Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 204: Destroy tuna

Ten minutes later, I finally got to the famous Tianshui Lake. Tianshui Lake is small in size, and there are only less than one kilometer between the north and south coasts, but the lake is so clear that there are all kinds of fish. The air on the shore is fresh, the green is solitary, the elegant green is full of vitality, and the nearby are all weak monsters that will not actively attack. There is no doubt that this is a truly pure natural area and the best environment for people to relax.

But at this time, the Tianshui Lake was full of dense crowds, and the number of the eyebrows was tightly screwed together.

Add up, there is no one thousand and eight thousand... just to fight for a golden boss.

"No shadow!"

The wind and white figure slowly turned into nothingness and continued to rush toward the target.

The big gangs are facing each other, and no one is willing to take the lead. Some lone players are eager to try, but with the foresight of those who are in front of them, none of them dare to really rush.

Floating in the sky above these people, the wind is so different that these people are more than 30 meters away from the shore, and no one dares to approach.

On the shore of Tianshui Lake, a water-blue spike was exposed from the water, and the sharp sharp thorns were scattered with the cold light of the water.

The wind rushed into it within ten meters, and the sky was opened.

Destroy the tuna: 52-level gold boss, life 15oooo, the guardian of the emperor fairy beast Tianshui Yuhuang at the bottom of Tianshui Lake, has been crouching at the bottom of the lake. As the fish at the bottom of the lake continued to decrease, causing the anger of Tianshui Yuhuang, he sent his guard to the shore of Tianshui.

Talent: Born in the water: It can quickly restore life and magic in the water, resisting 6o% of water damage.

Weakness: Attack and magic attack dropped by 3o% on 6 grounds, fearing soil attribute attacks.

Skills: Blue Wave Water Pattern: Increases defense by 15% after the cast, and deals 1% of the damage of the enemy.

Water blue lasing: Shooting an urgent water arrow through all the enemies on the same line within 3o meters, with a 5o% flying effect. In the water, it is instantaneous, and it takes o.9 seconds to sing on the ground.

Golden gun spurs: With his sharp thorns, the three thorns pierce the enemy's body, tearing the wound with a 1% probability.

The water blue three bursts: At the same time, three water arrows are shot to attack the enemy unit, and the skill cools down for 5 seconds.

The trick: the destruction of water blue: shooting countless water arrows through all the enemies within 3o meters around them, skill cooling time 2o seconds.


This is called the golden boss. The knife that I encountered before is a shame of the golden boss!

Xuanyuan sword in hand, the wind is a good distance, a "cloud wing sprint" dive down.

"Long Yan!"


The wind is full of horror, it is worthy of the golden boss above 5o level, the ordinary attack in the "cloud wing sprint" 5o% damage bonus, only hit the damage of 27oo or so.

In other words, the normal attack is only about 18oo, and its defense can actually offset more than 2,500 damage!

"It’s strange that the animals didn’t rush up. They didn’t break their defenses.”

It’s impossible to break the defense, and these gangs have not been able to get close to it.

Inexplicably attacked, destroying the tuna suddenly angered, looking around for the enemy's position, while life recovered with a very fast degree. The wind flew back into the air, ready to sprint again.

However, he was surprised that the life of this blue fish turned out to be full...

It restores 5ooo life per second in the water!

Far from the distance, the players who watched the gaze did not notice the damage that was smashed on the head of the tuna, but it suddenly became violent but everyone saw it. A few lone players who saw the gold boss for the first time thought it was going to run away, and suddenly they got anxious. Suddenly, a dozen people rushed together.

The leaders or the heads of the major gangs did not block or shoot, but instead looked at them with the eyes of an idiot.

Hey... Hey... Hey... Hey... Hey!

Five seconds... Destroy the tuna from the water five times, five blue arrows are whizzing as they step into the 3o range... without exception, these people are all spiked! The huge damage brought up is shocking.

