"Chen Jun, if you are still alive, just call Lao Tzu back!"

"Talk back!"

The black-faced god's voice trembled, roaring, roaring, and his voice gradually became smaller, and his eyes were already filled with tears at some point.

Is Chen Jun just gone?

No, he's the strongest soldier, how can he just be gone.

Damn, why didn't he listen to orders!

The black-faced god clenched his fists, on the surface he didn't want to believe that Chen Jun was gone, but in essence, he didn't have a bottom in his heart.

Who can jump out of a mine?

It is estimated that in this world, only Chen Jun dares to play like this!

The black-faced god's face was like earth, and the sadness in his heart was accumulating more and more, and the whole person was like losing his soul, and he lost his spirit in an instant.

Just when the black-faced god was about to give up, suddenly, Chen Jun's violent cough came over the radio, "Don't scream, instructor, I'm not dead yet." "


When that voice came, everyone in the command post trembled like a lightning strike, and then they all stood up excitedly from their positions.

"Chen Jun, he... He's not dead yet! "

I didn't expect him to be able to jump out of the mine explosion circle, it's really awesome."

"It's amazing, you can jump out of the explosion circle, there is no second person in the world."

"Haha... I said that he was an immortal god of war, how could it be so easy to disappear? "

Chief, I'm not wrong, he's really not dead."

The black-faced god was also shouting excitedly, and then he asked loudly into the communication system, "Chen Jun, are you injured?" At

the scene of the explosion, Chen Jun slapped the dirt on his body and responded: "It's okay, you can still run."

"Can you still run?"

Hearing this, the black-faced god grinned, but tears flowed down, "Okay, it's good to run, in this way, you come back first, and I'll let the others chase the old cat."

Chen Jun said resolutely: "No, the old cat is left to me, Lao Tzu must kill him, and the courtesy is still exchanged."

After speaking, his figure flashed, and the whole person rushed out.

The sacrifice of his comrades-in-arms made Chen Jun not want to let go of any of the invading militants.

This is his dead knot, and every militant he touches will die.

Unless you don't encounter it, once you do, you won't die!

At this time, the smoke from the explosion at the scene also dissipated a lot, and the picture on the screen was much clearer.

The people present just watched Chen Jun run out, but at that moment, they all froze.

Is this still a human thing?

Chen Jun not only jumped out of the mine explosion circle, but also was able to run?

No, not only can he run, but he can also run faster than a rabbit, and he is chasing the old cat?

This...... Is this still human?

The scene was quiet, and the pin drop could be heard.

A moment later, there was an exclamation from the command post.

"Chen Jun, good job!"

"Chen Jun, brave, he's a big hero!"

"Chen Jun is awesome, he is the god of war who can't be killed, the strongest soldier..."

Everyone in the command room was excited, even Shi Qingsong stood up excitedly, and he couldn't help but exclaim, "This kid is a ruthless person." The

black-faced god nodded again and again, "He is a ghost, he is the nemesis of the militants, he will never lose to the militants, and he will never let go of the militants..."

Shi Qingsong nodded, "He is indeed good, in today's era of peace, there are fewer such young people, quickly, contact the soldiers present, be sure to protect him."

"He must come back alive."

In the jungle, Chen Jun's figure kept flickering, and his speed was getting faster and faster, no matter how he looked at it, he didn't look like an injured person.

When it just exploded, of course, Chen Jun was also injured, but fortunately, it was only a skin injury, and under the treatment of hacker medicine, he had recovered somewhat, and the overall impact was not great.

In order to track the old cat, Chen Jun directly pulled his speed to the limit, but this time, he was much more careful than before, after all, he had just suffered a loss, so he naturally didn't want to fall into the same pit.

When he started, he directly opened Dacheng's hacker space, and at the same time, with the ultimate hacker stealth technique, as long as there was any trace or crisis on the road, he could avoid it as soon as possible.

After less than five minutes of running at extreme speed, a figure that was fleeing and a little flustered appeared in Chen Jun's eyes.

That man was an old cat, and now, he was not far from the border, as long as he crossed that border, he was safe.

Looking at the figure of the old cat, Chen Jun's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he immediately yelled, "Old cat, you can't run." The

old cat, who was running wildly, heard a roar behind him, and suddenly, his whole body was terrified, and his soul was about to smoke.


"Mines can't kill you, is this still a human being?"

The old cat was terrified in his heart, he didn't believe that the other party was still alive at all, and finally he couldn't help but look back, and in an instant, his eyes were straight.

Because the ghost that made him feel fear was not dead, not only was he not killed by the mine, but he was still rushing towards him.

The point is, the speed of that ghost is obviously much faster than him.

"Why, is this still a person?"

"Is he a human being, or a ghost, how can he keep haunting Lao Tzu!"

The old cat saw the ghost approaching, the fear in his eyes became stronger and stronger, and he gritted his teeth and tried his best to escape.


In the face of such a terrifying guy, he just wants to escape!

Only by escaping can he live.

"Old cat, you can't run away."

Chen Jun roared while tracking, and the old cat listened to it with grievances and annoyance.

He wanted to get rid of that guy, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of him.

"What's the matter, dog skin plaster?"

The old cat's eyes were full of grievances, and finally he gritted his teeth helplessly, pulled out the fuses of the remaining grenades, and threw them behind one by one.

"I don't believe that I can't kill you!"

This time, the old cat has already gone out and directly resorted to the last killer move.

However, how did he know that he hadn't thrown the grenade out yet, and Chen Jun had already presented a crisis signal of hacker spatial perception in his mind.

The moment the grenade flew out, a safe escape route had already appeared in Chen Jun's mind.

Chen Jun followed the route and began to dodge using the trees, and the grenade had just flown to his original position, and he had already changed his position.

The whole process was very flexible, without affecting his speed in the slightest, and it looked as if he was playing with the old cat throwing sandbags, that easy.


Behind him, the explosions kept sounding, and the grenades in the old cat's hands were thrown out, but what made him feel aggrieved was that he could not shake off the ghost behind him.

Seeing the ghost figure approaching, the old cat is going crazy, this is endless!

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