Tan Xiaolin's small universe finally broke out, after being in the army for so long, it was the first time I had seen such a barbaric soldier

! "It's too presumptuous! What about the border guards, everyone is soldiers, and they should respect each other, why, you border guards are superior to others, look down on others, and be rude to your comrades-in-arms casually! You border guards have a problem with their thinking

! "Bang!


You Junda directly raised his left leg to the table, and said loudly: "Lao Tzu has carried out a total of 37 missions on the border and killed 13 enemies, and my leg has been rested, but how many enemies has Chen Jun killed? Staying in your file, it is just more than 20 people, but in fact, in a month, in order to avenge his comrades-in-arms, he frantically fought with the enemy in the gray area, and killed how many enemies? Have you calculated!"

There were more than 20 people in the last battle alone, and when no one saw the other battles

, you know?" "The Scorpions deployed an armed team of more than 100 people in the gray area, and according to the information I received, when they evacuated, they were less than half of the number, how many enemies do you say Chen Jun killed?"

"He is a man, not a god, how many wounds and how much blood did he shed in order to avenge his comrades? "

Come, judge Lao Tzu, come!" You

Junda yelled.

He turned his legs towards Tan Xiaolin and Tang Xinyi, and shouted: "Chen Jun used to be a frontier guard, he has been a frontier guard all his life, and he has been a frontier guard all his life, I will take care of his affairs, arrest me, confin, come on!"

You Junda was really angry.

This man, his legs have long been slightly crippled, but in order to maintain his military demeanor, every time he walks, he walks straight and his waist is straight.

This was not easy for him at all, but he had never turned once, because he was afraid of falling into the demeanor of a soldier.

But now for Chen Jun's sake, he doesn't care about anything, he just wants to mess up, he

wants to go crazy, and he wants to scold his mother! If he wants to judge Chen Jun, okay, first pass the level of Lao Tzu, it's a big deal to fight this military uniform, this soldier, Lao Tzu is not appropriate!

Tang Xinyi and Tan Xiaolin were so angry that their bodies trembled, and their teeth itched with hatred.

Where is this bastard a soldier, he is clearly a scoundrel and a hooligan!


Kang Tuan walked to You Junda's side, held his legs, and slowly put it down.

Then, there was a bang.

Kang Tuan smashed his own gun on the table.

"Come, continue the trial, either Lao Tzu shoots him, or Lao Tzu shoots him!" Kang Tuan said angrily, "Come on, hurt each other!"

You Junda reached out and held Kang Tuan's hand.

Both of them are veterans and leaders of the troops, and they usually pay attention to their demeanor, but when they can't help it, they are harder than anyone else!

The old black eyes lit up, Gong Jian's expression was stunned, and the other cadres of the Iron Fist Regiment were stunned


Among the regimental commanders

they knew, he was a very easy-going person, and he often loved to drink, and as soon as he drank, he would send his good soldiers out and give his own family wealth to others, as if he had never seen him refuse others, and he was a good man.

Gong Jian said in a low voice: "I'm obedient, this time I'm angry!"

Lao Hei said excitedly: "This is our Lao Kang, awesome! Who will dare to say that our Lao

Kang is a literary and artistic youth in the future?"

And those little comrades in the picket team who did not know much about the situation all had a little admiration in their eyes.

"It's really enough! Usually those people in the regular army are cowering when they see us, like Sun Tzu, today they finally see the real iron blood

!" "Dare to talk to our captain like this, it's really a cow, not for anything else, just for this affection, enough for the gentlemen!"

"By the way, did that Chen Jun really kill dozens of militants in order to avenge his comrades-in-arms?"

"I can't be wrong, I heard that during the military exercises that have just been suspended, Chen Jun encountered militants, fought with the other party, was seriously injured, and then fell into a coma, and I don't know the specific situation.

"He fights very well, but will there be a problem with his thinking? Otherwise, what will our captain do with him in the trial?" A

veteran member of the picket team who was a little older sneered: "No matter what Chen Jun has done, his comrades-in-arms who live and die together will not abandon him!"

Suddenly, there was a lot of whispering at the scene.

"Silence!" Fang Tangjing shouted with an ugly face.

He looked at Kang Tuan and You Junda, "You two are deliberately looking for guilt, aren't you?" I know that Chen Jun is avenging his comrades-in-arms, aside from this fact, he has also violated discipline, and Chen Jun will not really be confined, so he will become an ordinary person at most."

"An impulsive person like him is not suitable to stay in the army, and if you protect him like this, you will harm him, haven't you thought that he will commit more serious consequences in the future? You are all veterans, will you not understand this truth?"

Kang Tuan snorted coldly, stared at Fang Tangjing and said: "Director Fang, have you finished writing your 200,000-word thought report?" I can call Director Wang to add some words to you and ask you to write together.

Fang Tangjing's face turned pale suddenly, and he said with a cold face: "Why are you mentioning this? Everything is the same thing, Chen Jun's problem is more serious, there must be a result today!" Kang

Tuan said angrily: "Fart! and violate discipline, have you been to Area 1, do you know what the

gray area is?" Fang Tangjing shook his head and said, "What is the gray area?"

Kang Tuan sneered: "Chen Jun's father is the richest man in Donghai City, Chen Jun is a super rich second generation, he enlisted in the army, or went to the worst place in the No. 1 area to garrison, what kind of ideological consciousness is this? In order to avenge his comrades-in-arms, he went deep into the gray area where there are no people, what is that? That is the place where criminal activities are most rampant, gathering all kinds of armed elements from all over the world, he stays in it for a month, he is just fighting alone, there is no support, no supplies, nothing, and his life may be in danger at any time. "

You say he has a problem with his thinking? You fuck, you don't know about the gray area, and you still have the right to judge!" As

he spoke, he looked at Tang Xinyi and Tan Xiaolin, "And then you two female comrades, you should have been beaten a long time ago, and you should have been beaten, and if you didn't beat you, you would be sad, because if you fall into the hands of the enemy, it will be real sorrow."

Kang Tuan

raised his right hand, pointed at the noses of Fang Tangjing and the others, and scolded: "Lao Tzu's soldier is uncertain about his life and death, he has the greatest ideological consciousness of this era, what is he fighting desperately with the enemy for?

Lao Tzu will kill you, and then turn yourself in!"

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