"Why did you come from ancient times and say that you want to become a qualified specialist?"


Faced with Chen Jun's questioning, Tan Xiaolin was speechless.

They really didn't think about this problem before they came, they just felt that they had come to apologize to Chen Jun, and then asked the other party to train themselves...

Hey, they're still thinking too simply.

Chen Jun shook his head and said, "Go back, be an ordinary soldier, don't come to harass me." With that

, he turned to leave.

Tang Xinyi suddenly shouted loudly: "Captain Chen, we really want to be a good soldier, give us a chance, please!"

If it weren't for this setback, she wouldn't have realized how naïve her previous thoughts were, it was Chen Jun who woke her up.

"Captain Chen, please give us another chance!" Tian Guo shouted.

The female soldiers opened their mouths to plead.

This is their last chance and must not be missed.

Chen Jun stopped and shook his head, he really didn't like these female soldiers, they were all too hypocritical, they didn't have much ability, but they were all self-righteous.

Of course, they are not useless, if there is a good leader, they can still bring out a few good soldiers, such as Ye Cunxin, Shen Lanni, He Lu and others, even if it is Tang Xinyi, someone will guide them to the right path, and they can still make some achievements.

After all, they were able to stand out from so many female soldiers, and they went through strict special training, which shows that their own physical fitness is good, and the only thing that needs to be reformed is the ideological problem.

If their thoughts are improved, they will have a chance to come out, but their thoughts will not work... It's just a pile of scum.

Chen Jun thought for a moment, turned to look at them, and shouted: "You really want to be a special soldier?"

All the female soldiers shouted: "Yes!"

Chen Jun shouted: "Okay! When Lei Zhan first came here, he stood at the door for three days and three nights, I don't embarrass you, if after three days, you can still persist and pass the test, I will explain to the military region and apply to keep your Fire Phoenix number, if not."

He snorted coldly, "Get out of here immediately!"

Leaving this sentence, Chen Jun turned around and left, without hesitating for a moment.

Tang Xinyi shouted: "I will do it, persevere

to the end!" The

female soldiers shouted in unison: "Hold on to the end

!" "Queue!"

The female soldiers quickly lined up, stood on the side of the road, maintained the most standard military posture, and stood quietly.

There was a determined expression on each of their faces.

Wang Yanbing looked at the stubborn female soldiers, glanced up, the red sun above his head, and shook his head, "What's the trouble, it's actually good to be a vase in the army, just let the man do the war."

He Chenguang squinted and said, "You look down on women?"

Wang Yanbing hurriedly explained: "No, absolutely not this meaning, I just said that they may not be able to, not to mention women all over the world, I don't have a girlfriend yet, spread it out, you let me be a bachelor for a lifetime."

He Chenguang smiled and stopped talking.

These female soldiers are indeed quite stubborn, but they have to stand here for three days...

"Lei Zhan, how did you survive, if I stand at the door for three days in a row, I will probably faint." He Chenguang said.

Wang Yanbing also looked at Lei Zhan, "These female soldiers, you have trained, how long do you say they can last?" The

corners of Lei Zhan's mouth twitched, how do you feel that these two boys always sprinkle salt on his wounds, as for comparing them with themselves? Lao Tzu is also the king of soldiers for three consecutive terms, and his physical fitness is strong, what do these female soldiers compare with themselves?

"It's hard to say, I was because of the good weather, as well as the physical fitness of men, the weather has been very bad these days, it is said that there is a possibility of heavy rain in the past two days, one will be cold and one will be hot, I think two days at most, they will leave. "

Are you sure?" said Wang Yanbing.

Lei Zhan said: "If you don't go to the top, it's good that they can really change their past mistakes, and if they die, they have to press and persevere, maybe they can create miracles."

He Chenguang was noncommittal, and sighed: "Look at their determination, let's go, go and train, otherwise let a group of girls watch the joke." "

Gone. Wang

Yanbing and the others ignored the Fire Phoenix people and went to the training ground to continue training.

At this moment, Chen Jun returned to the office and stood in front of the window, just in time to see the situation at the gate, and the female soldiers were standing there motionless.

In the original play, the strength of the fire phoenix is still good, and each female soldier has her own characteristics, but in Chen Jun's eyes, they are still too weak.

"Whether you can come down or not depends on how determined you are.

Chen Jun turned around and walked past the desk, and was about to approve today's documents when the phone on the desk rang.

"I'm Deputy Tan. "

Chief!" Chen Jun stood upright.

Deputy Tan said: "The female soldiers of the Fire Phoenix are all on your side now, I let them go, but don't get me wrong, I don't mean to intercede, what should they do or what should they do, if they can't meet the requirements, they have to be withdrawn, there is nothing to say." "

Chen Jun knows Deputy Tan's style and wants to make the troops stronger.

"Chief, what do you mean?"

Deputy Tan said, "I want to ask you for another thing.

Chen Jun was stunned for a moment and said, "Chief, you say."

Deputy Tan hesitated on the other end of the phone, and said: "Tan Xiaolin is my daughter, you should know that the original establishment of the Fire Phoenix Special Operations Group was also proposed by me, from the emotional aspect, it is not easy for the army to train a commando, and it is a women's special combat team, which is the first in the country, so it is conceivable that they have special significance."

"So I hope you can make them understand the meaning of special forces, they can beat and scold, and if they can't do anything, they will be disbanded."

Chen Jun could hear Deputy Tan's helplessness, he wanted to help his daughter and all the female soldiers of the Fire Phoenix, but his position was not suitable for him to open this mouth.

The relationship between Deputy Tan and Tan Xiaolin has always been very stiff, which is clear to Chen Jun in the original work.

If he had such a daughter, he would definitely be like this, but no matter what, she is her own daughter, and until the last step, the father wants to help.

It's human nature.

Chen Jun is not a wooden man, he knows that these people are sophisticated, after all, he is also ready to be a father.

A father's love for his children is silent.

Deputy Tan is such a father, on the surface, he is strict and demanding with his daughter, but it is not for the good of his daughter for a long time, and it

turns out that what he did was right,

but Tan Xiaolin didn't listen.

Now that Tan Xiaolin is facing such a big problem, Deputy Tan still hopes to give her daughter a hope, of course, if Tan Xiaolin is not angry and stands in the position of the second-in-command of a military region, how to deal with it or how to deal with it.

This is a matter of principle.

Deputy Tan is very aware of this.

Chen Jun thought for a moment and said, "Chief..."

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