"Can't mess around, it's not the time to retreat, hurry up and fight back..."A

small leader saw that the drug dealers around him began to flee in all directions, and he immediately stopped him.

As soon as he finished speaking, a gunshot rang out in the ears of the little leader.

With a bang, his head exploded directly like a ripe watermelon, but at that moment, he was directly stunned.

The gun was not fired by the enemy, but by his men.

The drug dealer who fired the gun was expressionless, "Damn, idiot, the enemy is so strong, he still doesn't let him retreat, this is trying to kill everyone."

"If you don't want to die, you should retreat." After saying that, he took the lead and walked out.

"Retreat, stay here and you'll die. On

the side, several drug dealers immediately began to flee, ignoring the little boss who died in grievances.

And the rest of the other militants were completely chaotic and scattered one after another.

Seeing this scene, Ma Shichang's whole heart sank, but he didn't immediately open his mouth to stop it.

In such a situation, he couldn't stop it at all, let alone stop it, he also wanted to escape.

At this time, a leader looked at him and said, "Boss, run away, otherwise you won't be able to leave."

Ma Shichang did not hesitate and nodded directly.

He has experienced many scenes, what kills like hemp, what drains the other party's blood and watches the other party die slowly, he has seen all kinds of scenes, but when he saw such a scene today, he was actually scared and trembled.

If he could escape, he wouldn't want to die.

The next moment, Ma Shichang immediately turned around and ran away without saying a word.

Seeing Ma Shichang running away, those militants had no heart to resist, and suddenly, everyone began to flee.

Not far away, Chen Jun saw that the militants had collapsed and began to flee, he immediately stood up and ordered: "If we attack, not one of us will be killed." "

Kick and kick...

A sound of footsteps sounded, and Chen Jun and the others stepped over the obstacle and quickly chased out.

"Quick, don't let these scumbags run away, otherwise, they will come back, and every year I don't know how many people die in their hands, and kill them all. "

This is a group of brutes, there must be no mercy, not a single one can be left!"

"Kill, kill..."

was accompanied by a shout with anger, followed by a violent burst of gunfire.


gunfire at the scene was like firecrackers, and the scene was very lively, and the bullets flying out were like raindrops falling from the sky, and they swept towards the militants one after another.

In the blink of an eye, the fleeing militants had fallen in large swaths, covered with corpses and blood.

Seeing this scene, those militants were so frightened that their legs were weak, and they could only run away with their instinctive consciousness.

At that moment, they were really scared, and no one dared to stop and resist at all.

The more this is the case, the more people fall, and the more people fall, the more no one dares to stay, and in such a vicious circle, the militants fall more and more.

In the panic, Ma Shichang was protected by his subordinates and ran into a jungle, at that moment, he was already in a panic, and he just wanted to leave the Yan Country immediately.


of the name Yanguo, he began to regret it, he regretted it, he stepped into here for money.

He regretted that he was too confident, and instead of learning from Minden's arrest, he even whimsically opened the passage, and even felt that he was even more powerful than Minden, and no one could help him...

It was because of such arrogance that he listened to the words of those Mi Guokees and gave it a go.

But until now, he can't even save his life, and he has failed miserably!

Even his life is almost gone, and all the channels are fake.


Shichang, who was full of fear, was about to regret his intestines, he couldn't care about any passages, he just wanted to leave here, and if he could leave, he would never step into here again.

"Retreat, are you almost at the border?" Ma Shichang asked one of his subordinates as he ran lifelessly.

At that moment, he looked very miserable like a scattered dog.

One of the leaders looked around, and after a moment, said, "Soon, I remember that it's not far from here, and the direction is right." "

Fuck, I usually walk like this, how do I feel so far away this time.

As soon as the words fell, suddenly, several bullets swept over, and the subordinate and a few partners around him fell directly to the ground.

Seeing his subordinates suddenly fall, Ma Shichang trembled suddenly, and his heart was extremely flustered, and as soon as he turned around in horror, he saw two Yanguo soldiers rushing quickly.


, Ma Shichang, who had been across the border for decades, and even a big man like Min Mindeng had to give face, was directly frightened and frightened, and shouted: "Protect me, I will give each of you 1 million, 10 million." "

Kick and kick...

After Ma Shichang's voice, there was only footsteps around him, and no one paid attention to him.

At that moment, everyone was desperately trying to escape, and no one really looked at Ma Shichang.


such a scene, Ma Shichang's heart was about to break, so he could only hold his breath, even use his strength to feed, and run desperately.

"Who covers me to leave, 100 million, 1 billion per person, so much money is enough for you to spend for a lifetime, there will be no next time for such a business.

Ma Shichang didn't give up and continued to fool the people around him, but still no one paid attention to him, and the footsteps of the Yanguo soldiers behind him were getting closer and closer, and the gunshots were getting more and more intense.

Bang bang! In the sound of gunshots, the fleeing drug dealers around him fell one by one, and fewer and fewer people were running on the road, and finally only a few were left.

Seeing this scene, Ma Shichang's heart was about to explode, at this moment, he didn't say anything, his eyes were fixed on the border line in front of him.

It's the border, and if you run over it, he'll be free.

When he looked at the stone monument on the border of Yanguo only a hundred meters away from him, Ma Shichang felt as if he had picked up the last life-saving straw in the sea, and his heart was ecstatic.

He suddenly felt that the stone tablet with the two big characters "Yanguo" on it looked so pleasing to the eye for the first time.

Just as he saw the words on the stele getting bigger and bigger, suddenly there was a thud behind him, followed by a bullet piercing his left thigh.


Shichang screamed miserably, and then, with a trace of reason, he reached out and grabbed the two security guards beside him, and fell to the ground together.

Behind, Chen Jun and Chu Yunfei both rushed up, directly kicked off the guns in the hands of the two security guards like lightning, and then shot mercilessly.


two bullets passed through the heads of the two drug dealers almost at the same time, and on the side, Ma Shichang was directly splashed with brains and blood.

Ma Shichang, who was unrecognizable, couldn't care about the bloody things on his face at all, and he instantly pulled out his pistol, and at this time, a security guard happened to be rushing towards Chen Jun.

Ma Shichang shot directly through the body of the security guard, the bullet passed through his men, and then shot straight at Chen Jun.


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