Although Lei Zhan was reluctant to accept Chen Jun's kindness, he finally put the overall situation first and arranged for someone to be on duty.

No way, historical experience tells him that tonight, the probability of those instructors doing it is very high.

The results in front of the wolf tooth are already at the bottom, and I really can't afford to lose in the last item.

Lei Zhan naturally didn't want to lose, but he didn't mention Chen Jun again, and after giving the order, he asked everyone to start resting.

Before you know it, it's three o'clock in the night, which is the time when people are most sleepy, and it's winter, and the temperature at night is relatively low, and those contestants who don't have dinner are very heavy asleep because they are cold and hungry.

In the dark night, in the camp, figures wearing camouflage uniforms and hoods suddenly appeared.

If Chen Jun was here, he would definitely recognize the black-faced god and the blue shadow among them, and these people launched a night assault as he expected.

To test the reflexes and strength of these contestants, it is best to attack at night.

When the masked men appeared, they did not act immediately, but began to assemble, and the black-faced god and the blue shadow stood in front of everyone.

After a moment, Blue Shadow looked at his watch and said, "It's almost, this is the best time to do it." The

black-faced god nodded and looked at all the masked people: "Among them, there must be many people who guessed that we were sneak attacking, but they are too tired and will not resist very strongly, so they can be stunned, but don't be too heavy, if you kill us, we will be responsible."

"Yes. All the masked men answered in unison, their voices muffled, but the black-faced god could tell that they were excited.


These guys are really looking forward to getting their hands dirty.

But are those recruits really so easy to be bullied?

Thinking of this, the black-faced god's mind immediately flashed the figure of those people from the hacker squadron.

Others may be bullied, but this hacker squadron is not ordinary, will they be beaten into pigs' heads?

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, the black-faced god shook his head helplessly, he was not sure what the answer to this question was, and he couldn't imagine how those guys would react.

If they didn't know the situation, they might not react so much, but if they had prepared in advance, it would be difficult to say.

After all, this hacker squadron is very special, it is the most miraculous unit he has ever seen, but for such a commando, he can't grasp what kind of reaction those people will have.

What's more, the masked people selected this time are all special forces who participated in the special forces competition last year, and these people will definitely not show mercy to the newcomers, because they have never shown mercy to their subordinates in the old traditions of the previous batch.

These people have been holding their anger for a year, and they can't wait to find an opportunity to vent their anger.

Needless to say, these people will definitely not be easy to start, and it is difficult to say whether they will get benefits.

The black-faced god didn't hesitate too much, and waved his hand directly, "Let's start, pay attention to proportion."

"Yes. The masked men answered, and immediately formed a group of ten people, quickly formed a team, and then dispersed towards the camp.

When all the special forces dispersed, Lan Ying was a little uneasy and said: "Let's be careful, last year, there were three soldiers who resisted and were almost beaten into vegetative people, but they also retired for this, and that can't happen again." "

Lan Ying is also very clear about the strength of these old people's hands, and he is not optimistic that those old people will really listen to the words of the chief instructor of the black-faced god, and just teach those guys a lesson.

It's good to teach those guys a proper lesson, but if something happens, it's not so good.

If there is a fatality, it will be even more tragic.

The black-faced god nodded, of course he hadn't forgotten the incident of last year, because of this incident, the fact that he could have been promoted to colonel was canceled.

During the assessment, the team members had accidents, which was a big deal, even if he was a chief instructor, he couldn't stop it.

It was because he knew these responsibilities that he had seen Chen Jun so ruthless before, so he ordered to inform the examiners behind him not to make direct contact with the hacker squadron.

Those guys treat the competition as a battlefield, and they don't think about anything else, how ruthless, how to come.

If the hacker squadron had run into these masked men, the reaction would have only been greater.

Thinking of this, the black-faced god's face became serious, and he immediately said to Lan Ying: "Let's supervise it separately, don't let anything happen again."


Blue Shadow responded, quickly parted ways with the black-faced god, and began to prepare for the second hand.

At this moment, outside the tent of the hacker commando, ten masked people suddenly appeared, all of whom were holding a baton, and the two in the front were each holding a tear gas.

The Hacker Squadron ranked first in the assessment results, which has always attracted much attention, and is now also the focus of attention.

These masked men have long known that hacker squadrons are not simple, so none of them take it lightly.

The captain who led the team gently attached his ear to the tent cloth and listened.

After confirming that there was no movement inside, he looked back at the two with tear gas and nodded, and whispered, "Begin." After

receiving the order, the two men with tear gas immediately nodded, followed by a quick unplugging of the insidious, and then opened the tent and threw it in.

Just as everyone was waiting for the movement to come from inside the tent, a strange scene happened, the gas they threw in was not thrown out, but bounced out.

The tear gas wasn't thrown into the tent at all, it looked like it had bounced out of something, and it seemed to bounce off automatically.


this scene, those masked guys were stunned, and they were stunned, and immediately puffs of smoke rose from the tear gas, and then quickly dispersed.


masked faces were shocked, and they immediately covered their mouths and noses and scattered.

Although everyone moved quickly, the effect of the tear gas was still very terrifying, and some masked people began to choke and cough desperately.


They were supposed to poison the hacker squadron, but they were poisoned in turn.

"Damn, they're on guard. A veteran suddenly shouted, "At the door of the tent, a quilt blocked it, and the tear gas was bounced out before it was thrown in." Hearing

this, everyone reacted, and the tear gas just now was indeed rebounded, but they didn't expect the other party to use a quilt to block it.

"This trick is clever, not only blocking the gas from entering, but also blocking the smoke.

"They're not fuel-efficient lamps, so it's terrible. "

What to do, they are already prepared. The

captain roared, "Go in and see the situation, and the others will stand by."

"Yes. The

two men who had just thrown the gas looked at each other, and then immediately got up and walked in.

They had just reached the door, when suddenly, a hand reached out in the darkness and pulled them straight in.

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