldier? We will go deep behind enemy lines to fight in the future, inquire about information, and bring it back even if we are shirtless! Hurry up, this is the mission!"

Tian Guo and Qu Bi Azhuo's bodies trembled slightly, then closed their eyes and quickly took off their coats.

In this way, Wang Yanbing and the others were embarrassed, and they closed their eyes embarrassedly.

If you look at it like this... I can't get over it ideologically.

Don't look at them all being fierce in front of women, they are all pretending, otherwise how can they appear to be tough, but in this case, they really can't be called true.

The captain is testing their willpower.

At this moment, Chen Jun was still looking indifferently, and he couldn't see any change in expression on his face, like a piece of marble, in his opinion, there was no difference between men and women at all, only soldiers.

On the battlefield, bullets don't matter if you're a man or a woman, so to be a true warrior, you have to be able to give everything, including shame.

This is the biggest difference between Chen Jun and Wang Yanbing.

The female soldiers were still taking off, and when they saw that they were about to take it off, Chen Jun suddenly said: "Stop, stand up!"

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