Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 180: Surprise! Reborn eve

When the wind was just off the assembly line, I heard a random knock on the door.

"Boss boss, Xi Ruo, I need all the things I have come up with, I can spend a lot of time." Xiao Tian made a big bag to open the door.

Ginseng, antler, cockroach, ganoderma lucidum... Looking at a lot of things that Xiao Tian poured out, the wind is completely speechless.

"Small day, you want to die if you are."

Xiao Tian touched his head and his face was puzzled.

He looked at him with a sigh of relief: "I haven't heard of the virtual is not to be filled! If the physique is too weak, the qi and blood are weak and can't afford these big supplements. If you eat it, you can't stand it, not only can't make up the body, Instead, the liver hurts the spleen and hurts the stomach."

"Is that the case? What should I do?" Xiao Tian is still confused. His body is much better than the average person. He has never had any serious illness since he was a child. It is not a good idea to know such things.

"You must first use Chinese herbal medicine to adjust it, to make up for the deficiency of deficiency, to promote blood and blood... Hey, Xiaotian, what happened to you?" Seeing the expression of Xiao Tian suddenly dementia, the face of a strange face shook in front of him. .

Xiao Tian didn't seem to hear what the wind was saying. His eyes were still looking straight behind the wind, and the big bag in his hand fell to the ground.

The wind slammed back, and the soft eyes suddenly made his breath stagnate.

"If...you..." The wind couldn't believe his eyes. These days, Yang Xiruo gave him a lot of surprises and shocks.

"Big brother... I don't know. When I woke up, I felt that my legs were so strong, and then... I really stood up... I am not dreaming." Yang Xiruo smiled and wept, the original The hopeless legs restored their ability to move, and no one could understand her mood at the moment.

"No! You are not dreaming, it is true, if I can really stand up." The wind ran forward as fast as possible, holding her some unstable body, "if it is, whether it is the eyes Or your legs are completely good, if Aotian knows, you will be happy to die."

Xiao Tian’s tears, this weak and poor girl, finally moved her heaven with her kindness and retrieved the light and happiness that belonged to her.

"Really... isn't it a dream?" Yang Xiruo whispered in his arms. If it is not a dream, then how happy it is, she can be with him without any pressure, can do a lot of things for him, no longer need to be a girl who can only drag him down.

"Of course not a dream!" Xiao Tian Saizi ran over: "Look, I am not the best evidence? If it is a dream, you must have only the boss in your dreams. I can’t possibly show it anymore... If the younger sister, hurry back to the bed and let the boss give you a good check and check, the boss is not cured, and the condition will still be a little bit."

The wind smashed the two words behind him and took Yang Xiruo to the bed. What is the cure? When you were almost killed by a few bullets, it was not my rescue.

The windy hands slowly stroked on Yang Xiruo's legs, and the information discovered by Chaos Force surprised him with surprise.

The completely broken muscles are actually...all good.

How is this possible... what is going on.

"If you have really recovered your legs, as long as your physical strength recovers and then get used to walking again, you can be exactly the same as ordinary people."

"tes!" Xiao Tian jumped up happily. "I am going to tell the ice cube about the news. Although the kid can't see anything on the surface, he is also very concerned about Xi's sister... cough, your young couple are coming slowly. I am going to prepare some things that the boss said to be qi and nourishing."

Xiao Tian ran out of the smoke, and he knew that he was definitely a one-kilowatt headlight running here.

"Big brother, wait for me to be all right, I will be a woman who belongs to you completely." Xi Ruoxi's face was shy, and after saying this, she was even more shy and closed her eyes.

The wind smirked and hugged her: "You have already belonged to me completely. In this world, there is no power to take you away from me."

"Big Brother..." Yang Xiruo’s happy tears came out uncontrollably. At this moment, she feels that she already has the whole world. Even if her eyes are blind again, her legs are disabled again, and her vitality is exhausted again. She will also have the happiest smile.

This kind-hearted girl who is willing to give up his life for him has any reason not to care for and cherish it. Although she is destined to not give her all the love, but only if she is alive, she will only make her happy with her best efforts.


