Wang Yanbing has never seen his father since he was a child, and his grandmother has always brought him up, and it is because of this that he is often scolded as a wild child.

Coupled with his poor family background, he was forced to live a life of a thug when he was older.

As everyone knows, his father is a great soldier, as an undercover agent, he has been hiding abroad for a long time, and in the end he can't come back to see his country and his family until he dies.

This is the sorrow of those undercover soldiers.

For the sake of the country, he can give everything, even his life, but the only thing he is sorry for is his family.

Chen Jun didn't want Chu Yunfei to have regrets because of this, and he didn't want Chu Yunfei's children to misunderstand him for the rest of his life, so he said this.

Chu Yunfei didn't understand what Chen Jun meant, his eyes flashed with tenderness, and he smiled faintly, "If I can go back alive, I will definitely go and see it."

After speaking, he stood up directly, "Hurry up, there is a police coming, I will go and guide away, and then you will be responsible for sending the village chief back."

Chu Yunfei dropped a sentence and was about to leave, but was suddenly caught by Chen Jun.

Chen Jun said solemnly: "That task is not suitable for you, you stay, and I will lure them away."

Chu Yunfei looked back at Chen Jun and said indifferently: "What do you think, it is as dangerous as escorting the village chief out."

Chen Jun shook his head, "Nonsense, to lead away the pursuers, is the life of nine deaths, brother, I call you a big brother, for the sake of the child you haven't met, this task must be me."

Chu Yunfei shook his head and said firmly: "You are also married, your love, she is waiting for you to go back." "

Don't talk nonsense. Chen Jun interrupted directly, "I am the special forces, the most elite soldier king in the whole military region, the champion of the national special forces competition, and I will complete the final task."

"Listen, it's still the same sentence, if I can't finish this matter, even if it is two of you, I can't solve it.

Chu Yunfei was slightly stunned, he couldn't deny that Chen Jun's strength was indeed better than him, but no matter how powerful Chen Jun was, going out like this would be similar to sending him to death.

Chen Jun said again: "Chu Yunfei, your reconnaissance work is good, but your military skills, you can't compare to me, I am a soldier on the battlefield, to put it mildly, in the face of those people, you can't withstand it for 5 minutes, once exposed, we can't leave, understand?"

"Don't say it." Chu Yunfei's eyes flashed with tears, and his heart turned upside down.

Not only did he not get angry because of Chen Jun's words, but he was also moved by the other party.

Everyone knows that going out like this is a life of death, but Chen Jun is fearless and rushes to the forefront, and he once again leaves the chance to live to himself.

On the side, the tiger who had just come out looked at Chen Jun's indescribable gratitude and respect.

The ghost is powerful, but what is more valuable is that he is willing to work hard for everyone.

When he said that, he really didn't look down on Chu Yunfei, but just made excuses and left the chance to live for others.


Jun looked at Chu Yunfei and roared, "If it's a man, act immediately, they will come immediately, listen to my arrangement, now, I need a corpse, weapons and ammunition."


Hearing this, Chu Yunfei's mouth twitched slightly, he didn't refute, because it was meaningless, compared to Chen Jun's strength, he was indeed inferior, and this task could only be completed by Chen Jun.

Chen Jun has the strength, and he is willing to lead the firepower by himself, let them leave with the village chief, everyone has a task, and everyone works together for the task.

The military exists to accomplish the mission, and nothing else is considered.


Yunfei said to Huzi: "Go and prepare the corpse immediately."

"Yes. Huzi left with tears in his eyes, but soon, he returned.

He did not find the body, but he did find a skeleton, the owner of the house was originally a doctor, and there was a mannequin in the house.

"Ghost, can you use this as a corpse?" Huzi

came to Chen Jun with a mannequin.

Chen Jun glanced at it and nodded directly, "Yes, just leave it to me, you go and prepare the weapon."

Huzi nodded and left, but soon, he brought some more weapons, 3 pistols, 100 bullets, an AK1, 300 rounds, 6 grenades, 2 smoke bombs, a stun bomb

... "Ghost, all my weapons are here, you can use them.

Chen Jun checked the weapons, picked out some, and after putting them away, he dressed the skeleton, which was the clothes worn by the village chief before, and the clothes were covered with blood.

However, because the skeleton is relatively thin, it still needs to be stuffed with some paper in it, and Chen Jun also painted a little bit on his face.

In a moment, the fake village chief appeared, and if you didn't look closely at the face, it really looked like a living person at first glance.

After making all the preparations, Chen Jun confirmed it again, and at this time, the siren sounded outside.

Knock knock....

Faintly, they heard a knock on the door.

Those law enforcers have already begun to patrol from house to house!

Huzi's face changed slightly, and he immediately handed the map in his hand to Chen Jun, "Ghost, this is the map nearby, you put it away."

Chen Jun took the map and smiled slightly, "Don't cry with a sad face, you can't die, after you go out, I will meet you soon." Chu

Yunfei and Huzi naturally couldn't laugh, because they all knew that Chen Jun would be able to live back if he went out like this.

The ghost's mission is to sacrifice himself in exchange for their chance to get out, but now there are thousands of troops waiting for him outside.

This is no different from sending them to death!

Chu Yunfei and Huzi's hearts were indescribably uncomfortable.

If they have the strength, they also want to go out for the ghost, but they don't have that strength, so in desperation, they can only watch their comrades go out and risk their deaths.

There are all kinds of partings in the world, but the most uncomfortable thing is the parting of life and death.

Chu Yunfei sighed, took out the car key and gave it directly to Chen Jun, "Brother, I've been waiting for you, let's go to my house together, child, you can help me come up with a name."

"A word is a certainty, brother!" Chen Jun stretched out his right hand towards Chu Yunfei, and then held it tightly with the other party.

Then, he also shook hands with Huzi, "Huzi, there will be a period later!"

After speaking, he didn't look back, ran downstairs directly, and then quickly got into the car with the dummy.

As soon as the garage door opened, Chen Jun stepped on the accelerator and flew out in the car.


The whistling of the car broke the silence of the surroundings, the lights pierced the night, and at this moment, the surroundings immediately became lively.

"There's a car coming out.

"Could it be that person? Quick, follow him, don't let him run." "

Left avenue, go and intercept!"

Not far away, a law enforcer was immediately alarmed by the sound of the car, and followed by a figure surging towards Chen Jun.

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