Chen Jun made a silent gesture directly towards He Chenguang's position in the distance.

This is the content of the combat theory from the hacker instructor's theory, and he specially trained the hacker team members during the training.

Gesture communication is silent communication, and there is no worry that the other party will intercept the communication information flow or something.

And after his training, every hacker teammate has already mastered such gestures, so he is not worried at all that He Chenguang will not understand.

After giving the order, Chen Jun whispered to Xiao Zhuang, "Go."

After speaking, he turned around directly, and then took Xiao Zhuang and walked towards An Lee.

Now, the attention of those militants is all on Lei Zhan, and if they want to play the role of surprise soldiers, they must not attack head-on, so they can only take them by surprise from the rear.

In order to take action by surprise and to achieve the effect of saving people, we must be fast!

Only by being fast can we stop this tragedy before it happens.

If you don't stop it in time, according to the plot, An Ran will be sacrificed here

! An Ran hold on, and I'll come to save you!

Chen Jun was very anxious in his heart, and directly brushed his speed to the extreme.

Fortunately, at this time, the surrounding militants have been eliminated by the Thunderbolt Commando, and he has just used the hacker space to explore a safe and easy route.

In this way, Chen Jun directly took Xiao Zhuang and ran out at an accelerated pace almost without observing.

At this moment, An Ran was still being held to the head by the armed leader with a gun and kept walking out.

And Lei Zhan on the other side watched dryly, unable to move at all, because he knew that once they moved, Enron would be in danger.

Seeing that Lei Zhan and those people did not act, Ma Kui was also a little bolder, and continued to hide in front of An Hou, but his eyes kept falling on Lei Zhan, guarding against any action from the other party.

As he walked out, Ma Kui shouted, "No one is allowed to come, otherwise, I will kill her with one shot." As

he spoke, he deliberately hit Enron's head with a gun, his fingers kept falling on the trigger, as long as he pulled the trigger, a bullet would immediately pierce Enron's head.


An Ran's life was in the heart of Ma Kui's thoughts.

On the other side, Lei Zhan also saw the subtle movements in Ma Kui's hand, his pupils suddenly contracted sharply, and the anxiety in his eyes became more and more intense.


He really wanted to shoot that guy, but the other party was very smart, he had been hiding behind An Ran, once he shot, An Ran would most likely be shot first!

Lei Zhan was silent, and the entire Thunderbolt Commando was quiet.

At this time, no one dares to mess around.

"Don't move, don't move. Ma Kui continued to push Enron, threatening Lei Zhan and the others all the time, and then slowly walked out of the villa.

"If anyone dares to move, Lao Tzu will kill both of them, and if you still care about their lives, immediately retreat. "


back!" "Do you hear it, everyone back down for Lao Tzu!"

Ma Kui shouted a few times, but the thunder battle on the opposite side still did not move, but at that moment, his eyes were already full of evil fire, staring at Ma Kui viciously.

His finger was on the trigger, and the muzzle of the gun was pointed at Ma Kui, and he wanted to do it, but he didn't dare to do it.

In particular, seeing that it was Enron in front of him, the goddess in his heart, his heart was even more entangled.

He is here to save An Ran, not to hurt An Ran, even if there is a trace of hesitation, he does not dare to act rashly, he doesn't want to let An Ran be injured because of himself, or there is something wrong.

Otherwise, he will not be able to forgive himself for the rest of his life.

He didn't forget that Xiao Zhuang was in such a scene, rescuing his own girlfriend, and something went wrong.

Xiao Zhuang killed his girlfriend directly by mistake that time, because of this incident, how long did Xiao Zhuang indulge, just now I don't know why, he suddenly changed and actually followed Chen Jun.

Now, he actually came to save An Ran, such a scene seems familiar, but it is so embarrassing that he is even a little overwhelmed.

What should I

do? Do you just let that militant go out with his hands on his own?

No, we must not let go of any militant!

Lei Zhan immediately heard a negative voice in his heart, but his subconscious told him that he couldn't do this yet, because then An Ran would die.

Even if An Ran is not his daughter-in-law, he must not fall in front of him

! Lei Zhan is really embarrassed; in history, he has carried out many missions and almost succeeded every time, but only this time, he was actually threatened by an armed man!

He was a soldier and wanted to do it, but he did not dare to do it.

This is a grievance that has never been felt before.

Aggrieved and angry almost occupied Lei Zhan's entire mind.

To be honest, looking at the abducted An Ran, Lei Zhan said that he didn't feel fake, even if An Ran had married Chen Jun as his wife, he still remembered An Ran.

After all, he has never been tempted by other women, except for An Ran, Tan Xiaolin of the Fire Phoenix also has that meaning to him, but he feels that compared with Tan Xiaolin and the gentle and sassy An Ran, the gap between the eldest lady is too far.

Therefore, he put his heart on Enron.

Now, Mr. Enron is being threatened with a gun by armed men, which makes it difficult for him.

Lei Zhan's body had begun to tremble slightly, which was caused by being too emotional, and he had been suppressing it.

Until now, he still chose not to act, just staring at Ma Kui viciously.

Ma Kui was naturally not afraid of Lei Zhan's murderous eyes, he continued to roar, "I asked you to step back, did you hear?"

Hearing this, Lei Zhan still didn't move, hesitated, and then said: "Give up resistance, you have been surrounded, give up resistance now, and still have a chance to get the span that treatment, I promise..."

Ma Kui was angry and directly planned to thunder war, "Are you stupid to be

Lao Tzu?" "Tell you, Lao Tzu committed a crime, and it is not enough to shoot him a thousand times, and you still guarantee it?" "

Made, open your eyes and tell nonsense, immediately give Lao Tzu a retreat, I will say it one last time, retreat immediately, otherwise I will prepare to collect their corpses."

Seeing this, the old fox said beside him: "Captain, retreat, don't irritate him, these militants have done it."

Lei Zhan squinted his eyes and said coldly: "No, we Yanguo soldiers will not compromise with the militants, if we retreat, we will become a joke for others, we are special forces." Hearing

this, the old fox's head blood vessels burst out, and suddenly, he had a feeling of bursting blood vessels, and he almost couldn't hold back, and directly spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

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