", really cut it?"

"The comrades-in-arms actually moved directly between each other!"


He Chenguang swinging his knife and slashing directly at Lei Zhan, all the recruits who had just arrived were stunned.

"What kind of order is this, to let others kill their own

people?" "This is the special forces? Are their people

so ruthless?" "If they are so ruthless, there will be no enmity between them, right?"


Seeing He Chenguang and Lei Zhan fighting directly together, fists and knives, indistinguishable, and the moves were all killing, the recruits who had just come over were all frightened, some of them couldn't help but exclaim in a low voice, and some of them rolled down their throats, and they couldn't speak.

The ghost instructor's order is really forbidden, he just said a word, the two comrades-in-arms actually fought together directly regardless of life and death, and the attacks were all fatal parts.

This command is nothing compared to the 4,000 push-ups they just had.


As all the recruits were amazed, a piercing crash sounded as He Chenguang kicked Lei Zhan in the abdomen.

Under the severe pain, Lei Zhan reacted instinctively and shrank his body directly holding his stomach.

In the next second, the dagger in He Chenguang's hand was directly instantaneous, and then he directly slashed Lei Zhan's thigh without the slightest hesitation.

Seeing this scene, the faces of all the recruits changed suddenly, and their eyes were full of horror.

If this knife goes down, Lei Zhan is really going to be crippled.


an instant, many people forgot to breathe, and their eyes looked directly at the dagger that was gradually falling.

At such a close distance, it would be very difficult for Lei Zhan to escape!

Unless He Chenguang stopped in time, Lei Zhan would be injured.

At the moment when the dagger fell on Lei Zhan's thigh, with a bang, Chen Jun suddenly jumped up and kicked the dagger away.


Hearing Chen Jun's voice, Lei Zhan and He Chenguang acted as if nothing had happened, and immediately got up and stood back in the team.

All the newcomers on the scene were completely confused.

That's it?

With a word from the instructor and an order, He Chenguang and Lei Zhan immediately moved, or stopped immediately, without the slightest hesitation.

When commanded, they seem to become emotionless machines, and will only act at orders.

Is this an order forbidden

? Is there only an order here?

At that moment, everyone's mind was the command that the ghost had said, but in an instant, they seemed to understand it.

The hacker squadron here can do the ban.

This is absolute obedience, how did they do it?

Everyone was surprised, because many of them knew Lei Zhan and He Chenguang, and they also knew that these two people also had their own pride, especially Lei Zhan, the wolf tooth was the king of soldiers for three consecutive terms, and he was so proud before that he was so arrogant, but now he is actually obedient to the ghost, what does this mean

? Needless to say, he has obeyed the ghost.

The most important condition here is obedience!

Chen Jun looked at all the recruits and asked, "Do you know what execution means?"

All the recruits put away their thoughts, turned their eyes seriously, and did not dare to speak.

Chen Jun said again: "Complete obedience, no doubt, obey orders, this is execution, so why execute

?" "Because our opponent is not necessarily the enemy, one day, you may face the comrades-in-arms, compatriots, and relatives next

to you, how to do it?" "If I ask you to shoot, you must shoot, because we are soldiers, and when we carry out tasks, there is no fear, mercy, and we can be invincible if we survive, understand?"


yelled in unison.

I have to say that at that moment, they were all shocked, and their comrades-in-arms directly moved seriously, completely subverting their previous cognition.

The ghost just gave an order, and He Chenguang cut it directly at Lei Zhan, they were all comrades-in-arms, and they could all do it.

Sure enough, just like the ghost said, even if it was facing his own relatives, he obeyed the order and shot directly.

How strong

do they have to be in their hearts to do it? Can the members of the hacker squadron really do it, and they only have orders in their eyes?

Is this iron discipline?

The more they think about it, the more empty they become, because they know that they can't do it yet.

At this time, a guard suddenly hurried over and saluted Chen Jun.

"Report, captain, the people of the special brigade of the wolf's tooth are here. "

The people of the Wolf Tooth Special Brigade

, the Wolf Tooth next door, and now the new base of the hackers is next to the Wolf Tooth,

and the people of the Wolf Tooth are probably stimulated by coming over now.

Also, how can the commando team that used to be very dignified by the wolf teeth suddenly be placed in a new commando team, and the hackers even pressed them under various conditions?

Chen Jun was slightly stunned, and immediately reacted, it seems that he has come to stir up trouble.

These guys are quite ambitious, and when they saw the start of the hacker squadron, they wanted to stir up trouble.

It's not terrible to provoke trouble, it's better to have more people and some standards.

Chen Jun sneered and asked, "Who is here?"

The guard said, "It's Fan Tianlei, Colonel."

Chen Jun snorted coldly, this big pit is definitely not a good thing.

"He Chenguang, you stay and train with rookies. Dropping

a sentence, Chen Jun walked out directly, and as soon as he walked to the gate, he saw Fan Tianlei standing next to the car.

Sure enough, it's Fan Dakeng, isn't he raising pigs?

Chen Jun approached and asked directly: "Chief of Staff Fan, why did you come to a small place like ours?" Fan

Tianlei smiled and groaned, and walked over to shake hands with Chen Jun directly, "Now your name Chen Jun is resounding in the military region, and your hacker brigade base is open next to our wolf teeth, this is to replace our posture."

"If I don't come over to worship the mountain quickly, how will the wind and rain be smooth in the future."

Chen Jun nodded, "The chief of staff is polite, let's say, what advice do you have?" Everyone

in the army knows that this Fan Tiankeng is a good person, and what he said just now is so good, and he is modest and flattering, there must be nothing good.

Whether there is a good thing or not, Chen Jun is not afraid, and besides, he doesn't want to talk nonsense with Fan Tiankeng, so he gets straight to the point.

Hearing Chen Jun's lukewarm words, Fan Tianlei was not angry, he still smiled and groaned, but his restless eyes had already turned and kept looking around.

He had heard that the newly built hacker base was no worse than the wolf's tooth in all aspects, no, not only not bad, but even better.

This is one of the places where he is very unconvinced, and he came today to see what is different here.

The foundation of the wolf's teeth for decades, how could he be compared to a new commando, he is really unconvinced.

But that is a matter decided by the leader of the military region, and he can't change it, and he can't change the leader, but he can change himself.

Unconvinced, Fan Tianlei is quite flexible in terms of improvisation, he saw that the hacker base was built, and he didn't care about any face, so he came over directly.

He looked at it and said with a smile: "The main thing is to study, if you can learn something from Captain Chen, it will definitely be useful to go back to Wolf Fang." Hearing

this, Chen Jun immediately understood what he meant.

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