Chen Jun's fist!


Chen Jun's right fist hit his chest, and the whole thing flew out upside down, slamming heavily on the ground again.

This time it was worse than the last time, and I fainted directly.

And Tang Xinyi just got up from the ground and roared like a mad dog: "I'm going to kill you!"

She rushed towards Chen Jun again, but Chen Jun didn't look back, and directly made a roundabout kick, which hit Tang Xinyi's neck.


Tang Xinyi smashed it on the ground and lost consciousness.

Chen Jun walked towards He Lu, the only one still standing.

He Lu directly raised his hand and shouted, "I surrender..."

, but before he finished speaking, Chen Jun had already flown over with one foot and directly knocked the other party unconscious.

At this point, the three female soldiers fell to the ground in just five or six breaths, losing their combat effectiveness.

Chen Jun wins!

Tan Xiaolin and the others were dumbfounded one by one, and their pupils were dilated.

No one thought that Chen Jun's fighting strength would be so terrifying, and the killing was decisive, Tang Xinyi and the others couldn't withstand a face-to-face attack when they joined forces.

Such combat effectiveness is stronger and more fierce than the thunder warfare they have been exposed to.

They guessed that Chen Jun should be a bit strong, but they didn't expect it to be so outrageous, according to this kind of attack, I'm afraid that even if the ten of them go together, I am afraid they will not be able to take advantage of the slightest advantage.

The female soldiers only felt that they had made a mistake, and they underestimated the strength of Chen Jun.

In addition, it also let them see Chen Jun's ruthlessness, He Lu has already admitted defeat, he still has a dead hand, there is no room for anything, is there such a bully?

Wang Yanbing sighed: "Now there is something to see, what is not easy to choose, you have to choose to fight with the captain, the class has an axe." "

He has fought with Chen Jun too many times, and if he really makes a move, Chen Jun's attack methods are even stronger than this.

What about the three female soldiers besieging them?

Chen Jun is ears and ears listen to six ways, eyes see all directions, coupled with super reflexes, how can he want to beat him in groups?

Lei Zhan nodded and said, "This is the difference between masters.

At this moment, Tan Xiaolin, who reacted, shouted: "Chen Jun, you bastard, she has already admitted defeat, why do you still want to do it?" "

Everybody heard it.

Chen Jun shook his head and said: "This is the battlefield, the enemy will not let you go because you admit defeat, if you are not convinced, come here to take revenge."

He faced all the female soldiers and looked at them indifferently.

This is a special challenge to all the remaining female soldiers.

Enough cow!

Wang Yanbing and the others almost gave a thumbs up to express their approval.

They didn't have any good feelings about these female soldiers, they just felt that the captain's attack was too fierce.

"Bastard!" Ye Cunxin was the first to rush over, and Ouyang Qian, Tian Guo and the others were gearing up, ready to attack as a whole.

Beat people, and still be so arrogant, is it really that the fire phoenix is a vegetarian?

When the female soldiers were about to rush over, Wang Changlin couldn't stand it anymore and roared: "What are you doing!"

All the female soldiers stopped, looking unwilling.

Tan Xiaolin looked at Wang Changlin and said, "Chief, you have also seen it, where is this guy competing, it's just murder, he's too much, don't you care?"

Ye Cunxin also said: "Chief, he is relying on his own ability to do nonsense!"

"He Lu has already surrendered, why do you still do it? He did it on purpose! "

Chief, Chen Jun must be punished!"

The female soldiers were more popular than one another, and they couldn't wait to dismantle Chen Jun.

I heard that Chen Jun was ruthless before, and Tang Xinyi's injuries were all because of him, and everyone thought it was a little strange at that time, how could there be such a man.

Now they all understand.

This guy can definitely do it!

Wang Yanbing and the others looked at the angry female soldiers, and wanted to laugh a little, this is a woman, she has all kinds of excuses when she loses, and she even wants to punish the captain? What are they thinking in their heads?

In their opinion, there is nothing wrong with Chen Jun doing this.

Naturally, it is a battle, and it is in the way of actual combat, what special forces? Special forces are the strongest combat effectiveness, they didn't understand this, and they said that they were special forces?

No wonder the captain looked down on them from beginning to end.

Wang Yanbing said softly: "Look, women are in trouble, they just jumped at the beginning, I really don't know if they will go to the battlefield one day in the future, will it be the same."

Lei Zhan said: "Women are always women, the pattern is still small, and half of them can't survive on the battlefield." Suddenly

, everyone's eyes were focused on Wang Changlin.

Chen Jun's approach is indeed a bit excessive, but this is harmless, the Fire Phoenix Challenge itself has a big problem, Chen Jun is a little heavier, it is understandable.

"Chen Jun is right, this is the battlefield, life and death are separated from the battlefield, he is just stunned, if it is true, you will die!" Wang Changlin said heavily.

Tan Xiaolin and the others were stunned when they saw that Wang Changlin was sometimes facing Chen Jun.

Is it reasonable for Chen Jun to beat people like this?

That's not right, right!

Wang Yanbing said softly: "Look, I'll just say that the chief is here to stand on the platform for the captain, and it's okay to fight, it's because these female soldiers are too uninteresting and too hypocritical."

Lei Zhan nodded and said: "The captain is a little too much, but it's not wrong, just teach them a lesson, otherwise wouldn't anyone be able to challenge hackers in the future?" We don't have that much time to cope.

Wang Yanbing smiled and said, "The captain is going to use the fire phoenix to open the knife, and he kicked our door last time, is our hacker's door so easy to kick?" Come in standing and go out sideways.

At that time, Wang Changlin said solemnly: "Aren't you special forces?" Has you been trained in the most brutal way? What hypocrisy! "

Damn... Everyone was stunned, but they didn't expect the chief to burst out on the spot.

Chen Jun is very happy and comfortable, this is the real side of the hawkish boss, and he will not be pretentious because of his identity, such a leader is welcomed by everyone.

Tan Xiaolin and the others were all silent when they were scolded, and they were so aggrieved that tears were about to fall.

They didn't expect the chief to blatantly face Chen Jun, obviously the other party was wrong, but how did they become their fire phoenix hypocrisy, not special forces.

Wang Changlin saw their aggrieved looks, and they were about to cry, and roared angrily: "What are you doing in a daze, carry all of your people down, don't be embarrassed, three people attacked at the same time, and they didn't even touch people's clothes, what else is there to say, shame!" Tan

Xiaolin and the others were all flushed, since the official establishment of the Fire Phoenix, many people in the military region regarded them as treasures, and at the beginning of its establishment, they relied on various tricks to win the commander of the Red Arrow Brigade in an exercise, which made them famous.

Since that time, the female soldiers of the Fire Phoenix have developed a problem of being superior.

I was slapped in the face this time!

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