There was silence for a moment, and Tang Xiaoxiao exclaimed: "I'll go, is this an animal!"

Tian Guo shook his head and said, "This is not an animal, he is a beast!"

Qubi Azhuo said: "Beast!

Ouyang smiled helplessly and said: "Hey, how can people compare with fierce beasts, we lost."

The female soldiers of the Fire Phoenix all widened their eyes, unable to believe how Chen Jun did it.

At a distance of 100 meters, Ye Cunxin fired dozens of bullets without hitting the opponent, and let the opponent rush through and knock him down.

It's incredible.

Even if Lei Zhan faced an attack like Ye Cunxin, he couldn't resist it.

Chen Jun defeated Ye Cunxin within 3 minutes.

At this moment, Chen Jun picked up the gun on the ground, there was still a bullet in it, walked directly in front of Ye Cunxin, raised the muzzle of the gun, and aimed it at her head.

Ye Cunxin, who was half-conscious and half-unconscious in the struggle, said in horror: "I have already lost, what are you going to do?"

Chen Jun shook his head and said: "For special forces, on the battlefield, if you don't die, you have to replenish your gun, or, take prisoners!" "


The bullet hit Ye Cunxin's head at close range, although it was through the tactical helmet, but the impact of the bullet at close range hit her head, making her brain buzz, her eyes black, and she completely fainted.

Seeing that Chen Jun actually shot at Ye Cunxin in the end, Tan Xiaolin and the others rushed over.

"You madman, why do you have to make up for the gun, she has already admitted defeat, why are you still so cruel to yourself, what kind of man are you!"

"Is it necessary for you to be so cruel to your own people? You are pure revenge! "

You bastard!"

The female soldiers of the Fire Phoenix scolded while helping Ye Cunxin, taking off the helmet on her head, and a big bag bulged out of her head.

It's so ruthless!

Before He Lu surrendered, he was also knocked unconscious by Chen Jun, and this time, it was even more miserable Ye Cunxin was knocked unconscious by the gun.

This bastard, specializes in beating women.

The female soldiers all scolded, saying that Chen Jun was not a thing.

Only the veterans of hackers gave Chen Jun a thumbs up.

The captain is the captain, and he directly treats this as a real battle.

Wang Yanbing said: "See it, I'll just say that the captain, he won't be soft on women, in his eyes, there are only comrades-in-arms and enemies, on the battlefield, either you die, or I live, there is no reason to surrender and not kill."

Lei Zhan nodded and said, "This is the real battlefield!"

Wang Yanbing said: "The captain is actually cold on the outside and hot on the inside, but unfortunately those female soldiers don't understand, they only see things with their eyes, not with their hearts, they don't have any sense at all, but women are not almost like this?" Not everyone can understand right and wrong like my sister-in-law, you are right.

Lei Zhan's brows were locked, how could he feel that Wang Yanbing was digging a pit.

"Say whatever you want, don't beat around the bush." Lei Zhandao.

Wang Yanbing smiled, "Brother Lei, you just need to understand it in your heart."

Lei Zhan was speechless.

As for Wang Changlin and the others, when they saw this scene, their brows only furrowed.

It's a bit excessive, but it's not always like that on the battlefield.

These female soldiers have not experienced the baptism of the battlefield and do not understand this yet.

At this moment, Chen Jun would not fire the female soldiers of the Phoenix at all, but walked towards Wang Changlin, Tan Xiaolin followed closely behind, "Stop!"

Chen Jun didn't pay attention to it at all, and walked directly in front of Wang Changlin.

Tan Xiaolin was so angry that she rushed over, pointed at Chen Jun's nose and scolded: "Bastard, do you want to leave like this?" You bastard is not only ruthless, but also a robot, we lost, our skills are not as good as others, but we will not be such ruthless subordinates to our own people, are you worthy of being a soldier of the Yan Kingdom! "

You must apologize to my teammates for standing up for me!"

Tan Xiaolin's lungs are about to explode, losing is losing, she admits it, but this guy is too deceitful, and she must apologize, otherwise it will definitely not be like this.

Chen Jun stopped, originally he just wanted the female soldiers to get out, but now he was angry.

"Chief, can you get the Fire Phoenix to gather? I have something to say to them.

Wang Changlin did not hesitate to order Tan Xiaolin: "Fire Phoenix gather immediately!" In

his opinion, Chen Jun did not do too much, and the group of female soldiers of the Fire Phoenix were too spoiled to give them such a great sense of superiority, and they didn't realize what their problems were.

Chen Jun wants to wake them up!

Tan Xiaolin gritted her teeth and shouted, "Yes!" "

She is unwilling, but the other party is the chief, Chen Jun can scold, so to speak, you can ignore it, because everyone is at the same level, but Wang Changlin is different, he said a word, it is possible for the fire phoenix to dissolve tomorrow!

A minute later, the fire phoenix was assembled, including He Lu, Tang Xinyi and others, who were knocked unconscious, all woke up.

Chen Jun actually didn't take a heavy hand on them, otherwise, it would not be a short coma, but a few hours.

When the women saw Chen Jun coming over, their eyes were burning with anger, as if they were going to eat Chen Jun, especially Tang Xinyi.

Today she came to teach Chen Jun a lesson, but she was abused by Chen Jun.

This is a door-to-door beating, what's the difference from last time? The front teeth that I had just filled were loose again and almost fell out.

He Lu and Ye Cunxin also had a raging flame in their hearts, they had obviously admitted defeat, but the other party was still ruthless.

There was still a stinging pain in He Lu's neck, and Ye Cunxin's mind was still buzzing, all of which were due to Chen Jun.

They lost, they admit it, but why did this guy play such a heavy hand? Want to kill!

Therefore, the hatred for Chen Jun has not weakened at all, and if there is an opportunity, it will definitely make Chen Jun pay a heavy price.

Chen Jun stood in front of them indifferently, how could he not know what these female soldiers thought?

A bunch of soldiers!

Chen Jun said coldly: "Do you know why I look down on you? It's not because you are women, Long Xiaoyun, the squadron leader of the Wolf Warrior Commando, is also a woman, I respect her very much, she is a real soldier, a special soldier, a former intelligence staff officer of the Wolf Tooth Special Brigade, and also a woman, I am inconvenient to reveal her name, she is undercover drug dealer group, watching her subordinates die in front of her, she is still unyielding, this is a respected female soldier of the army! With that

, he walked in front of Tang Xinyi, "And what did you do?" Do you know what special forces are? You don't even know how to obey orders, how do you know how to be a special soldier? Saying that you are a special soldier, where do you get the confidence and confidence? That's ignorance!

Chen Jun pointed at Tang Xinyi, "Just because of your bullshit dignity, ignoring discipline, ignoring the mistakes made by friends, there is no distinction between right and wrong, just because you are a woman, which dignity do you want?" This kind of person should get out of the army and stay, sooner or later he will kill his comrades because of the dignity of bullshit! "

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