Facing the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom who were coming over, Tapar, the general of the Tianzhu State troops who was in charge of greeting him, stabilized his mind.

He is much the same age as Gao Shiwei, and his military rank is the same, and he has a lot of experience, which is definitely not comparable to a hot-blooded man.

Of course, he had to admit that Gao Shiwei led these soldiers to be really strong, and the momentum he exuded was much stronger than the elites he brought.

I originally wanted to use the large number of people to overwhelm the other party in momentum, but I didn't want to be counterattacked by the other party.


Tapar shrugged, then walked towards Gao Shiwei.

Gao Shiwei has always been his old opponent, often wrestling his wrists, and the other party has won more, but this time is different.

This time it is on its own territory, using an ancient saying of Yanguo, the right time and place and people are on their own side, how can the other party win?

However, Tapar took a few steps, but did not see Gao Shiwei greet him, but turned around with Zhang Tao and led Chen Jun and the others in another direction.

This made Tapar momentarily stunned.

He was ready to say a lot to Gao Shiwei, and he had prepared several ways to suppress the other party and hit the other party's momentum in the first conversation.

But the other party turned around and left!

Tapar looks like this now, as if the anxious Gong Jian suddenly met Chen Shanming, but was completely confused by a husband.

What the hell... Hold it back!

When I patronized the nightclub, I took off my pants, but the other party said I wouldn't do it.

Who can stand this?

Gao Shiwei didn't pay attention to what Tapal thought, walked to the side with the team, faced the east, and suddenly shouted: "Comrades, eighty-seven kilometers away from here, there is a nameless small valley, where 2,679 martyrs who gave their lives for the motherland are buried. "

The International Military Games is one of the most sacred games for soldiers, under the attention of the martyrs, we must give full play to the spirit of soldiers who dare to fight and fight, fight to the end, only for the glory of soldiers, this is a war that cannot see the smoke of gunpowder!"

Suddenly, Chen Jun was stunned, and the next moment, he, like Chen Xiao, Shi Sen, Wang Tian, Lin Xiao and others, seemed to see the scene of the ancestors throwing their heads and spilling their blood in order to protect the mountains and rivers decades ago.

At that time, they were all young and in their prime, the only difference was that in the past, they went to the battlefield with millet and rifles, and they were not afraid of death when they fought with the enemy.

Now, Chen Jun and they have everything, and the only thing that remains unchanged is the glory of the soldiers, which has been passed down from generation to generation.

Until now, the military soul is engraved in the minds of every generation of soldiers!

Zhang Tao then roared loudly: "For you, I have only one request, do your best and fight to the death!"

"It doesn't matter if you win or lose, in terms of attitude, you can't lose, understand!"

Chen Jun and the others shouted in unison: "Do your best and fight to the death!" "

Do your best, fight to the death!"

In the chorus of shouts, Chen Jun thought that when the comrades-in-arms of the third class fought with the enemy to the end that day and defended with their own lives, didn't they also protect such honor and dignity?

Fight to the end, even if you drain the last drop of blood!

This is the military soul that has been passed down from generation to generation.

There is no smoke in this game, but it is more meaningful than a battle.

The martyrs are watching to see what kind of descendants this generation of soldiers will be.

When Chen Jun and the others shouted in unison, those soldiers of Tianzhu Kingdom were a little confused, and they couldn't understand what was going on, but they could clearly feel the stronger momentum emanating from the shouting.

One of the generals present said in a deep voice: "They seem to be fighting chicken blood... No, it's supposed to motivate the fighting spirit and look very spiritual, no, it's a dragon spirit.

Another colleague said: "Their momentum is already very strong, their fighting spirit is improving, it seems that they are bound to win this military games, and they want to achieve good results." "

The people of Yanguo have always been like this, they are afraid of being chased by us, so they are very strong in everything, but it is inevitable that they will be surpassed by us, and within ten years, we will definitely surpass them."

"This military games is just the beginning, they will definitely understand that we are no longer the Tianzhu country we used to be."

"Wait, they won't be arrogant for long, even if they give themselves chicken blood, it's useless, in the face of absolute strength, they will definitely lose badly!"

A determined look appeared on the faces of these Tianzhu generals again, as if Tianzhu had surpassed the Yan Country and become the boss of this region.

Soon, Gao Shiwei and Zhang Tao walked over with Chen Jun and the others, and Tapar calmed down and made sure that the other party was walking towards him, and then walked forward with a smile.

After the two sides saluted each other and shook hands, Tapar smiled and said, "Mr. Gao, look up for a long time, we have already arranged it, and we will send you over now."

Tapar behaved very politely, and personally led the team to send Gao Shiwei and others all the way to the designated hotel, and only left after the arrangements were made.

The hotel where Chen Jun and others stayed was guarded by soldiers, and it was strictly forbidden for people to enter and exit, to put it bluntly, Gao Shiwei and others were not allowed to go out.

Although the other party did not say it explicitly, Chen Jun could feel the malice of the other party, and it was obviously intentional.

However, this is not surprising, the white-eyed wolf of Tianzhu Kingdom is originally hostile to Yan Kingdom, and the imaginary enemy created out of nothing has always been the target that he wants to surpass.

They have always competed with Yanguo for the first place, for example, in terms of population, and in the military, they advertise themselves as the first, but their military industry almost relies on imports, and all kinds of equipment are purchased from countries around the world...

Some time ago, he also claimed that he was researching the continent guide... All countries in the world are afraid, because their shells can hit very far, but they can't control the landing point, and no one knows where they will end up after launching.

Tianzhu Kingdom is such a wonder.

Sure enough, in the evening, Gao Shiwei gathered everyone together and said with a serious face: "Everyone, those Tianzhu people are all dogs, they trapped us in the hotel and didn't allow us to go anywhere, the purpose was to make us unable to get familiar with the venue, so that we lost the game and made a fool of ourselves."

"But military combat can cope with changes in various environments, adapt to any combat environment, and survive, and the same is true for competitions."

"Are you afraid of the predicament that is coming?"

Chen Jun and the others roared: "Always be ready!"

Gao Shiwei nodded with satisfaction and said, "Very good, you can't go out, just practice in the hotel for two days, you should hurry up and adjust yourself, and be sure to maintain the best condition."

"In a word, we tigers are not afraid, are we still afraid of white-eyed wolves!"

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