An Ran's eyes are quite proud, she is married to a heroic husband who can be civil and martial, she can say it loudly, and she is proud of Chen Jun.

However, she didn't expect that Chen Jun was still so good at singing, and the moment she saw Chen Jun's performance at the scene, and the moment she heard him sing with her own ears, she looked at Chen Jun, her eyes were bright, and there was indescribable pride in her eyes.

A military song that directly sings the hearts of all soldiers.

At that moment, An Ran couldn't help but be really moved, after all, as a soldier, she also knew that it was not easy for a soldier to go home.

Soldiers often go to battlefields where few people dare to go, but it is most difficult to return to their homes.

Home is a place where soldiers are born and raised, but as a soldier, for training or tasks, there is often no way to return home.

Some soldiers leave home, even for a lifetime.

Chen Jun's song was really good!

On the side, Wang Changlin had already seen An Ran's excitement, and said with a smile: "Okay, Violet, you used to have your eyes above the top, but you suddenly agreed to associate with Chen Jun, it seems that your vision is indeed better than ours."

An Ran smiled embarrassedly and said modestly: "Chief, this is making fun of me, we really tried to come together according to our father's wishes."

Wang Changlin said with a smile: "Anyway, your choice is right, this Chen Jun is a general."

As he spoke, he looked at Gao Shiwei and said, "Mr. Gao, can you let Chen Jun do it."

Gao Shiwei nodded, "For many years, I have been looking for a pure soldier, but I didn't expect that today, I finally saw the shadow of a soldier I want to find in Chen Jun, don't look at Chen Jun's young age, but his loyalty to the country and his understanding of soldiers are no worse than mine..."

Wang Changlin nodded directly, "The era of peace has passed for too long, and many people have lost the spirit of being prepared for danger in times of peace.

Gao Shiwei nodded, "Big mind, big capacity..."

An Ran listened to the conversation between the two chiefs next to him, nodding his head constantly, and the smile on his face became more and more intense.

Hearing these words, she felt happier than praising herself, after all, this was praising her own pillow person.

Toot toot....

Suddenly, the phone on the desk rang.

Gao Shiwei walked over and picked up

the phone and began to answer, "What, you want to transfer Chen Jun?" Wang Changlin, who was next to Chen Jun, heard this, and immediately became anxious, and when he saw Mr. Gao hang up the phone, he immediately asked: "What's the matter, who is calling?"


Shiwei looked gloomy and said: "It was the Minister Lin of the Chief Engineer Art Troupe who called, they listened to Chen Jun's song and felt that this was a talent, so they wanted to transfer him to the headquarters for development."

Wang Changlin looked dissatisfied, "Let's talk nonsense, cut leeks, Chen Jun is an excellent soldier, how can he say that he will be transferred, and he will be transferred."

Gao Shiwei said helplessly: "That Minister Lin is the leading group, I can't refute it, you too, hey, those people in the art troupe, what power do you have, don't you know?"

Wang Changlin was suddenly so angry that he had nothing to say, and sighed in his heart.

After a moment, he couldn't help but speak: "The leader of the art troupe is indeed the leading group of the military department, if those bigwigs open their mouths, the leaders of the military region really can't control it, but what to do, Chen Jun was born to be a soldier."

"If Chen Jun leaves the battlefield, he will suddenly lose his color, it's a pity.

Gao Shiwei shook his head directly, "I have already fought for it, and after a while, the forest department will send someone to ask for advice, and no one can stop Chen Jun to see what he means." Hearing

this, An Ran was also stunned, the military department came in person, or a good place like the art

troupe? They actually came for Chen Jun's singing skills?

An Ran was deeply surprised, after all, she knew that the art troupe had a high social status, and if people who came out of there wanted to develop in the entertainment industry, they would easily become big stars.

Such a good opportunity, whoever encounters it will agree.

I can't help it, the temptation is too great, but... Can Chen Jun withstand such a temptation?

This thought just flashed through An Ran's mind, but immediately, she shook her head directly, she knew Chen Jun too well, it was impossible for him to agree.

Chen Jun is not short of money, let alone fame, he came to be a soldier in order to be strong, especially after seeing those comrades-in-arms sacrificed, he wanted to be strong even more.

He's definitely not one who can't resist temptation, but it's better to let those people ask for themselves.

If she can really poach Chen Jun, she can give Chen Jun a monkey right away.


The next day, Chen Jun suddenly received an order to come to the military district headquarters.

When Chen Jun came to the commander's office, he saw two strange major generals appearing there.


Jun didn't hesitate at all, and immediately saluted Mr. Gao and the two major generals.


Gao Shiwei looked at Chen Jun, "You sit down first, and then there is something to discuss."

"Okay. Chen Jun answered, picked a seat outside and sat down.

Gao Shiwei looked at Chen Jun and introduced: "These two comrades are, Director Chen and Director Wang of the Art Troupe. "

Director Chen, Director Wang, okay!" Chen Jun immediately stood up and said hello.

"Comrade Chen Jun, please sit, don't stand.

"Yes. Chen Jun sat down again, his figure extremely straight.

Director Chen looked at Chen Jun and said, "Comrade Xiao Chen, don't be nervous, we are from the headquarters art troupe, please go..."

After all, he has never been in contact with the art troupe, and it is very strange that a good party wants to invite him to a soldier there.

Seeing the change in Chen Jun's expression, Director Chen hurriedly explained: "We have seen your performance during the Mid-Autumn Festival and feel that you have the potential in this area, and we will cultivate you."

At this time, another Director Wang also nodded, and hurriedly explained: "That's right, according to the meaning of our Minister Lin, let you come over to do military propaganda, and directly create a star-level military identity for you, the treatment is greatly improved, the promotion is also very fast, the salary is three times that of the local army, and the house is divided..."

What's more, this art troupe is really shameless, in order to win over people, it took so much effort to almost introduce beautiful women.

Do you need to fight so hard?

Gao Shiwei's eyes were all dissatisfied, but it was not easy to speak, after all, Chen Jun had the right to speak.

Seeing Chen Jun listening carefully, Director Wang was very interested, and after saying a lot of benefits, he finally asked: "What do you think, this treatment, no one can refuse, success, social status..."

In their opinion, they will not refuse whoever they feel is replaced.

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