Wang Changlin's face sank, and even Tan Xiaolin, the captain, didn't understand that it was necessary for this team to continue?

Thinking determines action, and if there is a problem in thinking, there will definitely be a big problem in action!

Wang Changlin waved his hand and directly interrupted Tan Xiaolin's words: "Okay, starting today, the Fire Phoenix will cancel the identity of the special forces, and the next step will be a meeting of the military region to study your whereabouts." "


No one thought that the consequences would be so serious, and they would be disqualified from special forces, which meant that their Fire Phoenix name was gone.

Their temple was demolished!

If they knew that a fight with Chen Jun would have such serious consequences if they lost, they would not have come to the death.

It's just that they don't understand, and it's not because they lose.

It is normal for the two armies to fight each other, win or lose, and the only difference is that their ideological consciousness is not enough to become a special soldier, which is the key to the problem.

Tan Xiaolin's worst worry happened anyway, he hesitated for a moment, and still shouted: "Report to the chief, we obey the arrangements of our superiors, no matter where we go, but we have also gone through all kinds of crazy training to get to where we are today, and we can't disband because of this..."

Wang Changlin's face was gloomy, and he said angrily: "They all said that you are wood, and now you are still asking this, can you listen to my words, do you understand Captain Chen's intentions? Everything he has done, although cruel, is to save your lives, the enemy will not be merciful to you, you are not an ordinary army, you will face life and death tasks at any time, why don't you understand it until now!" "Chen Jun is

right, you just don't distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, don't be a soldier, it's just an insult to the soldier, get out!"

Wang Changlin was furious, surprisingly angry.

He is a veteran soldier, and the words Chen Jun just said empathize with him, and if he is cruel to himself in peacetime, his comrades-in-arms will not die on the battlefield.

Today, Chen Jun taught the fire phoenix a lesson, on the surface, he was looking at the fire phoenix, but in fact, he was saving their lives, but they were still self-righteous one by one... Women, for the first time, Wang Changlin doubted whether the decision he had made was right, or whether the military region had chosen the wrong person?

Tan Xiaolin and the others were all taken aback, where did they dare to stay longer, and if they continued to talk, I was afraid that they would have to take off their military uniforms.

They quickly got into the car and left.

Wang Changlin stood under the banner of the hacker's team, was silent for a while, and then saluted.

"This is the real special forces!" Wang

Changlin also left, and in the face of his departure, the training ground returned to quiet.

It didn't take long for Chen Jun to come over and sit alone on the playground, his eyes full of helplessness and complexity.

The black-faced god walked over, "What are you thinking, you're alone here in a daze."

As he spoke, he sat on Chen Jun's side, "If you want to open a little, there is no need to be angry for some girls who don't know what to do." "

The black-faced god knows what is happening, and he probably knows what Chen Jun is thinking.

Chen Jun shook his head and said: "The country spent so much money and energy to build a force, but they didn't even understand the meaning of special forces, and I tried my best to make my soldiers live in fear, so that when war suddenly came, they could get out of the battlefield alive and be able to see their relatives and friends."

"They have not experienced life and death, they don't know what it's like for their comrades to die in front of them, and they have never met mercenaries with strong combat effectiveness, and they write insulting words of the Scout on the stone tablets on the border, I have killed many enemies at the border, and I have always said to myself, you have to be a villain, don't let your relatives and friends die."

"Modern civilized society, in fact, is still a society of the jungle, a country wants peace and tranquility, without the support of strong force, that is impossible, do they not pay any attention to the international community?"

"I don't know, war may come at any time? War, bloody cruelty is placed in front of the world, what calls for peace, stop war, is it possible? The predatory nature of authoritarianism has never stopped.

Chen Jun said to himself.

The black-faced god was silent on the side, he knew Chen Jun completely, he was cold and arrogant, like a cold machine, but he was tender in his heart, and he was more loyal to the country than anyone else.

Chen Jun, a young man, has borne a burden that ordinary young people do not have.

Young people like Chen Jun, put into society, are a group of energetic college students, who are unscrupulously swaying their youth and enjoying their own lives... Their only worry is how to make their lives exciting.

The black-faced god was silent for a long time, then patted Chen Jun on the shoulder and said, "The things you are carrying are too heavy, don't think too much, there are some things you can't do so much alone."

Chen Jun nodded and said, "There are always people to do some things, right?"

The black-faced god did not refute: "Everyone has their own way of living, don't worry too much about things, do the current things well, you are the best soldier, you are the best soldier in your heart, no one is better than you."

Chen Jun grinned and said, "Thank you instructor for the compliment, hearing you say this, I suddenly feel pretty good." The

black-faced god stood up and suddenly said solemnly: "Captain, I will tell you one thing, and you must decide carefully.

Chen Jun was surprised: "What's the matter, it's so serious, in front of the chief, I shot at the woman, what could be more serious than this?"

Captain, your military quality is much higher than everyone in the brigade, this is not a good thing, performing tasks, you become the main force every time, others are auxiliaries, in the long run, you will form a bad idea, just have a captain, it will form a blind worship.

"The strength of a team is not the strength of one person, but the strength of the whole, and it is not a good thing that someone is too popular." "

Captain, you're a smart man, you know what I mean. "

After seeing Chen Jun's ability, the black-faced god knows very well that once he is on the battlefield, Chen Jun will definitely play a leading role, which has advantages and disadvantages, and the disadvantage is that it has been like this for a long time, everyone is shrouded in Chen Jun's aura, and they do not have a correct judgment of their own strength.

Because every time they fight, Chen Jun has eliminated the biggest danger, and in the long run, it will not be good for their strength to improve.

As the chief instructor, the black-faced god is very aware of this potential hidden danger.

Chen Jun nodded and said, "So I asked you to come to improve their combat level, there is no problem with this." "

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