Lao Gao took a deep breath, knocked on the door, and then shouted: "Report

!" "Come in!"

Lao Gao pushed the door in, and immediately saluted Gao Shiwei and Deputy Tan on the stage.

Gao Shiwei asked directly: "How is Chen Jun's situation?" Lao

Gao replied loudly: "Report chief, Director Mu said that Chen Jun withstood the invasion of brain nerves by drugs for three days and three nights with his strong willpower, and just woke up, and after a series of examinations, it was determined that there were no sequelae, and now the next step of rehabilitation treatment is underway."

When Gao Shiwei and Deputy Tan heard this, their faces suddenly showed joy.

They had been paying close attention to Chen Jun's situation before, knowing that the chances of Chen Jun coming to his senses were almost equal to zero, and he would become a vegetative state forever.

After all, it is a drug that damages nerves, and it is more than three times the range that ordinary people can bear, and no one in the world has heard of being able to withstand it.

It is also because of this reason that Chen Jun won the first-class meritorious service, and if it was not so serious, it would be almost the same as the second-class meritorious service.

It is indeed a miracle that the soldiers have now been able to come to their senses with their own willpower!

This is also a great joy for the troops.

Gao Shiwei looked at Deputy Tan and said, "Let's go see him, look at our hero."

"It's time to check it out. Deputy Tan immediately stood up.

At this time, Lao Gao hurriedly said: "Report to the chief, there is another very tricky matter, that... Comrade Chen Jun beat Director Tang Xinyi again, so Captain Tan Xiaolin and Director Tang went to Captain Fang Tangjing of the picket team together, and it is said that Captain Fang knew that Chen Jun could not wake up, so he went to find Chen Jun, the representative of the Kang Tuan of the Iron Fist Regiment, who was interrogating him and planned to try it together. "

No one will judge the conference, against Chen Jun?" Gao Shiwei's face was angry, as if a lava had exploded.

They were still discussing just now that Chen Jun had inherited the tradition of the older generation of soldiers and given him first-class merits, while on the other side, the pickets were interrogating this combat hero and first-class merit winner and preparing for trial

! What does this mean? This is a slap in the face

! It has hit him directly in the throat!

"Damn!" Gao Shiwei directly burst into foul language, turned his head to Deputy Tan, and said, " Let's go, let's take a look, I want to see how those cows, ghosts, snakes, and gods are making waves!"

The corners of Tan's mouth twitched, and his face was furious.

Tan Xiaolin, Tan Xiaolin, you Lao Tzu has warned you, don't be caught up in personal feelings, you have to distinguish between public and private, what else is there to make trouble?

You want to go abroad to study, Lao Tzu promised you, you want to divorce, Lao Tzu will not interfere, you want to enter the fire phoenix, Lao Tzu also promised you.

Now that you have to deal with the battle heroes, and there is no one to sit at the table, what are you going to do?

At this moment, Deputy Tan hates that iron is not steel, and he really wants to slap his wayward daughter to death.

It's because I, who is Lao Tzu, is too arrogant to my daughter that will make her become such a character.

Gao Shiwei and Deputy Tan left the conference room quickly, and as soon as they walked out, Lao Gao looked at Lei Zhan and Fan Tianlei with a black face, snorted coldly, and said: "Lao Tzu is sitting at home, the black pot has smashed his face, and he has long reminded you not to pretend to be forced, don't be careless, what is the result?

"It's been a long time, and you're paralyzed, right? Be a low-key person, do things in a high-profile way, they're all a lot of old people, why can't you even see through this truth, let's go, let's discuss, how to raise pigs, pig teammates.

Fan Tianlei and Lei Zhan's faces were white and red, and they could only hold back and let Lao Gao scold.

What can be done? This time it's really embarrassing!

Fan Tianlei was the most cheeky and said: "Boss Gao, don't say it, this time I owe you once, okay."

Lao Gao shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I owe a lot, Lao Tzu is a good squadron leader, now I have to raise pigs, and I have a lot of bad luck in my life." "


On the other side, the conference room of the Iron Fist Regiment has been converted into a temporary trial court, and all the people present are cadres of the Iron Fist Regiment, except for the comrades of the pickets.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely depressing!

Unlike the indifference and coldness of those in the pickets, Kang Tuan, Gong Jian, Lao Hei and the others all had serious expressions and a chill on their faces.

Because of this meeting, it was not like they were here to participate, but more like they were here to be judged, and to be judged on behalf of Chen Jun!

The Chen army, who destroyed Lei Keming and rushed to the battlefield single-handedly, blew up the wolf's tooth logistics arsenal, and covered the fourth company of sharpshooters.

He was a hero of the Fourth Company of Sharpshooters, but now he is coming to try him, and who of the Iron Fist Regiment does not hold back a fire in their hearts?

If they suppress the anger, they will want to rush up and beat people!

Because of Chen Jun's outstanding performance and the sudden termination of the exercise, there was no victory or loss in this exercise, but because the Iron Fist Regiment was not completely annihilated,

Chen Jun was the first to take the credit.


most crucial point is that Kang Tuan and the others did not know what happened next, so they heard that Chen Jun was seriously injured, did not know whether he was alive or dead, and was very likely to become a vegetative person.

Kang Tuan didn't know what was going on, so he was invited back by the pickets and asked him to represent Chen Jun at the trial meeting.

Kang Tuan exploded on the spot!

Chen Jun is about to turn into a vegetative person, and you still have to judge him, is this a human thing?

Last time, when Chen Jun blocked the knife for Shi Guo, when he was rescuing Shi Guo and almost died, these people also dragged Kang Tuan for interrogation.

As the former leader of Chen Jun, You Junda of the Frontier Defense Regiment was invited over and questioned together.

You Junda is on fire, when he saw Kang Tuan, he almost pointed his nose and scolded: "Lao Tzu's soldiers are all for you, Chen Jun is a hero who has maintained the dignity of our border defense regiment, why should you be judged when you come to

the Iron Fist Regiment!"

"What is the reason for this? If your Iron Fist Regiment can't bear it, tell Lao Tzu, our Border Guard Regiment will carry it!"

"Also, Chen Jun doesn't know whether he is alive or dead now, and he is going to become a vegetative person, what did you Iron Fist Regiment? Lao Tzu's soldiers have been working with the enemy in the gray area for a month, how did they get to you, why are they either seriously injured or vegetative. "

Paralyzed, you can't protect Chen Jun, let us come to the border defense group, Lao Tzu regrets it very much now, how can you promise to let Chen Jun go back to your Iron Fist Regiment!" "

Kang Tuan, you give Lao Tzu a happy word, Chen Jun, can you protect it? No, immediately transfer to our border defense!" You

Junda roared, scolding Kang Tuan's face was blue and purple for a while.

What the other party said was not wrong, no matter what he said, he couldn't say it, it was his fault that he sent Chen Jun to the Iron Fist Regiment, and he didn't protect the other party.

But Kang Tuan was also aggrieved in his heart, he was too difficult!

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