As soon as the helicopter stopped, Chu Yunfei and Chen Jun walked down, and without saying a word, they ran wildly in the jungle.

At dawn, the two came to a village outside the country, which was a relatively remote village, the village was not very big, because it was just dawn, and there was no one moving around, and there was a dead silence all around.

Seeing that there was no one around, Chu Yunfei directly took Chen Jun into the village, and soon found a means of transportation, a dilapidated motorcycle.

This was stolen, but before leaving, Chu Yunfei had already left the money.

Although it was overseas, Chu Yunfei still maintained the style of a domestic soldier, and did not take a stitch from the people, and the car was only requisitioned in an emergency.


After the car started, Chu Yunfei took Chen Jun all the way out.

At noon, they arrived at another town.

The main reason why it can go so smoothly is that Chu Yunfei is very familiar with this place, and all the way, there has been almost no pause, and he has been moving forward.

Chen Jun came to this country for the first time, a long time ago, this country was very close to Yan Guo, and Yan Guo also helped them, but then these miscellaneous things turned against each other, because they felt that they had not gained enough, and then they wanted to dominate South Asia.

This is the reason for the pursuit of interests, their ideas are perfect, but in the end, only 3 months, they were beaten back to the pre-liberation period by Yanguo.

The winner is the king and the loser is the villain, that's the truth, if you don't have the strength, you want to dominate, that's a fool's dream, but Yanguo still talks about human feelings, and he didn't completely destroy them, so they have today.

However, that time, they were also hit hard and have not recovered until now.

Now, the city in Chen Jun's eyes is almost like a backward town in Yanguo.

Standing here, Chen Jun thought of this word, but he did not have any sympathy.

He is a person who values affection, but that is only a relative country.

After a while, Chu Yunfei led him into an alley, "Start moving."

Chu Yunfei stopped in the car, and after confirming that no one was following behind, he took Chen Jun directly to a private house.

Behind, Chen Jun followed Chu Yunfei closely, not lagging behind at all.

Knock knock....

Chu Yunfei came to the door of the house and knocked rhythmically on the door.


An unfamiliar voice sounded inside, and Chu Yunfei whispered a few words inside.

It took a moment for a man to open the door, leaving a small gap for them to enter.

The man's expression was serious, and after he closed the door, he immediately looked at Chu Yunfei and asked, "Why did you come now, the village chief couldn't stand it."

After speaking, the man's eyes were full of anxiety, he was here waiting to answer Chu Yunfei, but he waited left and right, and waited for a day and a night before waiting for Chu Yunfei.

Seeing that time passed little by little, he was in a hurry, but Chu Yunfei didn't appear, and he didn't dare to act, after all, he didn't have that strength.

Chu Yunfei said helplessly: "I have come and gone this time, it is already the fastest speed, and the chiefs have sent people overnight."

At this time, Chen Jun immediately preemptively asked

, "What is the specific situation?" When the man heard this, he remembered Chen Jun's existence, he glanced at Chen Jun suspiciously, and then looked at Chu Yunfei again, "Who is this, don't you want to introduce it?"

Chu Yunfei hurriedly introduced, "Ghost, top special forces, helper." "

Chen Jun, this is my informant, Huzi. After Chu Yunfei introduced Huzi, he began to introduce Chen Jun.

Huzi is the informant he developed, and he has been staying here to contact him, and I have to say that Huzi has really helped him a lot here.

If it weren't for Huzi watching here, it would be difficult for him to get the latest information.

Huzi looked at Chen Jun with a grin, "Ghost."

"It's a scary name, it's easy to be scared, you should be amazing.

Huzi said, looking at Chen Jun curiously.

Chen Jun was also looking at Huzi, but at that moment, he thought of Zuka.

The informant who developed safely, unfortunately, later died because of a mistake in the thunder warfare operation, and he died.

The work of an informant is dangerous, but there are still many people who are willing to do it for the sake of the country.

These informants are indeed very difficult, not to mention the dangerous working environment, even if they pay, few people can see it, and if they say something unpleasant, they are sacrificing almost no one in the country will remember.

It was because he knew that it was not easy for these people, looking at Huzi, Chen Jun's serious face suddenly became softer, and there was a trace of respect in his eyes.

Soldiers who are willing to pay for the country are worthy of respect.

The next moment, he directly stretched out his right hand to Huzi, "My name is Chen Jun, you can call me a ghost, it's a pleasure to meet you." "

By the way, your name is Huzi, you should be the king of the jungle.

Chen Jun is not a person who likes to compliment others, but from Huzi's dark complexion and flexible skills, he can see that the other party's reaction ability is not bad, so he said something from his heart.

Huzi grinned, "How do I feel that the first time we met, you know me very well."

Chen Jun coughed a few times, "Time is pressing, let's talk about the situation first." On

the side, Chu Yunfei also urged, "Huzi, don't delay, hurry up."

Huzi turned his face seriously and said: "The person is not with Ma Shichang, he has already handed over the village chief to the Nanyue people and put him in a secret dungeon." Hearing

this, Chu Yunfei and Chen Jun's faces sank, it must be more difficult to rescue them when they go to the dungeon, and besides, if the other party dares to do this, they must have a new plan.

The situation was already bad, and now it is even more difficult.

Having said that, Chen Jun did not panic, his expression was cold, and he asked directly

: "How are the guards there?" Huzi: "There are all repeat offenders inside, it is very strict, it is a fortress, there are guards all around, and under normal circumstances, it is difficult for outsiders to approach." "

That dungeon also has a name, the strongest hell in the world..."

Listening to Huzi's introduction, Chu Yunfei and Chen Jun's faces became more and more difficult to look at.

Of course, no matter how difficult it is, we can't retreat.

Huzi said again: "However, I have a relationship with the people inside, and when the food was just delivered, they saw the village chief and said that the village chief had been beaten to the point of instability, and it was estimated that he would not last long."

Chen Jun asked, "How long has it been since I last saw the village chief?"

Huzi thought for a moment and said, "Three hours." "

It's been three hours!

There must have been a lot of variables after such a long time.

"Time is running out, we have to act now. Chen Jun said solemnly.

Chu Yunfei immediately nodded, "You must act immediately, after all, Lande is too important, this is the gateway for drug dealers to come in, if they control the village chief."

"When the time comes, they'll be able to infiltrate. "

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