Bell bell....

In the office, there was a screeching phone ringing.

"Which guy is here to fight Chen Jun's idea?"

Gao Shiwei heard the bell and didn't pick it up immediately.

He had just received more than a dozen such calls, and the other party had come to call Chen Jun's idea.

Chen Jun is excellent, excellent is a good thing, but it is also remembered.

People are afraid of being famous, and pigs are afraid of fat.

As soon as Chen Jun's record was revealed, he immediately attracted all kinds of attention, and it can even be said that those people were a little crazy.

After waiting for a few seconds, Gao Shiwei left the chair, leaned over, and then glanced at the phone with disgust.

However, this look is incredible.

The phone showed that it was a call from the military region!

Gao Shiwei's heart trembled, and he jumped up directly from his chair while reaching out to grab the phone.

"Hello chief!" Gao

Shiwei's voice was slightly distorted, this was the reason for the excitement, he didn't expect it to be a call from the leader at all, and thought that those who came to harass him didn't want to answer.

"Old Gao, what's wrong, why did it take so long to answer the phone today

?" Gao Shiwei hurriedly explained: "I just walked back from outside, chief, please instruct!"

"Well, I heard about Chen Jun, this guy is really good, a commander who knows how to fight, what is his specific identity, how did you find such an excellent guy?"

Hearing this, Gao Shiwei's face bloomed with a smile, and he said in a straight voice: " Chen Jun, he is a private selected by me at the grassroots level, because of his strength, he will be directly reused, I have to say, this guy is really a little capable..."

Gao Shiwei directly and briefly introduced Chen Jun, but the leader of the military region on the phone, if Chen Jun gets his appreciation, it will be a great thing.

The chief's voice came from the phone, "If you have a vision, if you want to find a good soldier, you must start from the grassroots level, which can best see the original intention of a soldier." "

You should send his combat report as soon as possible and see if it can be popularized throughout the army."

"Yes. When the

call ended, Gao Shiwei was grinning so much that his mouth was about to reach the root of his ears.

"This kid, sure enough, read it right, give me a long face. "

The chiefs have paid attention to it, and the soldiers of the Southeast Military Region finally have a famous one.

Gao Shiwei exhaled, sat back in his seat, and began to write a report.

Now, he needs to write the report handed over by Chen Jun into materials, submit it to the military region, and then let other military regions refer to it.

This is an unprecedentedly good thing for the Southeast Military Region!

The Southeast Military Region, which is declining day by day, finally has a chance to raise its head

The Wolf Tooth Special Brigade, tall and strong, stood at the door of He Zhijun's office, knocked lightly on the door, and shouted, "Report."

He Zhijun shouted outside the door, "Come in."

Lao Gao pushed open the door with both hands and walked in, saluting.

"Wolf head, are you looking for me?"

He Zhijun looked up at Lao Gao, "Well, there is indeed something to do today, and it has something to do with that Chen Jun." "

It's Chen Jun again, what's the matter?" Lao Gao was surprised.

He naturally remembered Chen Jun, the guy who abused everyone in the wolf tooth and then left with the lone wolf group B.

However, he also had to admit that this guy did have strength, but he also thought for a moment that this kid had nothing to do with wolf teeth.

He Zhijun took a deep breath and said, "This kid has made meritorious service again, he only took 6 hacker team members, plus 2 scouts, and killed the team of more than 400 people led by Ma Shichang..."

Nine people will kill more than 400 people on the other side

! The fighting power of ghosts is unique in the world!

How can this guy become more and more powerful?

Lao Gao's eyes were incredible, and he was almost impressed, shaking his head and sighing, "It's time for me to have a memorial service."

He Zhijun nodded, "He just uses tactical concepts well, and he has rich battlefield experience."

Hearing this, the tall and strong sensitive sense of smell immediately seemed to smell something, and asked: "What do you mean..."

He Zhijun: "You wait to go back and find a way to ask him about his tactical concept." Lao

Gao looked embarrassed, thought for a while, and suggested, "I'll go to Fan Tianlei to plan." He

Zhijun's aunt's smile flashed in his mind, and he immediately said angrily: "You are looking for him, waste, I don't know how many times I have been cheated."

After speaking, he paused, and then said: "Forget it, I will go in person, so that there is sincerity..."

Standing at the entrance of the village, looking along the main road, the front is extremely straight, surrounded by green trees, and a few birdsong sounds are heard from the branches from time to time.

The surroundings are beautiful and secluded, as if nothing had happened.

No one expected that before dawn, there would be a fierce battle here, with corpses piling up and rivers of blood.

However, fortunately, it is all the corpses of the enemy, the blood of the enemy.

These enemies were killed by Chen Jun's men, and after a few years, the people will forget everything that happened here, as well as those soldiers who fought so hard for their homeland.

However, Chen Jun and others will not forget.

At this moment, new graves have been erected behind the village, and the hunters who died here are buried here.

With Chen Jun as the middle, all the members of the hacker team stood in a row, and then brushed and worshipped and poured wine.

These hunters had no military status, no status after their deaths, and no place to record their exploits.

However, this battle is indispensable to their strength, everyone participated in the battle, but they did not have the evasion ability of the hacker team, so unfortunately died.

Although before the war, Chen Jun had given them enough protection, but because there were too many drug dealers, they couldn't take care of so much, and these people were very enthusiastic and voluntarily stood up to fight, so it was inevitable to sacrifice.

Chen Jun treated them as brothers who fought side by side.

"Salute!" Chen

Jun looked serious and roared.

Everyone saluted the grave with the most solemn military salute, and everyone had a serious look on their faces.

Chu Yunfei and Huzi raised their guns at the same time and pulled the trigger at the sky.

It wasn't until all the bullets in the gun were drained that the gun was put away.

The sound of the gunfire is crisp, but it sounds very sad at the moment.

Behind him, the seriously injured village chief was pushed by his son and came to Chen Jun and others.

The village chief looked at Chen Jun with admiration and said sincerely: "Our village will always be open for you, no matter how long, we will wait for you to go home." He

knew Chen Jun's identity, but he couldn't say much, so he regarded the other party as a hunter who went out here.

"We're all waiting for you to come home. Suddenly

, voices sounded behind him, and then men and women walked out one by one, including old people, children, and pregnant women with big bellies...

In the blink of an eye, the whole village walked out.

After these people finished speaking, they bowed to Chen Jun and the others one after another to express their gratitude.

Looking at this unfamiliar figure, saluting to himself, and brushing it for a while, the eyes of all the soldiers showed emotion.

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