Originally, if these gangs approached 10,000 people, it would not be a problem to get close to it. The question is, after approaching? The win that can be played is still second, and the important thing is that it can dive to the bottom.

Swimming and diving are life skills that all players can learn. Level 1 can no longer lose life in the water, but the full attribute will drop, and the deeper the dive, the more.

However, the cultivation and upgrading of life skills requires a lot of time. How can these mad madmen be willing to spend the time of leveling on the life skills that seem to be of little use.

So once the tuna is destroyed, but they sneak into the bottom of the water, they only have big eyes and small eyes.

What's more, it's hard to meet a golden boss. Everyone wants to eat a single food. If they really unite, they will have a big dispute on the distribution of spoils, so they all choose their own battles. Who has strength and luck? who.

The second "cloud wing sprint" has been moved, and the white body is extremely shocked. Long Yanyi once again took away more than 10,000 lives. At the same time, the white body was close to the water. Draw a beautiful arc and spread it into the air. At the same time, it and the popular figure also appeared.

Destroyed the tuna finally found the reason for his own anger, suddenly a screaming scream, the body jumped out of the water, flashing the cold spike pointed to the direction of the wind, a blue water spurt through the air screaming out.

The degree of the water arrow is far and wide, and it is expected that by adding such a close distance, his extremely high reaction ability has not yet returned to the gods.


It’s so popular that it’s been hurt by its own water system and it’s more than three thousand damages.

Monsters are different from humans. Humans use magic to communicate with elements, while monsters use their own source of power. So even if the water element is extremely inactive, the monster's water attack is still unaffected.

The sudden appearance of Shura caused riots, and the crowd that had been glaring at the beginning began to violently stir up. The leaders of the gangs began to report to the helpers.

But... still no one rushed up, obviously, they didn't think he could win -- even if he was Shura!

It is the greed of everyone's instinct to take advantage of the benefits of the fishermen.

Destroy the tuna and see that his attack did not kill the other side. After a moment of smashing, he became even more angry and jumped again. The water blue and three bursts of three blue arcs and flew in the same degree.

-3o99, -3o54, -3o66.

The same unprepared, quickly ate the white potion and a healing herb, and then detached from its attack range before it attacked again.

If he had only come to look for the suffocation of the **** reincarnation, then his interest has now shifted slightly. Glanced at the loss of two-thirds of his life, he looked at the destruction of tuna seems to be watching a dead fish.

You are dead!

"I rely on, metamorphosis, and I haven't died yet..."

"If you are strong, you can only escape. This boss is more abnormal!"

"This boss is at least 5o level, it is not what we can deal with..."

Looking at the four huge injuries on the head of Shura, people are not afraid to act rashly while sighing at the strength of Shura. Because Shura seems to have only escaped in front of it.

"Boss doesn't matter, I want Shura's life! Don't forget what we learned about that gang skill!" A cold, resentful voice rang from the talker.

"I understand the Lord!" The shadow of the sky wiped the cold sweat on his head, and looked at Shura’s eyes full of pity...

For each level of gang level, you can take more advanced gang tasks and learn more advanced gang skills. But one gang per level can only learn one gang skill. Today, the level is close to the third-level Scorpio, only one gang skill.

Scorpio Fengyun did not learn the powerful gang martial arts skills, did not learn to increase the gang's auxiliary skills or guardian skills, but in the eyes of all the gangsters crazy choice of the most garbage-hard gang skills.

Feng Yuejiejie!

It sounds very powerful. In fact, there is only one effect that is almost useless: block a certain amount of space within a certain period of time, and you can't get out! Including yourself. 1oo people can move, the more people move, the larger the seal, the longer the duration.

The only purpose of Scorpio's choice of this skill is to block the Shura that he can't wait for death! As long as he can't escape, he can use his tactics!

With the gesture of the shadow of the sky, Scorpio helped the public to start running.

With the death command of the lord, the golden boss in front of us is no longer important.

And the same action, is the demon wolf gang that gradually grows in the dark - blood domain help!

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