Of course, if there is good knowledge or technology abroad, it is not a bad thing for us to learn from others and then apply what we have learned.

However, if those people are overly enthusiastic about things abroad and go abroad to study things, they just want to stay abroad, or after returning to China, they just blindly copy and will not be able to apply them flexibly at all, then they are blind and cannot play the role of serving the motherland at all.

If all young people are pursuing foreign countries

, who will safeguard the peace of the country in the future? If no one wants to be a soldier, who will defend the enemy in the future?

If the country wants to be strong, people must be the most fundamental, if this performance can make the masses know more about the soldiers and inspire more people to recognize the soldiers, then more people will be willing to join the army.

It's a great thing.

Or, show the local what the demeanor of special forces is, and maybe change the view of more soldiers.

As a soldier, strength is key, but the right thinking is the most important thing.

A performance, if it can change more people, is also an invisible battle, this effect is not the same as the effect of saving some through combat, or even better, after all, the people who are changed will also save people, or change more people.

As for the secrecy of the identity, I know how to disguise, so it is not a big problem.

After thinking about it, Chen Jun finally agreed, he looked at An Ran and nodded, and said: "You can perform a show, but it's not enough to change your appearance, we must wear masks, and everyone needs masks."

An Ran smiled and nodded, "Understand, understand, you are the highest level of secrecy unit, you can't show your true face, this time, I am responsible for coordinating you to perform, I will arrange vehicles to pick you up, arrange your entry and exit, there is no problem with confidentiality work, and there is also a condolence payment."

After speaking, An Ran naughtily stretched out his right hand to Chen Jun, "Happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation!"

Chen Jun grinned, and at the moment of shaking hands, he hugged An Ran, "I don't want the condolence money, but you have to help me complete my goal in life..."

All of a sudden, An Ran's brows furrowed slightly, and his heart suddenly felt a little empty.

Good guy, just left, not a word left.

An Ran was a little lost, sighed, and sat up directly, but as soon as she sat up, the afterglow of her eyes swept to a note placed next to her.

In the next second, An Ran grabbed the note, and saw Chen Jun leaving a line of words in a fluttering manner: "The night training has begun, and I will come back to you after the training." The

person who signed the note was Chen Jun, and it also attached five big characters, love your husband.


An Ran saw these two words, his heart trembled slightly, and a red circle directly appeared on his face.

This guy....

When this thought flashed through his mind, Enron's mind was full of the scene that happened in the afternoon.

From about five o'clock in the afternoon to eight o'clock in the afternoon, the two of them have been indulging their thoughts for the sake of their life goals.

She is already a qualified soldier, and her physical fitness is also quite strong, but as a result, she didn't expect that after the battle, she actually fell asleep exhausted, and her husband, Chen Jun, still had the energy to train.

Does this guy have any limits, is the physique of special forces so capable

? No, it should just be this guy who is capable, is he hanging up, how can he have such abundant energy?

Thinking of this, An Ran's mind suddenly flashed that the scene of Chen Jun saving her was in Ma Kui's hands at that time, however, Chen Jun suddenly appeared at lightning speed, and Ma Kui was startled by him.

Just when Ma Quina was stunned, Chen Jun used his speed to kick the other party down, and then saved himself.

I have to say, this guy is just different from others.

For the sake of his life goal, he is doing everything he can.

Hey, in front of this guy, I really sigh to myself, when will I be able to fight this guy...

Thinking, thinking, An Ran fell asleep again unconsciously.

At night, after eleven o'clock, the air conditioner delivered cold air, and Chen Jun maintained a push-up position.

And An Ran, who was lying under Chen Jun, was frowning, biting his lip, blushing, pushing Chen Jun with both hands, and withstanding the attack of the storm.

It turned out that at eleven o'clock, Chen Jun came back on time after training, and as soon as he came back, he immediately hurried up and asked for the child.

For Chen Jun's life goal, An Ran also endured it hard.

Pain and pleasure.

After the storm, Chen Jun hugged his silky body and asked, "You said, this is your pregnancy period."

An Ran gasped and nodded.

Chen Jun rested for a while, and then said: "Then work hard a few more times, if you have a child, we will let the child recognize the squad leader as a godfather, so that he can have a spiritual sustenance." "

Hmm. The sassy and heroic An Ran, after more than a dozen adjustments, was made of water, and the whole person was already soft, but he didn't hesitate at all, and nodded directly.

One of Chen Jun's life goals is to have a baby, so he worked hard to give birth to a baby in order to give him a godchild to the squad leader.

The sacrifice of the squad leader's children was a big blow to the squad leader, but for Chen Jun, the blow was not small.

He has always regarded the squad leader as his brother, even closer than his own brother, the last time the scorpion suddenly murdered the squad leader, he happened to be there, at that time, in order to protect the squad leader, he was in a hurry and didn't even want his life, and directly took a knife for the squad leader.

Later, seeing that the squad leader was framed by the villagers, he was angry and directly pretended to be the local manager and directly dealt with the person who poisoned the squad leader, so he was also targeted by the pickets.

Chen Jun cares about his squad leader very much, he regards the squad leader as more precious than his own life, and when he sees the squad leader's child being killed, it is like seeing his own child being killed, and his liver is about to explode.

From that moment on, he set the goal of having a child in life.

This guy is so affectionate.

An Ran also knew the reason why Chen Jun set the goal of having a baby, whether it was out of love or being moved, she wanted to help Chen Jun have a baby.

Now is the right time, although Enron is tired and almost tired, but he has no intention of refusing.

It didn't take long for the next round of storms that belonged to the two of them to start again.

Tick tock....

Time passed little by little, and before I knew it, the sky was gradually getting brighter.

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