Seeing that Chen Jun suddenly called out a young man, all the contestants showed strong interest except for the wolf warriors.

Just now, they were all suppressed by Chen Jun, as soldiers, who wants to be pressed by others?

Nonsense, soldiers are strong, if there is a chance, they want to turn the tables every minute.

If this young man named He Chenguang is not as perverted as that Chen Jun, wouldn't this be a good opportunity for everyone to turn the tables?

This is the opinion of the contestants of other military regions, but the people with wolf teeth do not think so, but they all have strange expressions.

"That guy actually sent He Chenguang, what trick is he going to play again.

"Those guys had better not take the move, the madman has no good moves, and the first time he catches it is a pit." "

Today, he's going to play these guys. "

Although the people of the wolf tooth have not directly confronted He Chenguang and those people, they all know that these people taken away by Chen Jun are the elite of the wolf tooth, and they have been trained by Chen Jun for so long, and their strength is definitely not much worse.

Moreover, will Chen Jun do unreliable things?

The wolf-tooth team members who know Chen Jun's personality know that Chen Jun will not mess around, and they also know that Chen Jun is participating in this competition just to show off his sword.

The hacker commando team is now the first in all achievements, and Chen Jun naturally will not smash his signboard.

The truth is just as the wolf-toothed people expected, Chen Jun will definitely not do something that he is not sure of, and when he saw that the other contestants were interested, he immediately said: "This is the sniper of the hacker commando, He Chenguang, the fighting is so-so, and he used to be the national youth book champion."

"Now, after I trained him, his martial arts are a little bit more advanced, and there is not much difference between me and me.


this, all the special forces looked disgusted as if they had swallowed flies.

"What's the matter, who is this disgusting, just a random person, actually a national youth fighting champion? It's almost the same as you, why don't you say that the hacker squadron is already the first in the world.

"This guy is starting to show off again, it's really unsightly, do you guys take it?"

"I think he's digging a hole for everyone, it's better not to jump in."

"However, this guy doesn't seem to have told a lie, he is so strong, he will definitely not be bad without his subordinates, everyone should not be rash, we have lost enough badly..."

Seeing that those contestants were slow to act, Chen Jun said again: "Do you think he is too strong, but he is the youngest, forget it, if he is not suitable, I will introduce you to another one." "

Shi Dafan came out.

"Yes. Shi Dafan walked out at the order.

Chen Jun pointed at Shi Dafan and said, "See, this is our hygienist, Shi Dafan." "

A family of military doctors, a family of martial arts..."

Listening to Chen Jun's words, the black-faced god and the blue shadow were also big, and their expressions were a little strange.

What's the hell about the origin of the hacker commando, and are the hygienists so strong

? What is the origin of these guys?

If they first met Chen Jun, the black-faced god and the blue shadow would not believe Chen Jun's words, but after so many assessments, they didn't think that Chen Jun's words would be fake.

Because the results of the hacker squadron are there, the first item, this is not the achievement of Chen Jun alone, but the achievement of the entire squadron.

The hacker squadron can have such results, and the team members will naturally not be bad, but what surprised them was how Chen Jun found a few such excellent guys.

And how did Chen Jun train, these guys were so obedient to him.

When the other contestants heard Chen Jun's introduction, they also had strange looks on their faces, and they didn't know whether to believe it or not.

Believe it, I always feel that the other party is a little arrogant, don't believe it, they don't dare to ignore Chen Jun's words.

After all, this Chen Jun is not a person who plays cards according to common sense.

And the only thing that made them feel clearly was that Chen Jun's words were a bit hurtful.

Although these words are not lethal, they are very insulting.

The more Chen Jun shows that his subordinates are powerful, the more they are not good at everyone, especially in the case of challenges.

Whether this is the truth or a lie, everyone is uncomfortable to hear, and of course they dare not easily stand up and fight.

Seeing that everyone was still unmoved, Chen Jun asked loudly: "In the end, there is no one who comes out, the people of our hacker commando, and the others are not all introduced, you can choose." There

was still silence, no one spoke, and no one even dared to look at the hacker commandos.

There's no way, no one is sure, not to mention the shame of going up, it may also affect their later games, and they still have to retain their strength to participate in the next events.

No one wants to do things that outweigh the losses.

Face is important, but the big picture is important.

At this moment, no one really stood up to fight.

This is also the reason for Chen Jun's strength to suppress.

After a moment, the black-faced god looked at everyone and said, "If no one challenges it, the hacker commando team will be the first in this year's National Special Forces Competition, is there anyone else"

The voice stopped for a while, and still no one spoke.

Before the competition, the chief instructor said that if Chen Jun won, he would leave with the first place in advance.

I am willing to gamble and lose, Chen Jun won, and it is normal to take the first.

For the result announced by the chief instructor, the other contestants on the scene had no objection.

Of course, even if it wasn't this game, judging from the assessment of the past few days, the hacker commandos relied on the first place in the previous items, even if they didn't participate in the last competition, no one doubted their ability, because according to the total score, they would have been the first a long time ago.

The hacker commando team got this first place, and of course, people won it with strength.

Although everyone has some other opinions about Chen Jun, they still recognize his strength.

The skills are not as good as people, there is nothing to say.

Seeing that everyone didn't speak, the black-faced god said again: "This is your own abandonment, since you don't guard, then, the first one this year is..."

Chen Jun suddenly walked out and looked at the black-faced god and said: "I accepted the challenge, not to get the first, I just want to tell you that our hacker commando team is also a special force."

"Each of us, no worse than you, that's all, as for the first place. Saying

that, Chen Jun paused, and then said word by word: "We have to rely on our own strength to take it, we don't need any charity, I don't want someone to talk behind my back after walking out of here, saying that the first gold content of our evil commando is not enough."

"So, for the final assessment, we participated.

As soon as Chen Jun finished speaking, the whole audience looked at him with shocked eyes.

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