Gao Shiwei looked at the guard with interest, just waiting for the other party's reply.

The guards of the hacker commando team actually dared to stop his car, which is unprecedented and rare in history.

However, this is not a bad thing, nor is it a loss of face, but it shows that the hacker commandos are different and have personalities, and they do what others dare not do.

The guards saluted again and said solemnly: "Team Chen said that the soldiers are always vigilant, we are either fighting or preparing to fight, and this must be reflected in the details of our actions, and we still need to be one step ahead of others at all times..."

After speaking, he looked back at the high-level behind him and said: "This is written down, this is the reason why I admire Chen Jun, he is more like a soldier than us people, his thinking is ahead of anyone else, he is always vigilant, he always requires himself to be one step faster than others, such a high ideological consciousness, he will definitely surpass many people, this is what our soldiers should have." Saying

that, Gao Shiwei looked back at Lei Zhan and said: "Before, the minister of the Ministry of Military Affairs said that you can write ideological reports, you can write water figures, if this is the result, how to reflect, how to make new discoveries..."

In particular, his ideological report has been raised to 300,000 words.

300,000 words, how can there be so much content to write, can you write without water?

He would rather train for a month in a row than write an extra 10,000 words.

It's too difficult!

I've written Lei Zhan of Thought Report, and I know how difficult that thing is to write.

Gao Shiwei ignored Lei Zhan's grievances and continued: "Peace has been going on for too long, and many people don't know the danger of war, so they will only study in front of books and discard a lot of things, which is a very dangerous idea. "

Only soldiers who are always ready to fight can survive the war, understand?"


senior executives behind him, the driver, He Zhijun and Lei Zhan all nodded and responded.

Then, the driver also quickly walked to the guard and started to register.

Mr. Gao's words were released, and of course he didn't dare to delay, but he was also deeply surprised by Mr. Gao's attitude towards the hacker commando.

This time, Mr. Gao's attitude was to completely regard the hacker commando team as a model for everyone, does the hacker commando really have such great ability?

The driver was completely stunned.

Although the other high-level executives on the side were not as stunned as the driver, the shock in their hearts was not small, because Mr. Gao's attitude towards the hacker commando was something they had never seen before.

Chen Jun is excellent, but it is not enough for the commander to praise him endlessly.

When did Mr. Gao praise a person like this?

After the registration was completed, a guard took Gao Shiwei and the others to the barracks.

As they walked away, they heard a fight-like noise.

Following the sound, they immediately saw that Chen Jun was surrounded by more than a dozen people, and the others took turns fighting him.

When one team member retreats, another team member immediately follows.

The team member didn't say a word when he came up, and punched Chen Jun directly, but before the fist touched Chen Jun's clothes, the next moment, he was tripped by Chen Jun's kick.

Then, another person went up.

In this way, people kept being killed by Chen Jun, and then someone went up.

Outside, Gao Shiwei stood there and watched quietly, and did not walk in, for a moment, he looked at

the guard and asked, "What kind of training is this?" The guard: "Chief, this is a wheel battle, and each of their team members has to take turns to fight against the captain." "

Team Chen said that this will quickly improve endurance and enhance fighting ability, and he even said that within ten steps, a person must be faster than a gun to be qualified. Hearing

this, everyone was stunned, and their minds went blank.

They knew how fast the gun was, but they had never seen anyone faster than a gun.

Because no one in history has ever been able to do that.

What does it mean that Chen Jun dared to ask his team members to be faster than guns?

It shows that he not only dared to think about it, but might be able to do it, otherwise, he would not dare to say so.

But...... Is this possible?

Suddenly, everyone's eyes became complicated when they looked at Chen Jun.

Wang Changlin, who was full of surprise, looked at the guard and asked, "Did he fight in person?"

The guard nodded, "Team Chen trains with them every day, and just came back from the mission yesterday, and he didn't rest, so he trained directly."

"However, after training for so long and we have developed, no player is the opponent of the Chen team, and all of them have been abused badly. Hearing

this, Wang Changlin's heart trembled slightly, Chen Jun's attitude is good.

For a moment, he couldn't help but sigh, "See, it's the same instructor, what do others do, and what do we do?"

"Our wolftooth instructor will only carry a toad glass, eat barbecue, or hold a walkie-talkie, pretend to be forced next to him, and watch them train."

"Think about yourself, and then look at Chen Jun, if you don't know his identity, people who don't know him will think that he is an ordinary soldier, a soldier of my generation, and it will be dangerous if you forget to fight."

Saying that, Wang Changlin, his eyes became complicated, Chen Jun's strength, he had also heard of it, but he had not seen Chen Jun's training state.

If an instructor can train so diligently, he is still afraid that the soldiers will not be strong

? If he had Chen Jun's attitude, would he have achieved the lowest grades?

In peacetime, there are very few instructors who are really attentive and can put down their figures, especially those like Chen Jun, who have strength and can lead troops.

On the side, Gao Shiwei heard this, exhaled slightly, and said: "That's right, my generation of soldiers, forgetting the war will be dangerous."

After speaking, he looked at He Zhijun and Lei Zhan, and asked sharply: "You ask yourself, how long has it been since you trained with the troops?"

Hearing this, He Zhijun and Lei Zhan lowered their heads one after another, speechless.

No way, they confirmed that they hadn't trained with the captain like Chen Jun for a long time, after all, they still had instructors under them, and besides, they had a lot of things on their hands, and they didn't have so much time.

In this regard, He Zhijun and Lei Zhan really have nothing to say.

Gao Shiwei didn't intend to give them face, and continued: "Xiao He, you like to hold a bullhorn and stand on the high ground and shout slogans, right?"

"Also, you Lei Zhan, you are wearing toad glasses, hanging dogtail grass, and using the foreign army to pretend to be Iron Man, a hero of the agent of the beautiful country, right.

Lei Zhan's face was hot, and he kept his head down and didn't speak.

Gao Shiwei continued: "Seeing that Chen Jun is not, he mingles with the team members, he is a King Kong gourd baby, this is down-to-earth." "

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