“Hey, Maple Leaf has set up a ‘Maple Leaf Gang’, ranking sixth in the Huaxia District Gang.”

“There are four positions in the gang leaderboard.” The wind slammed and opened the talker.

"Maniac, start building auctions and equipment tomorrow, as for how to shoot I believe you are more professional than me."

"I know!"

“Hey, Tianlong Church Announcement: The player’s ‘Scorpio Fengyun’ is in harmony with the player’s ‘Ao Yue Yi Ren’, and will hold a grand wedding at the Tianlong No. 1 Church at 9 am today. Welcome friends to come and bless.”

Tianlong Square suddenly mourned.

"God, the goddess in my dream is going to marry..."

"The fairy is the first to marry, why the object is not me! Let me die."

"Rely! Laozi wants to fight with the duel of the sky!"

"...wake up, the other person is the helper of Scorpio, and you don't even have to give shoes to others."

The wind licks the mouth and reveals a sinister smile.

"Today, it is destined to be a lively day."

"Hey, your friend ‘The Universe is invincible, baby’ is on the line!”

The wind shook a little, and the "infinite space door" appeared in the place where the baby arrived yesterday, habitually clinging to the soft body.

According to the information from the eyes of the soul, a further distance is the death volcano. The area separated by the death volcano cannot be transmitted by using the wrinkles of the city. This is also the reason for the difficulty in going to the capital of Vulcan.

The wind is like holding a baby, holding the baby on white, and gently said in her ear: "Baby, do you want to go to the big city to play?"

The baby's eyes lit up and hesitated quickly: "I really want to go. But my mother said that there are many bad guys in the big city. If you want to go, you must first talk to your mother."

"I protect you, what bad guys don't dare to bully you." Feng Yan asked her girl's body fragrance, and gradually became intoxicated.

The hesitant color of the baby suddenly swept away and replaced the excitement: "Oh, the most powerful Shura brother protects me, what bad guys are not afraid. Shura brother, we will go now, I heard that The city is so fun, I really want to go."

There is a thirst in the innocent, such eyes appear on the baby can make everyone can not bear to refuse.

"Okay, let's go out, pay attention, we have to teleport."

"Yeah!" The baby was tightly in his arms, his white little hand clutching his arm, and the excited little blush fluttered.

The wind has been pleasantly surprised not long ago. When using the "infinite space door", the baby riding with him on the white body can also teleport together.

"Infinite space door!"

The baby's closed big eyes slowly opened. She saw the green grass, the clear hot springs, and many beautiful flowers, and two beautiful big sisters who were curiously watching her.

"Shu Luo brother, here..."

"This is my home, do you like it?"

"It's so beautiful, it's more beautiful than my home." The baby leaped from Xiaobai, and the white cute princess dress raised an elegant dance.

"It's so cute..." The soft, soft face looked at the little angel, so I wanted to hold her tightly in my arms.

"Big sister, you are beautiful... just as beautiful as your mother." The baby looked up at Yang Xiruo and said with a childish voice.

"Baby, you are so beautiful, I will grow up a lot more beautiful than my sister in the future." Xi Ruo smiled and looked at her. Although the baby's face is covered by a small butterfly, the delicate lips like the snow skin and the surname are all obvious. This is an exquisite little girl.

"Are you a baby? Can I hold you?" It’s so soft that I really want to hug her. She loves all kinds of cute dolls since she was a child. The little baby in front of me is even more cute than a doll. .

"But Mom said, can't hold it to others," the baby's face suddenly became red: "Except Shura brother."

Yang Xiruo almost laughed. The soft face of the water showed an unyielding expression, and some of them picked up their young master. Happily laughed, came over and took the baby's small, we went to the hall, let the baby taste the little soft and make-up cakes, if the baby is happy, it will make you hug. ”

"Ah, I am going to prepare immediately." When it comes to pastries, it is soft and obviously excited. She has been practicing recently, and with the guidance of senior master Liu Qinger, her skills have been quite good.

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