
black-faced god has begun to play tricks on the hacker squadron again.

Hearing that the black-faced god was harming those old people in public to praise the hacker squadron, Chen Jun, as the captain of the hacker squadron, his face sank directly.

That's not a good thing.

The black-faced god is famous for being black, and he definitely doesn't have that much kind to praise the hacker squadron.

Sets, digging pits, the most favorite tricks of special forces instructors, and the black-faced god is no exception.

The Blackface God Instructor deliberately belittled those veterans to stimulate their fighting spirit, especially their hostility to the Hacker Squadron.

When hostility is aroused, there is a natural will to fight.

Sure enough, Chen Jun immediately saw those old people, and looked at them with war intent in his eyes.

If his eyes could hurt people, he would already be covered in bruises.

Those old Teke are all elites, how can they be willing to be belittled.

All the old ones really don't want to admit defeat, especially to a new commando, which makes them very faceless.

At that moment, all the old ones were staring at the hacker squadron, and in their eyes there was nothing but war intent or war intent.

The black-faced god looked at those old people and coughed, and said, "I'm very disappointed in you, I really don't look down on you, except for the hacker commandos, don't have dinner tonight." "

Can't eat!"

Except for the Hacker Squadron, the other contestants looked even more ugly.

The strength is not enough, even if you lose, now you even lose dinner.

It's a shame.


black-faced god didn't pay any attention to the thoughts of those contestants, and he continued to speak: "By the way, I forgot to remind you that you have a good rest tonight, and tomorrow morning, we will start to assume that the enemy is simulating a confrontation.

"The old rule, the worst ranking is eliminated directly. "

Everyone, take the time to rest tonight and disband!"

"Yes. Soon

, the various teams immediately began to disperse, but when those contestants passed by the hacker commando, everyone was unhappy in their eyes, and their eyes were full of war.

They are all veteran special forces, and they are not as good as these recruits, and if this result is spread out, how embarrassing it will

be? The shame has already been thrown to grandma's house, but it doesn't matter, isn't there a final battle?

When most of the contestants passed by Chen Jun, they all raised their fists and issued warnings one after another.

"Boy, let's see!"

"The hacker squadron is always a newcomer, and a momentary ambition does not mean forever, just like the instructor said, whoever has the last laugh is the real winner."

"Listen, I'm now challenging your hacker squadron, see you on the battlefield!"

"Hacker squadron, dinner, you guys eat well, don't hold on, we're waiting for you..."

No way, because of the hacker squadron, they wiped all their dinner.

Who can endure such hatred?

At that moment, almost all the contestants were angry with Chen Jun.

When Leng Feng passed by Chen Jun's side, he looked at him directly and said coldly: "Boy, don't be complacent too early, tomorrow if you pretend to be an enemy, I will let you know what the strength of a veteran is."

Chen Jun looked at Leng Feng and said indifferently: "Accompany you to the end."

Leng Feng smiled lightly and turned to leave.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yanbing looked displeased, and said directly: "What are you dragging, it's the same as a gangster, such a veteran, I will fight three at a time."

Shi Dafan was also very unaccustomed to it, and followed: "I can fight four."

He Chenguang said indignantly: "What's the matter, the old man is amazing, the old man is not the same and lost, hehe, he still came to challenge, he can't afford to lose." "

Can't afford to lose? Let them lose their bottoms tomorrow, what the hell, they don't admit it if they lose, and they are embarrassed to challenge, everyone cheer up, and tomorrow we will use the spirit of hacking to suppress them."

Seeing that those contestants had challenged one after another, He Chenguang and the others had already held their breath, and when they saw Leng Feng coming over to challenge and deliberately move out of the name of a veteran, they couldn't help it.

If it weren't for the assessment site, they almost couldn't help but scold each other directly, and even started to do it.

From its inception to the present, the hacker squadron has always been looked down upon, even now that they have achieved the first result in every result, they are still threatened by these people.


okay to look down on anyone, but you can't look down on the hacker squadron.

He Chenguang and several newcomers were really annoyed, and they scolded.

Chen Jun turned around, looked at them, and said solemnly: "Okay, go back and rest, there must be something tonight." Hearing

this, He Chenguang and the others immediately suppressed their voices and immediately became serious.

Wang Yanbing asked directly: "Boss, what do you mean by this? Could it be that those guys

want to mess with us tonight?" He Chenguang: "They shouldn't have the guts to mess with us in private, shouldn't it be those instructors who want to do something?"

Chen Jun looked at He Chenguang and nodded, "The project is coming to an end, and those instructors will definitely not be so peaceful, so you go and call Chen Shanming over."

"Yes. He Chenguang answered and left.

Not long after, Chen Shanming hurriedly ran over, looked at Chen Jun and asked suspiciously, "Ghost, are you looking for me?" Chen Jun

stared at Chen Shanming and said, "Go back and tell Lei Zhan that when you go to bed tonight, it's best to keep one eye open." Hearing

this, Chen Shanming was shocked, "What do you mean..."Chen

Jun sneered, "In the past few days, the black-faced god would not tell us what to assess the next day, and he only said it the next day, but just now, he actually made the assessment items public in advance, and there must be a problem in this." After

a few days of running-in, Chen Jun has a certain depth of the black-faced god of the Yin Ai people.

The black-faced god is really black as his name suggests, and the whole assessment process, no matter how difficult, just tidy everyone up.

Tomorrow is the last project, and the black-faced god will definitely seize this opportunity to take care of everyone.

The reason why he just told everyone about the assessment project is to let everyone relax their vigilance and then come to a surprise attack.

Historically, in the special forces assessment, those instructors loved to play like this.

For various reasons, Chen Jun most likely concluded that the black-faced god would definitely come to trouble, so he wanted to inform the wolf tooth and get ready.

After all, everyone used to be in a military region, and he didn't want the wolf's teeth to be made too badly.

What's more, he also promised to take care of the wolf's teeth.

Hearing Chen Jun's words, Chen Shanming was stunned for a moment, but nodded directly in the next second, "It makes sense, but tomorrow there will be only a hypothetical enemy assessment, although the black-faced god instructor doesn't know what to say, but everyone can guess it." Hearing

this, Chen Jun sent the guest directly, "You represent the face of the wolf's teeth, I will say so much, how to do it, it's up to you, let's go, we also have to rest."

Chen Shanming directly stood up straight and saluted, "Thank you for the reminder, I'll go back and tell Thor." "

Ghost, you're an adult and don't remember a villain. "

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