The moment He Chenguang fired, Xiao Zhuang, who was following behind Chen Jun, also raised his gun and fired.

With the sound of gunshots, Xiao Zhuang's bullet directly hit the eyebrows of another militant with precision.

Immediately, a head exploded.


shot is about the same power as He Chenguang's shot, it is crisp and neat, and it does not drag the mud and water at all.

This is the accurate marksmanship of the hacker commandos, originally, these people's marksmanship is good, after experiencing Chen Jun's hacker training, the marksmanship has improved a lot compared to before.

A headshot won't be too hard for them.

In addition, they are now fighting strongly, and they must do this, otherwise, the eldest and sister-in-law will be in danger.

Since you want to do it, you have to have a deadly effect.


the other side, seeing He Chenguang and Xiao Zhuang making a move, the old fox and others also immediately opened fire.

This is the best time, and whether it can succeed depends on this blow.

Thunderbolt's marksmanship is not covered, the same gun must be hit, and every shot is a direct headshot.

At that moment, Chen Jun's attention was directly on Ma Kui's body, An Ran was in the hands of this guy, let alone anyone else, even he didn't dare to shoot easily.

For safety, only by bare hands.

Hacker assassination, within ten meters, he was the fastest, but he hadn't gotten close to the ten meter position, and Ma Kui turned around.

Seeing Chen Jun rushing towards him, Ma Kui was stunned for a moment, and then raised his gun, but he was just about to pull the trigger, and Chen Jun had already arrived in front of him.

Chen Jun's figure was undecided, and as soon as his body pounced forward, he directly hit Ma Kui's back.


huge crash sounded, followed by a huge force, and Ma Kui and Tong An Ran flew out directly.

There was no way, Chen Jun's instantaneous burst of power was still very terrifying, where Ma Kui could resist, he didn't react, and flew over directly.

In an instant, Chen Jun grabbed An Ran's arm directly with his backhand, and then pulled the other party back towards his body.

An Ran was still in the clouds, and he didn't react, so he fell directly into the arms of a black shadow.


An Ran was shocked, and at that moment, in her wide-open eyes, the face in front of her gradually became clear.


Jun! Is it Chen Jun?

He's really here!

An Ran was anxious and shocked in her heart, after all, she was suddenly pulled into her arms without knowing it, and this kind of thing was very frightening, and as a result, what shocked her was that the person who came was actually her husband who cared about her day and night.

Chen Jun has come to save her!

He really won't wait so quietly, as long as he knows, he will definitely come.

From the bottom of her heart, An Ran wanted to see Chen Jun, but this was the battlefield, and she didn't think too much about Chen Jun coming to the mission for her, she wanted to see it, just because she didn't plan to go back alive today.

If she really wants to die, then she is still very relieved that Chen Jun can't do it, after all, they have just gotten married, and they still have a lot of plans that have not yet been realized, at least they haven't even left their children.

An Ran originally wanted to see Chen Jun, and the moment she recognized Chen Jun, she was immediately excited.

Looking at Chen Jun, she didn't just feel the joy of reunion after separation, but joy, and she was very excited.

She never thought that Chen Jun would come to save her, and it was at the most critical moment.

Chen Jun's move is dangerous, how hard did he work to get to the back so quickly, in case...

In addition

, Chen Jun just ran into it as if he was desperate, and if Ma Kui reacted quickly, he would be very dangerous.

The more An Ran thought about it, the more scared he became, and his face became serious.

Chen Jun looked at her and asked, "What's wrong, is there anything wrong with your body?"

An Ran shook his head, and was about to speak, but was suddenly gently pushed away by Chen Jun, so at this moment, Chen Jun faced that Ma Kui, who had just fallen to the ground, had already gotten up.

As soon as he stood up, he immediately angrily took out a black grenade from his arms, and immediately stared at Chen Jun and roared, "Lao Tzu will die with you."

As soon as the words fell, Ma Kui directly pulled off the lead, and then rushed towards Chen Jun with a roar.

Since he can't leave alive, then at least he has to pull a bottom!

At that moment, Ma Kui no longer had hope of being alive, after all, he knew that with his crime, he would definitely not survive if he fell into the hands of the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom.

Of course, if he could live, he didn't want to die, but now, there was no one alive by his side, and he had completely lost the strength to fight, so there was no way.

This time, he was going to be planted here, but he didn't expect that he would lose so quickly and so well.

If he could regain his choice, he would rather not have encountered these Yanguo soldiers, and he would never have kidnapped Yanguo hostages.

On the

other side, seeing Ma Kui holding a smoking grenade and running towards him, a strong murderous aura flashed in Chen Jun's eyes.

It was this bastard who killed the hostage, and now, he still wants to kill him and An Ran, is this possible?


Chen Jun's face sank, and he suddenly got up and accelerated towards Ma Kui.

Suddenly, he seemed to have turned into a ghost, his speed was amazing, his whole body was light and fluttering, and he looked as if he had no weight, except for a flickering figure.

This is the reason for the speed, Chen Jun is already so fast that it is impossible to see with the naked eye.

On the other side, Ma Kui really didn't see Chen Jun's figure clearly, he hadn't reacted yet, and Chen Jun had already come to his eyes.

All of a sudden, Chen Jun directly grabbed one of Ma Kui's arms, and almost simultaneously held down the grenade with his other hand.

Chen Jun's hand grabbing Ma Kui's arm suddenly exploded with strength, and Ma Kui's arm was directly broken, and Bai Sensen's bones were pierced out.


Ma Kui's face was pale, and there were a lot of big sweats on his face.


! At that moment, he had a feeling in his mind, pain! The

pain of being broken alive and breaking bones is really not something that people can bear, Ma Kui almost fainted from the pain, and at that moment, he seemed to smell the breath of death, and after a moment of fear, he continued to beg for mercy.

Chen Jun shook his head, "I don't accept it, don't you want to die, I will satisfy you."

As he spoke, he snatched the grenade from Maqui's hand with lightning speed.


the next second, Chen Jun directly knocked out Ma Kui's mouth teeth with a punch, and then stuffed the still smoking grenade into the opponent's mouth.

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