
Under the gaze of Chen Jun and Fang Xingtian, the train gradually drove away, and then completely disappeared from their sight.

You Tuan

left! He didn't leave a word like this, and left directly!

Chen Jun kept looking at the direction of the train leaving in a daze, and his heart was as heavy as being injected with a thousand catties of heavy lead.

He has always regarded You Tuan as his own relative, and when he saw the other party leave like this, he was as if he had suddenly lost a relative, and he was grief-stricken.

He didn't want to see You Tuan leave like this, but... But he can't do anything now!

The army is principled, and veterans will be forcibly discharged when they reach age, and this is something he cannot change.

It's just that parting is really hurtful!

After a while, Chen Jun sighed heavily, and finally didn't say anything to Fang Xingtian, and turned around and walked back.

Seeing Chen Jun leave in disappointment, Fang Xingtian shook his head and left silently.

He was also very helpless and heartbroken about You Tuan's departure, but he could also see that the ghost was also very heartbroken.

The ghost is a person who values love and righteousness, and it will definitely be difficult to accept You Tuan's departure, but what can

he do... Soon, Chen Jun, who was full of gloom, came to An Ran, who had been waiting for him.

He glanced at Enron, didn't say a word, and got into the car directly.

The moment he came into contact with Chen Jun's eyes, An Ran's heart sank suddenly, and he probably understood what was going on.

Chen Jun shouldn't have seen You Tuan, but it's a pity...

A trace of disappointment flashed in An Ran's eyes, she didn't say a word, she immediately got into the car, and then said to Chen Jun: "It's not early, I'll take you to dinner."

Chen Jun nodded, not saying a word.

After An Ran glanced at Chen Jun, he didn't ask anything, and drove the car directly in front of a hotel with a more elegant environment.

After coming to the store, An Ran directly ordered a table of dishes, and Chen Jun didn't order any dishes, but ordered two bottles of wine.

An Ran looked at Chen Jun worriedly and asked, "Do you want to borrow alcohol to kill your sorrows, don't you want children, you have to quit drinking if you want children."

Chen Jun looked at An Ran's flat lower abdomen, shook his head and said, "I drink to make my head clearer."

An Ran was a little speechless, drinking alcohol made her head clearer?

It was the first time she had heard someone say this, but she also knew that Chen Jun was in a bad mood, so she didn't say much.

You Tuan's departure was a great blow to Chen Jun, and he needed to heal.

An Ran didn't say anything, and poured wine directly for Chen Jun.

Chen Jun picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

As soon as the warm cup of two pots entered his stomach, his appetite was a burst of calcination, and suddenly, Chen Jun's brows furrowed even tighter.

After all, the hacker squadron is going to be expanded, and people come first, so if you want to find someone, why don't you look for your own people?

Chen Jun first thought of the frontier regiment, which can be regarded as a good opportunity for the soldiers of the frontier regiment to develop.

When he came back to the border this time, he just wanted to ask You Tuan for some soldiers, but he never expected that he would run into the other party and leave.

You Tuan's departure was too sudden, so sudden that it was difficult for him to accept, and after he was deeply hit, he didn't ask for troops with the new Fang Tuan, and left directly.

An Ran didn't know where Chen Jun's pain was, and when she saw that Chen Jun was in a bad mood, she didn't ask much, so she quietly accompanied Chen Jun to eat.

The meal was eaten for a long time, until nine o'clock in the evening.

An Ran saw that the time was not early, looked at Chen Jun and discussed: "Let's go open a store and live, right?"

Hearing this, Chen Jun shook his head directly, "No, go back to the border regiment first."

An Ran looked at Chen Jun in surprise, "Are you going back?" Good

guy, that's your sad place, why do you go back?

An Ran panicked for Chen Jun in her heart, but she didn't say this in front of Chen Jun.

Chen Jun didn't hesitate and nodded directly, "The matter is not finished, it will be done tonight."

An Ran was a little helpless, but he didn't think about refuting it, and nodded directly: "Okay, whatever you want, I will cooperate wherever you want."

In her opinion, she will be happy if she follows Chen Jun anyway, it doesn't matter where she goes, as long as Chen Jun is happy.

In fact, after You Tuan left, she always felt that her husband suddenly seemed to have become a child with a wounded heart.

She could see that Chen Jun was really sad.

Chen Jun was hurt in the border defense regiment, and now he actually wants to go back to the border defense regiment, which can only show that he has already thought about it and let it go.

It's a good thing to be able to let go, but being able to let go of these at a meal time shows that Chen Jun's heart is strong enough.

Of course, behind this strength, it also shows that Chen Jun has borne a lot.

The more I knew, the more An Ran felt sorry for Chen Jun...

At 9 o'clock in the evening, the border regiment had turned off the lights, and it was dark all around, and Chen Jun came directly to the guards.

"Comrade guards, help let the second squad leader and a few squad leaders come out, I have something to look for them. The

guards had already recognized Chen Jun and saluted directly, "Chief, please wait a moment." After

a while, the guards found the second squad leader and several squad leaders.

"Ghost!" the second squad leader looked at Chen Jun in surprise, "Aren't you going to talk to our Fang Tuan, it's so late, and you haven't gone back yet."

Chen Jun: "I came today, mainly to discuss with You Tuan, and I want to select a few people to come to the special training of the troops I led, but You Tuan is gone, and I am not familiar with your new regiment commander, so there is no need to discuss." Hearing

this, the second squad leader immediately looked surprised.


second squad leader asked directly: "Ghost, are you going to the special forces? Are you really here to pick people? How much?" Chen Jun: "Do you think those border guards, those who are not standing guard can reach the level of special forces?"

The second squad leader

immediately said excitedly: "Ghost, it's not to blow to you, our company, one-third of the people, have this physical fitness."

"Isn't this stimulated by your ghost, practice every day, and now it's much stronger than before, it's not a joke."

"Ghost, you're improving, and we're improving. "

Yes, we dare to fight bodyguards, and some of them can definitely meet the requirements of special forces. On

the side, several squad leaders heard that Chen Jun was going to recruit people to the special forces, and they immediately became excited and began to express their positions.

Chen Jun was very satisfied, nodded and said: "Second squad leader, you write down the list first, and then report to Fang Tuan, and let him lead the team to the hacker brigade, the above has already said hello, Fang Tuan will definitely release people." Hearing

this, the second squad leader was as if he had won a Mark Six lottery, and he was so excited that he yelled directly, ", can we really enter

the special forces?" Chen Jun nodded, "Yes, but this is not a good thing, when the special forces come, they train more, and if they don't rest, life will be very hard."

"In this way, you first tell the brothers on the list, if you can endure loneliness, endure the pain, come, otherwise, don't come." The

second squad leader immediately assured, "We will be the best soldiers." "

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