Chen Jun knew that Long Xiaoyun was strong, very strong!

If a woman wants to gain a foothold in the army, she has to pay more than a man and has stronger self-esteem, you can not cooperate with her, but if you question it, it is looking for abuse.

However, it was Chen Jun who she met today.

Chen Jun doesn't care, this is the only way to poach people.

He respects the strong, and so does women, she doesn't respect the orders of her superiors, it's okay, then show her real skills.

This is also an explanation of Long Xiaoyun's taking away her soldiers.

Chen Jun's thinking now is to look at the whole country, rather than being limited to a certain military region or a certain army.

If he wants to build hackers, he needs to pick the most suitable people among the major military regions.

Chen Jun stared at Long Xiaoyun and said: "Hackers are stronger than wolf warriors, you are not as good as us hackers, and it is the same many times." "


Long Xiaoyun slapped the table, his eyes were cold, and a wave of anger rushed straight up, as if the universe in his heart was about to explode in the next moment.

Arrogance, what is arrogance? Long Xiaoyun went from an unknown soldier to a major squadron leader, relying on her strength.

Today was the first person she had ever seen so arrogant in front of her.

The person who came to dig herself, and put on a high-minded posture, when she was air?

Chen Jun and Long Xiaoyun knew that when they won the martial arts competition, they won the wolf warrior, but so what? That's because I'm not there.

"Chen Jun, this is a wolf warrior, not you hackers!" Long Xiaoyun said angrily.

The gatekeeper saw this situation and hurriedly became a peacemaker, "Captain Long, don't be angry, don't be angry, let's talk about it." As

he spoke, he hurriedly gave Chen Jun a look, meaning that he should not be so impulsive, if he provoked Long Xiaoyun, it would be difficult to say anything.

Long Xiaoyun glanced at the gatekeeper indifferently, "Instructor, go away, it's none of your business here, I respect the veteran, otherwise, I will beat you together!" The

gatekeeper was directly choked.

"Captain Dragon, let's... If you have something to say, don't hurt the harmony, Captain Chen didn't mean anything else, he actually wanted to say..."

Chen Jun sneered: "Instructor, don't tell her so much, let her come over and let her know where the gap is." "

I'm going... Big brother, you're really here to make trouble... The gatekeeper smiled bitterly, he knew that he shouldn't have come with Chen Jun.

Long Xiaoyun said angrily: "Get out of the way!"

She pushed the black-faced god away.

The gatekeeper couldn't stop him at all, and it was not easy to stop him, so he simply walked to the door, and if the situation was not right, he quickly ran away.

Long Xiaoyun stared at Chen Jun indifferently and said, "I know that you won the championship of the Dogskin National Special Forces Competition, right?" Back then, I was also the first, and this year it's because I'm not there, otherwise, you don't have a chance.

Chen Jun was also cold: "Do you know why you won the first place?" Because I'm not here, otherwise, you don't have a chance. "

Sure enough, it's the tip of the needle!

The gatekeeper stood at the door, knowing that these two guys would definitely not be able to stop him, so Chen Jun wanted to solve the problem violently.

Chen Jun wouldn't think that Long Xiaoyun was a woman, so he wanted to use force, right?

Long Xiaoyun's strength is very strong!

She was able to bring the wolf warrior out and become the ace of the military region, because of her superiority, otherwise, how could a group of old men listen to a woman's orders?

Now it's in trouble... The two of them are like this, and it is impossible not to fight.

At this moment, Long Xiaoyun's clenched fists made a gurgling sound, and his body seemed to be lurking with a tiger, about to explode.

As the captain of the wolf warrior, the most proud thing is her strength, leadership ability, and military quality, which are not inferior to male soldiers, and it is precisely because of this that she has come to this point.

She didn't rely on anyone, but on her own strength!

Chen Jun had already stepped on her bottom line, and the murderous aura on his body burst out, "Then challenge it, do you dare!" "

When the reason doesn't make sense, then it depends on whose fists are hard, Long Xiaoyun already has doubts about Chen Jun's strength, take this opportunity to give it a try.

Chen Jun said: "I don't mind teaching you a lesson. Long

Xiaoyun almost ran away, she had seen a lot of arrogant people, but like the other party, the first.

"You win, you take Leng Feng away, if you lose, get out immediately, and admit in the whole army that you hackers are not as good as wolf warriors!"

"Let's go!"

Long Xiaoyun walked in a tiger step, walked out angrily, and took the lead in going out.

The gatekeepers were almost knocked down by her.

Looking at Long Xiaoyun's full of anger, and then looking at Chen Jun, the gatekeeper was speechless, "Are you kid here to ask for someone, or to do something."

Chen Jun smiled and said, "Are you afraid that I will lose?" "

The gatekeeper knows Chen Jun's strength, and knows that he will definitely not lose in the face of Long Xiaoyun, the key is whether it is appropriate to do so? It's not elegant at all.

"I mean, the Dragons are a very good girl, a good soldier, what are you provoking her for? If there is anything, we just need to discuss it carefully, there is no need to be so stiff, there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future. "The gatekeeper is an old fritter, how can he not see what Chen Jun is doing, this is deliberate.

Chen Jun shook his head and said: "You have also seen that there is no other way, this is the only way to take away Leng Feng, a woman like her only accepts radical generals, and she can't listen to the rest at all." The

gatekeeper sighed, and there was some truth in what he said, but he always felt that something was wrong.

"She is a very arrogant woman, with a very high vision, if you maintain such an attitude for too long and judge her thinking badly, you must let her know that there are people outside the world, and it will be good for him to beat her up."

it... What kind of logic is this? Strong logic!

Chen Jun didn't care what the gatekeeper thought, and strode out with a smile.

From the very beginning, Chen Jun planned to use this way, after all, Long Xiaoyun was different from other women.

The only way to deal with a proud woman is in the most direct way!

The gatekeeper covered his head, his eyes turned several times, and finally burst out: "Lao Tzu believes that you are a ghost, you bad boy, you are advertising yourself, right?"

"It's really enough, advertise until the wolf warrior comes, you can figure it out!"

The fame of hackers is to stand out in the competition, in fact, in the major teams, not many people know about them, and naturally they don't know much about their strength.

I'm afraid that when Chen Jun came, he had already thought about this step, it was true that he was competing with Long Xiaoyun, but if he took a step back, why wasn't he promoting hackers?

This kid thought deeply enough, and he poached it, and he didn't forget to make a name for the hacker, this is to step on the shoulders of the wolf warrior.

The strength of the wolf warrior is not low in the commandos of the major military regions, and Chen Jun came directly to the gym this time, so you can imagine what impact it will have.

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