Chen Jun had already thought of a plan.

"The number of people is about 12 people, two combat groups, as long as the training of the personnel behind them reaches the training standard, they are incorporated into the first battle sequence and become a new combat team, I need instructors to train trump cards, and in this part of training, I am not particularly good at it, I need someone to cooperate, division of labor and cooperation, in order to complete the training task in the shortest possible time, quickly build the hacker, form the strongest combat power, and then quickly enter the battlefield and become the trump card!"

Chief, as long as you give me enough support, you can guarantee that you will raise hackers to the level of actual combat this year!" "

Chen Jun's individual combat quality is very strong, but that is only a personal strength, training is not his strong point, and a large part of why he is so strong is because of the blessing of the system, and others do not have such ability.

And it is obviously unscientific to let them train like themselves frantically and constantly break through the limits, otherwise they will be abolished before they are trained.

It was precisely because of this consideration that Chen Jun decided to find a suitable chief instructor.

Gao Shiwei smiled with satisfaction and said, "With you here, I don't worry, you can go, as long as you can convince the other party, I will solve other things."

"Yes. Chen Jun said.

"The hacker brigade is the most important trump card of our military region in the future, go all out, report any difficulties, report at any time, don't be afraid of the head, have ideas and boldly do it. Gao Shiwei admires Chen Jun very much, not to mention his strength, he also has a lot of ideas.

Because of his presence, the entire military district began to be active, and it was not a pool of stagnant water as in the past.

It is right not to let him accept the wolf's fangs, but to let him form a brigade independently, otherwise the whole situation has not been opened up until now.

"Is there anything else?" Gao Shiwei said.

Chen Jun hesitated for a moment, but still asked tentatively: "Chief, do you know a person nicknamed the God of War

?" Gao Shiwei glared and said, "What are you looking for him?"

Chen Jun looked at his expression, how could he not see it? Yes, he must know!"

"Chief, I heard that he is very powerful, I want him to be the chief instructor of the hacker."

Gao Shiwei was stunned for a moment, and then showed the same expression as Fan Tianlei, and laughed.

He stood up and patted Chen Jun on the shoulder, "Comrade Chen Jun, you are inflated."

Chen Jun was stunned for a moment, "Chief, I'm here for the future development of hackers."

Gao Shiwei didn't want to attack Chen Jun, but he still revealed a message, "You go to the black-faced god, that guy is his apprentice, but the blue is better than the blue."

Chen Jun was overjoyed in his heart and said, "Thank

you, chief!" "Go ahead, give you three days of vacation, is it enough?"


After Chen Jun got from Gao Shiwei, he went straight to the apron.

This is a helicopter gunship specially arranged by Gao Shiwei for him, so that he can fly straight to find someone, so as to save time.

Chen Jun did not delay a moment, and immediately called back to the hacker brigade to arrange the next three days of training.

Now that the brigade is basically operating, it is not a big problem for Chen Jun to leave for a few days.

When the helicopter flew to the Southwest Military Region, Gao Shiwei had to let people communicate with the Southwest Military Region, otherwise an armed helicopter would fly over and be shot down as an enemy plane.

He is looking forward to Chen Jun, if he can dig up the trump card of the black-faced god and the gatekeeper god, it will be of great benefit to the development of hackers, as for the legendary god of war, feel free.

The station of the Black Tiger Commando of the Southwest Military District, a dedicated helipad.

At this moment, the black-faced god was standing in front of the apron, watching the armed helicopter slowly landing, his eyes could not see a little wave, and his expression was like marble.

When the helicopter hatch opened, a smile appeared on the black-faced god's face, and then he waved at the young man who had just poked his head out.

This made the other Black Tiger members around him stunned.

What is the situation? The black-faced god actually smiled and waved his hand, how did it feel like a flattery.

You know, the black-faced god is famous for his iron blood, who has ever seen him laugh? He will only make you cry!

I thought that the black-faced god himself came to greet a certain chief, but it turned out that the other party had a young face...

It was Chen Jun who jumped out of the cabin.

Chen Jun walked quickly to the black-faced god, stood up and saluted, "Hello instructor!" The black-faced god saluted, swept Chen Jun's epaulettes, was slightly startled, and said loudly: "Yes, it's only been a long time, and they have already reached the colonel, and the future is terrifying!"

When I was your age, I was a second lieutenant, I thought I was the first in the Yan country, and no one could break through, you taught me a lesson, there are talented people in the country, it's just a matter of time. "

The black-faced god used to be a man of the hour, but now compared to Chen Jun, it is obviously a big difference.

couldn't help but make him feel emotional.

Of course, Chen Jun's excellence was taught by the black-faced god, but he didn't expect that he still underestimated the other party, and the other party's potential was greater than he imagined.

Chen Jun is also not modest, his rank and age are very asymmetrical, but who let himself hang up?

All the way, all the way, all the way!"

"Thank you instructor for the compliment, but the instructor is also very good, otherwise,

I wouldn't have made a special trip to you today." The

black-faced god was surprised: "What's the matter?"

Chen Jun said straight to the point: "I now formally invite you to join the Special Brigade of the Southeast Military Region as a special training instructor of the Hacker Assault Brigade. The

black-faced god waved his hand directly and said: "Don't go, I'm from the Southwest Military Region, a soldier of the Black Tiger, how can I go to the southeast, what kind of hacker are you, are you all playing with computers?"

Chen Jun smiled slightly, knowing that the black-faced god has always been straightforward, and this is also a place to be appreciated, he glanced around.

The others were far away and didn't come over to see the excitement, but their eyes were full of curiosity and surprise.

It was indeed a surprise that such a young major appeared in front of them, they were all seven or eight years older than Chen Jun, but the difference in rank was 108,000 miles... Suddenly they have the feeling that they have lived to dogs all these years.

What is the origin of this young man?

Chen Jun took a step forward, approached the black-faced god, and said in a low voice: "Instructor, you said last time, you are a lot old, what do you mean by guarding the training ground?"

Last time, Chen Jun remembered very clearly, the black-faced god kept complaining, and he complained in his heart.

This is not surprising, he is such a capable person, he nests in this place every day, after a long time, everyone has a temper, if Chen Jun is suddenly asked to raise pigs now, and he is not allowed to lead troops to train, it is strange that he is holding back and vomiting blood.

People, everyone is selfish, and there are times when they are dissatisfied.

The black-faced god glared, and the black face immediately turned red, and said, "Fart, Lao Tzu is not even 40 years old, and he is still thriving." "

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