
to say, these people will definitely not refuse, because they are mercenaries who work hard with money, and they will definitely not refuse.

The old cat had long thought about how these guys would choose, but there was no way, the temptation of this reward was too great, and he couldn't refuse it, not to mention those guys who often worked hard for money.

What's more, Minden also said that he doesn't have to work hard like these guys, and he earns more than those guys.

The old cat has been making a small calculation in his heart, but he is excited, he naturally will not show it, after hearing the statements of those militants, he pondered for a while, nodded and said: "This vote is indeed worth doing, but we also have to ensure our own safety."

One of the militants spoke: "Boss, that's right, there is a lot of money, but we can't despise the enemy, especially since the prey is still surrounded by so many troops, to put it mildly, we may not be able to kill him if we are all wiped out."

"Income and pay are always proportional, if this vote is simple, it will not be so high, chief, we have to plan in detail, see if it is convenient to start, everyone has to go back alive." "

Yes, kill the prey and go back alive. The

old cat nodded, "Don't worry, we only do safe things, although the current situation is not very optimistic, but we will strengthen the monitoring of him, I know that the process of the Yanguo exercise is about personal heroism, and he will be left alone sooner or later..."

Of course, part of the reason for such absolute trust is that reward.

Running for that huge reward, they are willing to take risks.

Seeing those mercenaries excited, the old cat sneered in his heart, he was going to prostitute for nothing, this time here, he was not only a prostitute, but also a charging boss.

On the other hand, it has been two days and two nights since all the exercise troops in Yanguo successfully took the first assessment of their arrival position.

The black-faced god with a serious face walked directly in front of the team that had completed the entire assembly, glanced at it, and announced: "The team that returns last will be eliminated directly, go home, this is the game, if you lose, you will immediately roll up and leave."


As soon as the words fell, a group of team members with gloomy expressions, in a very depressed mood, walked out with their heads down.

Seeing those people leaving, the team members who stayed behind were secretly relieved.

In the national special forces assessment, if the first item is eliminated, it is too shocking, but fortunately it is not them.

Strength, such an assessment, depends on strength.

After going through the first assessment, everyone can better understand the importance of strength.

The black-faced god didn't pay much attention to everyone, and announced, "The first assessment is over, and some of you have surprised me and some have frightened me.

Speaking of this, the black-faced god couldn't help but look at Chen Jun's team.

In the first assessment, the hacker squadron led by Chen Jun really brought him surprises and fright.

The surprise was because Chen Jun broke the historical record, completing the task in just 20 hours, more than six hours ahead of the historical record.

As for the fright, it was also because of Chen Jun and these people, the moment these people reached the finish line, they fainted directly when they heard the news that they had won.

At that moment, he was really frightened, and he was really afraid that these excellent soldiers would have three strengths and two weaknesses.

Fortunately, in the end, these people have recovered intact, and now they are standing in the team with full blood.

In the first assessment, their performance is very good, but this does not mean everything, and the excitement is still to come.

Thinking of this, the black-faced god put away his thoughts and said, "This matter is over, but I want to tell you that the past results are not counted as achievements, and the next event is a new beginning." "

No one cares about the results you have taken, the person who laughs to the end is the proud of it, rest today, start tomorrow morning, assess the long and short weapon shooting, special vehicle driving and battlefield ambulance, and the confrontation of the imaginary enemy, these assessments are all passed, and it is the last competition that determines success or failure..."


Everyone shouted in unison, their eyes full of war.

When you come to participate in the National Special Forces Competition, everyone wants to be the most comprehensive and the best, and they all want to win the highest honor.

Whether it is Chen Jun or everyone else in the contestants, this is the idea.

Win, everybody wants to win.

Of course, to win, you must also rely on strength.

Suddenly, everyone began to hold their breath in their hearts and began to prepare for the challenges ahead.

In the next few days, the place of assessment was in the valley, as the black-faced god said, one assessment after another, and only one assessment per day.

However, the difference is that those projects are simple in the mouth of the black-faced god, but the assessment is very complicated and difficult, such as special driving, which requires special forces to drive vehicles, real practical operation, and it is also passed from very complex terrain, and even need to build bridges and pave roads by themselves on the way.

This is not only a simple driving test, but also a comprehensive test for the terrain and road conditions, which assesses everyone's ability to cope with and deal with problems.

And it is not only a comprehensive test in driving, but also a combination of the assessment of survival ability in the wild, and sometimes it is necessary to stop and sleep in the jungle to test everyone's jungle survival ability, as well as the ability to deal with the attack of fierce beasts in the jungle...

Each assessment is not relatively independent, anyway, the black-faced god has one goal, and he can think of how to increase the difficulty, as much as he can make it difficult.

For example, battlefield ambulance, you need to take the wounded through more than 40 kilometers of mountains and forests to swim in the armed river, and those wounded are also examiners, very uncooperative, and there will be some troubles in the process, such as they are free falling to the ground, falling into the water, and the wounded will be judged to be dead.

According to the words of the black-faced god, what they assess is indeed to select the most comprehensive special forces, which must be taken seriously, and they can come as difficult as possible.

To pass these tests, those people must be able to go to heaven and sea, and be omnipotent.

This is to select the most elite soldiers among the elite, and it must be difficult, and everyone can only accept these assessments.

No matter how difficult it is, everyone gritted their teeth and insisted, but there are so many contestants, everyone's abilities are different, and someone will always be eliminated.

All the progress was expected by everyone, but one thing that shocked everyone was that the hacker commando team led by Chen Jun was actually the first in the assessment every day.

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