Looking at Zuka who fell, An Ran had already cried into a tearful person, with tears on his face.

Zuka, this child is very pitiful, since he was a child, he has suffered a lot.

And just now, he was full of yearning for the future, and as a result, his hope was like a flash in the pan, and it was just beginning to end hastily.

He didn't even have time to realize his dream, so he ended his life like this!

Why is this happening?

An Ran roared in his heart, and a spring of grief and anger welled up in his heart.

Zuka's life is very tortuous, but he is a positive person, even if the reality is very hard, but he is still persevering, and he is also pursuing light, but unfortunately, light is very generous to many people, but he is very stingy with him.

He only saw the light, but he didn't have a chance to rush over, just like a firefly that put out a fire, he was killed...

This is very difficult for Enron to accept, and because of this, she feels deeply guilty.

Because, she is the one who let Zuka see the light, but unfortunately, she can't lead him to the light.

Reality doesn't give her a chance to help Zuka.

Zuka... He didn't deserve to die, he didn't deserve to suffer like this!

On the ground, the wanderer Zuka lay in a pool of blood, unconscious, but his round eyes seemed to be staring at An Ran all the time.

His eyes are very complicated, there are doubts, there are trust, and in the end, there are doubts and demands in this world, and unwillingness...

He was unwilling to die like this, he still wanted to go back to study alive, just now, he also believed that if An Ran said, the soldiers of Yanguo would come to save them, but...

What he didn't expect was that although the soldiers came, he was still not saved.

His life was ended like this...

Looking at Zuka's eyes, An Ran's tears couldn't be controlled at all, and his mood fluctuated greatly.

Zouka, he's dead, he's dead before the light is coming!

He really shouldn't be dead...

The more he thought about it, the more sad and angry he became, An Ran suddenly raised his head, stared at Lei Zhan viciously, and said loudly: "Why did you shoot, why did you shoot..."

Enron blamed him!

This is something he couldn't have imagined.

Just now, he really just cared about his safety and forgot about the other hostage.

Such negligence is also because, he did not expect this militant to be so ruthless, and shoot and kill the hostages without saying a word.

This is something that has never been done in history.

Was it wrong? Was the decision just now really wrong?

Many tactical ideas suddenly flashed directly through Lei Zhan's mind, and he couldn't help but ask himself.

After all, the loss of the hostage's life is a big deal, but the only thing that makes him happy is that it is not an accident.

If An Ran really had an accident, he would be unable to forgive himself for the rest of his life.

"Am I wrong

?" "Is it really a tactical mistake?" Lei

Zhan asked himself over and over again, but these thoughts just flashed, and in the next second, a negative answer directly popped up in his mind.

No, it's the crazy boss who is wrong, he doesn't play his cards according to common sense, he is not afraid of death before shooting.

It was he who disrupted the rhythm of our attack, and there was nothing wrong with the tactics.

This tactic has stood the test, and it has won no less than ten times, so there is certainly no problem, it is just that the situation has changed abruptly.

Lei Zhan is a very selfish person after all, even if he has been blamed by Enron, he is unwilling to accept his mistakes.

At this moment, not far away, Chen Jun also saw the hostages lying in a pool of blood, and he also saw An Ran's tears.

Looking at An Ran's sad expression, he could basically guess what the relationship between the two was, and that hostage must be An Ran's informant.

An Ran is an agent, he is not only good at intelligence, but also good at finding informants, after all, she is very good at observing words and feelings, and she also speaks, and she has developed a lot of informants.

When they first met, the kidnapper was one of the informants named Bukit, but that Bukit eventually did not resist the temptation to kidnap Enron, but he was lucky enough to meet and save Enron.

In the world of Infernal Affairs, it is well known how much pressure such an informant is, and the young man who fell in front of him must not be reconciled, even if he falls, he has been looking at Enron.

An Ran looked at each other, and he felt even more guilty.


Chen Jun gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, Lei Zhan, you fucking are just a big fool.

If he hadn't had to attack, how could he have angered those militants?

That guy is just too egoistic!

Chen Jun glanced at Lei Zhan, his eyes full of anger, but he quickly put away his thoughts and continued to move forward.

After all, now compared to just now, Enron will be more dangerous.

He had to get there quickly to rescue

An Ran! Now, Chen Jun was still some distance away from An Ran, and if the militants did it again, there was nothing he could do.


Chen Jun had a thought in his mind, quick.

Just as he got up, an angry Ma Kui kicked the corpse on the ground, and he licked his mouth cruelly and said, "Bastard, I warned you, why did you force me to shoot him."

As he spoke, he stared at Lei Zhan again, "Now, everyone retreats immediately, otherwise, I will kill this woman and die together."

Ma Kui's words were all coercion, and after speaking, he locked on An Ran's neck, as long as he made a move, An Ran would definitely die.

An Ran's eyes slowly became bloodshot, but her eyes kept staring at the dead Zuka, and her mind was not on her own safety.

She was not afraid of death, but she owed Zuka a life!

An Ran was sad and indignant.

Seeing that the leader of the militants had focused on Enron again, Lei Zhan seemed to think of something, and he immediately panicked.

This was the first time he had panicked, after all, it was different now, he had not seen the madness of these militants before.

Those militants are so crazy that they don't follow common sense and shoot another hostage, and if they dare to kill that hostage, there is a high probability that they will shoot and kill An Ran!

This is a group of frantic militants, and they are forced to do everything in a hurry.

No, we can't force them anymore!

At this moment, Lei Zhan no longer has the confidence that he can suppress these militants in front of him by hurrying.

After all, people are closer to An Ran than him, and the other party is ruthless enough, if he has other ideas, then An Ran will die.


Zhan thought of An Ran, his heart trembled slightly, and he immediately looked at the leader of the militants and said, "Okay, okay, don't shoot, I'll retreat, I'll retreat."

As he spoke, he commanded the man behind him, and then began to retreat himself.

I have to say that the death of that hostage completely hit Lei Zhan.

It was only at this moment that he began to accept that his command had made a mistake.

It must have been a command mistake that made the hostages sacrifice!

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