Under the stimulation of Ma Shichang, the remaining militants suddenly boiled with blood, and one by one, like bees smelling the sweet fragrance of honey, gathered from all directions and flocked to the village.

"Kill them, we can collect the money. "

Kill everyone, and not a single one will be left." Seeing

Chen Jun and the others fleeing and hiding back, those militants were even more morale-sold, carrying guns one by one, and directly chasing and killing without any scruples.

There is only one main road leading to the village, and if you come from other places, you have to climb the mountain, and all the militants rush to the village.

Suddenly, the black pressure on the head of the person directly pressed towards the village, with the approach of these people, the temperature of the village seemed to drop several degrees, the sky was darker, and the atmosphere was very depressing.

At this moment, Chen Jun had already rushed through the obstacles, and as soon as he returned to the position, he saw Xia Lan, who had come to his senses, losing his temper.

Xia Lan, whose face was red and swollen on one side, was full of anger, and opened her mouth to scold: "Which of you brought

me back?" "I said, you must find Xiaobao, who asked you to bring me back on your own initiative, is it you?"

Xia Lan stared at He Chenguang and yelled, her eyes full of anger.

He Chenguang said coldly: "That's right, I brought you back, it's for your good."

"For my good, please respect others, I don't need to be so good, who are the people who came this time, they actually make decisions for others one by one, tell you, I don't need your help, I still have to go out, don't come with me."

Xia Lan roared and was about to walk out.

Seeing this scene, Chen Jun's anger in his heart was directly brushed to the extreme, and his eyes were cold.

Damn, are you still making trouble?

Chen Jun roared directly at Xia Lan like thunder, "Don't you think

you're very selfish?" "Have you ever considered the safety of the villagers when you go out like this?" "

A person who is so selfish and doesn't care about the overall situation is also worthy of being a soldier?"

"You insulted the military uniform!" As

soon as the words fell, Chen Jun slapped him directly.


crisp slap broke the silence around him.

Xia Lan's face was directly flapped to the side, and at the same time, a ball of blood flew out, and several teeth were pulled out.

The children on the side were so frightened that they didn't dare to cry, their bodies shrank and trembled, at that moment, he didn't dare to raise his eyes to look at Chen Jun, who looked fierce and vicious, just lowered his head and sobbed.

Xia Lan, whose head was buzzing, didn't care about the pain as soon as she woke up, jumped up directly, pointed at Chen Jun and scolded: "What are you, can you smoke me if you have a high military rank?"

"I'm not easy to bully. Chen

Jun didn't say a word, followed by another slap, directly on Xia Lan's intact face.

At that moment, he didn't have any mercy, his palm was very strong, and Xia Lan was once again pulled to the ground.


You dare to beat me, you dare to beat the soldiers, who gave you the guts?" Xia Lan was completely angry, she looked back at Chen Jun, her eyes were full of hatred, "You are dead, dare to beat the soldiers, I will send you to the military court even if I die." As

soon as he heard this, the powder keg in Chen Jun's heart was completely overturned, and he didn't even think about it, he directly raised his foot and kicked it over.


Lan was defenseless at all, and was directly kicked and rolled on the ground, and she rolled several times in a row before she stopped.

Chen Jun didn't let her go, he walked up directly, suddenly pulled out his pistol, aimed it at Xia Lan's head, and said indifferently: "You didn't listen to the command and almost killed my two best soldiers

, do you know how big the price is?" "Just because you want to save what Xiaobao is, rush out desperately, do you know how big the impact is? My plan was almost ruined by a dead heart like you, and besides, everyone here will be killed by you, do you know?".

Since Xia Lan became a soldier, it was the first time that her own people pointed a gun at her head, no, it should be said that it was the first time that someone pointed a gun at her head, even if it was an enemy, no one had treated her like this.

Her mind went blank, and she was stunned.

Chu Yunfei immediately walked up and persuaded, "Ghost, don't be impulsive, after all, she is also for that child, and she is also kind, if she makes a mistake, it will be almost the same after the lesson." At

that moment, Chu Yunfei was also afraid that Chen Jun would really shoot this woman, which was very unworthwhile.

After saying that, he immediately added, "The militants are coming, and we don't have time to delay."

Chen Jun glared at Xia Lan fiercely, and immediately slapped him again, "This matter is over, you wait, go to the military court."

Xia Lan's head was buzzing, completely stunned, and finally she only heard one sentence, "Go to the military court." "

Why didn't he go to the court-martialed and threaten me?"

Xia Lan was so aggrieved that she was about to vomit blood, but she didn't have time to make a fool of herself, because at this moment, a large number of armed men had already come from the main road.

This time, at least hundreds of militants came en masse, one by one, and the road was trampled to dust.

"Quick, their village entrance is just 200 meters ahead.

"If we do this vote, we can make a lot of money, and everyone cheers up, kills them, and wins."

"If you speed up again, they will have no chance to retreat, and there is only this one avenue, and if it is blocked, it will be difficult for them to fly." "

Kick and kick...

On the avenue at the entrance of the village, the sound of footsteps shook the sky, and these footsteps reached the village.

Chen Jun looked indifferent and ordered: "All the ambushes are just to wait for now, on the main road, there is a squad with machine guns, you can hold it, and everyone else is in position and ready for battle."

"I can't let go of any of the crumbs. "

Understood. Everyone

shouted in unison, and their faces became serious.

Geng Jihui walked directly to the machine gun, he was responsible for operating the machine gun, while the others scattered one after another, walked to their predetermined position, took the gun and started fighting.

The battle to the death is imminent, and they seem to have forgotten their fears, because what they are stepping on is the land that their predecessors defended with their lives and blood.

This is the land of the country, and no one can invade it, not even if it is death.

Everyone was full of murderous energy, and they looked like they were going home.

In the past 100 years, the martyrs did not have advanced weapons, and they were not afraid of life and death when facing the enemy, and they still insisted on fighting to the end.

Today, they have weapons, ammunition, and blood in their hands, which is completely enough to face these drug dealers, and there is no need to be afraid at all.

At the scene, no one had the intention of retreating, and they could be so firm because they had just seen Chen Jun's attitude of not giving up.

As a hacker instructor, Chen Jun is commanding, and at the same time, he subtly affects everyone's morale.

This is the role of the commander!

Chen Jun has been monitoring the progress of those militants, and when they came to the 30-meter position, he gave a direct order, "Kill!"

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