On the edge of the cliff, Wali and his men did not leave, and kept an eye on Chen Jun and Xiao Zhuang.

When they saw Chen Jun and the others jumping from the spiral device to the resort one after another, they were all stunned, and their eyes were full of incredulity.

"Ah, it's over, it's really over?" "No, how did they get there

?" "Why, I didn't seem to see it clearly just now, but I saw them skip over, isn't it so amazing, the speed of the spiral device, they won't be thrown off

?" "It's amazing, it's even more exciting than the movie, I can actually grasp such a big spiral device with both hands, and it's still turning, I didn't dream, right?"

Sir, who the hell are they from, they seem to be very strong, is it a real-life version of Superman?"

The shock in the hearts of several of Vali's subordinates instantly exploded, although they all witnessed the whole process with their own eyes, it felt very unreal.

At that moment, Vali was so frightened that his mouth opened wide, and after a while, he came back to his senses, shook his head, and said, "I don't know what their identities are, but I know that they are the bravest soldiers and men I have ever seen."

One of Vali's subordinates said: "Yes, real men, no, ordinary men can't do this, this is the most fierce male god." "

A real man, he should be so strong, I didn't expect that today, I have seen a really fierce male god, except for them, there is no third person in the world who can do it, it's too difficult..."

As a result, they never expected that Chen Jun and the others would actually turn what they thought was impossible into a possibility.

And they did! They

did what almost no one in the world could do.

It's rare...

Inside the resort, Xiao Zhuang was also startled when he saw Chen Jun flying over instantly, because just now he saw Chen Jun's body trembling on the leaf, and he almost fell down.

At that moment, his heart was about to be frightened, but at the critical moment, Chen Jun actually stabilized his body, and finally, he jumped over at the right time.

It's so dangerous, if it were yourself, you would have been crushed a long time ago.

Xiao Zhuang's eyes were full of tears of excitement, and he immediately swam to Chen Jun's side, "Boss, I was so excited to see you, I was really scared to death just now."

Chen Jun looked at Xiao Zhuang's tears and directly showed a big smile, "I am a ghost, where does Lord Yama dare to accept me."

As soon as the words fell, a violent explosion was heard in the resort.


this, Chen Jun's face changed in an instant, no, the situation seems to be even worse, I hope it is not the grenade that was sacrificed in the original book exploded.

"Let's go. Chen Jun said and immediately walked out.


Xiao Zhuang followed Chen Jun closely and immediately approached the shore.

Chen Jun remained in the front position, close to the shore, and after making sure that there was no one, he quickly rushed ashore and then dodged and hid behind a tree.

At the same time, Xiao Zhuang also hid behind a nearby tree.

Chen Jun probed out, and immediately found that a large number of military police had rushed in, and Lei Zhan took his men to take the lead, in a standard tactical formation, while strafing, while advancing.

With the advance of the raid team of Raiden, the militants on the opposite side immediately fell one after another in a pool of blood.

In the blink of an eye, a large area fell, and the people inside were suddenly disrupted.

In the face of the charge of the special forces, those militants have absolutely no chance of winning, and they do not even have the ability to fight back.

No way, the Thunderbolt Commando's marksmanship is so accurate that everyone almost hits with guns.

The Thunderbolt Commando can become a famous brand of wolf teeth, and the strength is still there, of course, this is also the most confident place in Lei Zhan, otherwise, he would not dare to attack easily.

Just like he said to Chen Jun, they have to rely on strength to quickly suppress each other.

Seeing that the Thunderbolt Commando was attacking, Chen Jun breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, it was not the final explosion, and now, Enron should still be safe.

Xiao Zhuang asked in a low voice, "Captain, shall we rush?"

Chen Jun shook his head directly, "Wait a minute." He

knew very well that rushing out at this time would not help much, after all, they were strange soldiers, and since they came in, they had to play a role at a critical moment.


the other side, the windows of a villa in the resort were all blown to pieces by bullets, and the two militants hiding behind were also swept to death.

In the room, a militant saw this scene, and his soul was so frightened that his soul was about to go out of his body, he couldn't suppress the fear in his heart at all, and yelled fiercely, "Boss, this place can't be defended." "

Hurry up and find a way, or they'll attack here right away." "

The militant was all panicked, there was no way, the other party's marksmanship was so accurate that they didn't even have room to resist, he was going to be frightened, where did he have the heart to continue to stay here.


At that moment, he thought that it was important to run for his life.

Not far away, Ma Kui, the fat-headed and big-eared leader who was called the boss, was already full of horror.

According to the opponent's offensive, they may really not be able to hold it.


Kui was really a little unwilling, because he was Minden's subordinate and knew a lot of Minden's resources, but Minden didn't come back, and he didn't know the whereabouts of a lot of money and goods.

Therefore, he plans to exchange two hostages for Minden back, first use Minden to take out the money and goods, and then kill Minden and replace him himself.

Under normal circumstances, there are hostages in hand, which is a very safe thing, but he never expected that the Yanguo soldiers who came this time didn't want to negotiate at all, so they rushed in and started working.

Not only did those guys not agree to his terms, but they also sent people to exterminate him, and now, he has been completely wiped out, and there are only a few people left around him.

At this rate of rout, they are about to be finished.

"It's over, the boss didn't make it, and he has to be a ghost!"

"Even if you can't change Minden, at least you can save your life." The

more Ma Kui thought about it, the more scared he felt, at this moment, he didn't care about any money and status, he only thought about how to escape from here.

At that moment, the subordinate shouted again, "Boss, they're rushing in."

Hearing this, Ma Kui gritted his teeth and turned his eyes to look at the two hostages in the corner, one of them was An Ran, and the other was a young man.

Seeing An Ran, Ma Kui's eyes froze, and he suddenly got up and walked over, and then stretched out his big hand to grab her directly.

Before Ma Kui escorted An Ran out, he turned back and yelled at his subordinates behind him, "Rush out with another hostage, if they dare to shoot, they will all die." "

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