At this time, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, and Geng Jihui came over from a distance.

"Lei Zhan, what are you doing?" Geng Jihui shouted.

Everyone knows about him and An Ran, and An Ran is Chen Jun's daughter-in-law and their sister-in-law!

Lei Zhan was a little nervous, "I'm here to apologize, so..."

Wang Yanbing came over and put his arm around his shoulders, and said very shamefully: "Go, don't be lazy, you have to strengthen your training tonight."

Lei Zhan nodded, and was dragged away by Wang Yanbing.

After looking away from An Ran, Wang Yanbing suddenly pressed Lei Zhan against the wall, and said in a low voice: "Are you going to soak An Ran's sister-in-law?


Yanbing didn't care so much, and smashed a punch into Lei Zhan's face.

Lei Zhan was stunned in an instant.

What the hell...

But the next moment, I was punched in the abdomen again, and I only felt my stomach tumbling and almost vomited.


, what do you want to do?" "Tell you, sister-in-law is what you can think of?" You're still not human!" He

Chenguang also joined in, and they beat Lei Zhan together.

Lei Zhan was put down in an instant, and the two of them were up and down, which was a wild fight.

A minute later, Lei Zhan was beaten into a pig's head, and he didn't even have a chance to explain.

This is unreasonable, but Lei Zhan is now under the fence, even if he is beaten, he has to endure it, not to mention, Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang join forces, even if Lei Zhan wants to fight, it is estimated that he can't beat it.

Geng Jihui was watching from the side, well, whistling, letting off steam.

Lei Zhan is self-inflicted, An Ran is Chen Jun's daughter-in-law, he is their sister-in-law, Lei Zhan is still unrepentant, not looking for a beating, what is it? As for

the impact...

They're doing martial arts training with multiple people, and there are bumps, which is very normal.

Many other veterans also noticed the situation here, but when they saw Geng Jihui standing there, whistling, they didn't dare to come over to ask.

Who is Geng Jihui? Captain Chen is the biggest!

If he doesn't keep quiet, he will dare to speak out the most?

Therefore, one by one, he will continue to train in doubt.

At this moment, Wang Yanbing pulled Lei Zhan's clothes and asked: "Imitating my face, dare to go up when you see your sister-in-law, do you dare to guarantee that you don't have any other ideas?" Tell you, sister-in-law is sister-in-law, you dare to take a step closer, Lao Tzu will see it once, and hit it once."

Lei Zhan was aggrieved, and said: "I'm really here to apologize, I accidentally killed one of her comrades-in-arms last time..."

Even if it's not now, it will be in the future, and you still dare to dig the foot of the wall, and die without repentance, brothers, keep fighting, let him remember it for a long time. Wang

Yanbing and He Chenguang admired Chen Jun very much, and they originally had opinions on Lei Zhan, this guy still wanted to fight Enron's idea, looking for a fight!

The two of them punched and kicked again.

Lei Zhan shrank on the ground, rolling back and forth, "I don't dare, I know..."

"Let you soak your sister-in-law, let you soak your sister-in-law..."

Chen Jun is polite to Lei Zhan, but it doesn't mean that others will be polite to Lei Zhan, this guy wants to be recognized by them, There is still a long way to go.

An hour later, Chen Jun's training was over, and he went out with An Ran to eat delicious food, which was regarded as making up for An Ran.

Chen Jun originally wanted to drive himself, but was pushed away by An Ran, "Do you know where there is delicious food? There are delicious foods on that street, you are not familiar with them, right?" This embarrassed Chen Jun,

he really didn't know!

He usually performs tasks in addition to training, shopping and eating, this kind of thing is a luxury for him, if he is allowed to lead the way, it is estimated that he can only find a bowl of snail noodles on the side of the road, or Sanpinwang, etc., where the spicy skewers are, he doesn't know.

To put it simply, Chen Jun is no different from ordinary otaku now, even more otaku than otaku, at least otaku can still order takeout and know which one tastes good...

"Well, you're the wife, you're in charge. "Chen Jun abdicated and made way for Xian, otherwise he would go out and come back on an empty stomach.

"That's pretty much it. Enron

quickly got into the driver's seat, fastened his seatbelt, started the car, and slowly drove out of the base.

"How long has it been since you've been out to eat?" An Ran said.

Chen Jun said: "I can't remember, I've been very busy lately, and besides, the food in the army is also very good."

"Okay, for a straight man of steel like you, that's the only way, but you're a hero, it's my pride, I'll take you to eat today, it's delicious." An Ran smiled.

Chen Jun shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I'm really sorry. An

Ran said: "You can't live on yourself, you think about you, you are worth tens of billions, but you can't eat, why do you keep so much money? I suddenly thought of what was said in a sketch, what is the biggest sorrow in life, people are gone, money is not spent."

Chen Jun thought for a moment

and said: "Shouldn't it be said that the people are still there, and the money is spent..."

An Ran smiled and said: "You are still poor with me, okay, your brain is spinning very fast, but no matter which one it is, living well is the most important thing, and there is time to be happy and happy, beautiful things, you can't miss it."

Chen Jun frowned, "Eating something, can you elicit so many things?"

An Ran said: "It depends on how you look at it..."

An hour later, An Ran took Chen Jun to a hot pot restaurant, and after the two of them chose a location, Chen Jun looked at the menu and didn't know what to order.

"This... Madame preferred, you can order, you can eat whatever you want, and I will pay the bill. Chen Jun directly returned this glorious task to Enron.

I usually do it in the cafeteria, I

just have to eat my fill, and when I perform the task, it is biscuits and game, where I will order something.

And the recipes in the hot pot restaurant are too distinctive, what is the green dragon crossing the sea, what is half red, etc., what is this!

An Ran looked at Chen Jun's serious appearance, obviously what is it, and he said it so high-sounding.

She held back a smile, took the recipe, and said: "You, you are out of touch with society, how will you gain a foothold in society in the future?"

Chen Jun smiled embarrassedly and said: "Sure enough, you can see it, okay, I have a showdown, I can't understand it, you can order it, anyway, with you, I won't starve to death."

An Ran shook his head with a smile and said, "You... Don't say it, you are a star, and you don't eat fireworks in the world. Chen

Jun: "......."

"Seeing you like this, do you plan to work in the army for the rest of your life?" An Ran suddenly asked.

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