Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 206: Surprised! Jiancheng Token! (under)

The destruction of the tuna was very clever enough to give up the water arrow attack, and the appointment of a golden gun smashed, desperately capturing the figure that swayed back and forth around him.

Long Yanyi greeted again and again, destroying the tuna and losing its strong resilience, and the brushing of life fell.


Even in the face of a gold boss that is much higher than his level, Xuanyuanjian still touched the break effect under many attacks, cutting off the spikes that destroyed the top of the tuna!

In the gaze of the 10,000 people, Shura began to smash the tuna that almost became a waste wood, and it was very arrogant!

At the same time, the crowd began to re-invigorate.

"Notify them of my purpose, let them quickly break away from the 100-meter range, and now can't complain with these gangs!" Tianzhu Fengyun said faintly.

Scorpio Shadow Commanded, and quickly passed the plan to the major gangs in the name of the Scorpio, if they did not want to participate in the siege, immediately evacuated to 1oo meters.

At this time, the Scorpio Fengyun is a 4o-level gold boss, a violent piranha. And what he chose was singled out.

The body turns into a ghostly shadow, and the life of the raging cannibal flower is wiped back and forth in an incredible degree. The last blow, he even jumped to an amazing height.

Ten meters!

Looking at the ground equipment that the violent piranha bursts out, the sullen smile in the eyes of the sky. When it comes to hiding strength, he does more than anyone else.

The only one who chooses to shoot at the deadliest moment is the most terrible enemy.

The situation is quietly changing, the wind is so strange, the crowds are not rushing up, but most of them are back!

"Chongyun Big Brother, why should we stay away from here?" asked Nangong Xiangxue.

"Because it will be dangerous here."

"Really? Then we... then we are going to Shura. It’s good, he can protect us." When it comes to danger, the three sisters immediately thought of Shura.

"Okay, it's ok." Xiaoyue didn't explain anything like his three sisters. He wanted to see how Shura, who defeated him, could cope with the next battle.

Xiao Tian and Chen Bing face each other. They were originally behind the crowd. At this time, many gangs began to retreat, and their faces showed an incomprehensible expression.

Although the situation was somewhat different from what he was thinking, he did not hesitate to start his own plan.

An important factor in the success of this plan was the destruction of tuna without the use of blue water.

"The soul is broken, the thorns are repaired, and the dragon is smashed!"

Sixteen times the Wraith attack, seven times the Shurao attack, three times the dragon Yan...

Eighteen red and yellow numbers were added to the head of the tuna, which was reduced by nearly half of life. The life was quickly cleared and fell to the ground in a sorrowful mourning. To the death, its shadow is still firmly fixed on the ground.

Gorgeous big explosion!

More than one hundred gold coins, a few pieces of silver equipment, three pieces of golden light, a white light, a skill scroll, a golden sign. In the eyes of everyone who was surprised and embarrassed, the wind quickly picked up the items on the ground. Just at the moment when the golden sign was picked up by him, there was a system sound that made him horrified.

“Hey, you got the first ‘Building City Token’ in Huaxia District, the reputation is +5oo, the city pool system starts, the system will announce the whole district, is the name revealed?”

"Not revealed!"

The wind looks at the golden sign on the hand... It is actually the legendary city building token!

“Hey, Huaxia District Announcement! Players in Huaxia District should pay attention: Player **** gets the first building token in Huaxia District, and the city pool system is open.”

“Hey, China’s announcement...”

“Hey, China’s announcement...”

This time, the system was repeated five times!

The noisy crowd almost became completely still, and the huge Tianshui Lake became easy to hear. The only thing that could be heard was the breeze and the bubbling sound of the fish.

After the silence, it is crazy explosion...

"Help... help the Lord, Shura got the Jiancheng token!!"

"Less master, build city token! He got the city token!"


What does the Jiancheng token stand for?

Almost everyone knows that in the face of building a city token, building a token is not even a fart! Having your own gang and owning your own city is a completely different concept!

The gang of the 牛牛13 can only be retracted to the gang station granted by the Tianlong Imperial City forever, obeying various bans. With your own city, you are the master of the city. All the rules and regulations are determined by yourself. People who live in the city, whether they are npc or players, must follow their own rules, otherwise they will be punished by the system. At the same time, having its own city pool means having unlimited wealth. In addition to the tax paid by all residents on time, they can rent land easily, display various agriculture, industry and tourism, and they can also have their own army.

This is exactly the same as building a country, and the owner of the city is a veritable emperor!

The status and glory of this emperor is the dream and ultimate pursuit of all men!

But to build a city token, there are only three pieces in each theater in the world, and one piece per piece. Moreover, obtaining a city-building token does not mean that the city can be built. It also requires the permission of the Tianlong Imperial City, and it takes a very large amount of gold coins and pays a great price to obtain the territory.

But for the cattle with strong economic strength, the latter is completely out of their consideration. The first thing they want to get is the city building token. It is thousands of times more tempting than building a token to them, and it must be tens of thousands of times. Similarly, its burst rate is extremely small, small enough to be negligible, and will only burst out on strong oss above 5o.

Everyone’s eyes turned to Shura. The leaders of the big gangs finally couldn’t sit still, and they came here with the fastest speed.

What is the first level? What is the gang first? What is the artifact? Compared with the status and glory of the emperor, nothing is counted!

"Oh, it has become the target of the public." The wind shook his head helplessly.

"Boss, the situation seems to be a bit wrong..." The voice of Xiao Tian came from the ear.

"Well, I noticed it, I really want to see what they are doing." The wind licked his mouth and looked disdainful. These players haven’t been crazy before, and now they’re still out of control after playing the city’s token, as if they are waiting for something.

"Well... wind brother, they want to trap you here, run away!"

"What? Stuck me? How sleepy?"

Infinite space doors, shadows, and the use of one will have no way.

The voice just fell, the sky suddenly inexplicably darkened...

"Less master, Feng Yue enchantment has been completed, within ten minutes, as long as the brothers inside the Gang did not die. Shura is absolutely impossible to escape!"

"Ten minutes... enough. Immediately attack, this time not only to repair Shura, I want his building token!" The sound of the sky is much more gloomy than before.

"Old... boss, I have heard, Scorpio has placed a thing called 'Feng Yue Jiejie' within 100 meters of the shore. This enchantment is only allowed to enter, no boss... you can try Try to see if you can escape!"

The wind brows wrinkled.

"Little white, go!"


The little white rising body slammed into an invisible barrier, and the yellow light flashed slightly at the touch.


"Wind brother, in this enchantment, you can't rush outside, and you can only fly to 1o meters high. Wind brother, try your space door!" Xuanyuan's voice is full of anxiety.

Looking at the crowd who started to rush here, the brows of the wind frowned.

"Infinite space door!"

"Hey, you are in a strong seal enchantment and you can't use the skill 'infinite space door'."


Slightly surprised, the wind gave up the idea of ​​walking away, and turned his face indifferently, his eyes became sharp.


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